DISCLAIMER: This text is not a verbatim transcript. Communication Access Real Time Translation (CART) is provided in order to facilitate communication credibility and may not be a totally verbatim record of the proceedings. >> Shane: Hello! And welcome to the online worship services of the First Colony Church of Christ. We are SO glad you're worshiping with us today as Richard and the team start us off in a song, even at home, let's stand up and sing out together as we praise the Lord! ("Every Giant Will Fall" playing) >> Richard: Let's sing! >> Richard: We believe that this morning nothing is impossible with our God. In the Psalm 72 it says that our God only does wonderous things. Our God does great things! We're expecting great things from our God in these days, amen? ("Great Things" playing) >> Corey: Whoo that's good singing. Thank you, Richard and team. I'm Corey Waters, campus minister and have the privilege to go here. A couple week ago, my family and I went on vacation and I was literally sitting by the dock of the bay and, yes, I was watching the tide rolling away. A fellow came up with a fishing rod and really cast it out into the bay and he stood there and waited. He was waits, anticipating his catch. He was waiting. He cast his line, expecting to get something back. And it reminded me of what we're going through in our world today. School is about to start. Is it in school? Virtual? The frustration. There's anxiety. There's cares we didn't think we would ever care about. But this is what got tell us in 1 Peter. "Cast your cares upon the Lord because He cares for you. " It would have been enough to say "Cast your cares upon the Lord." The reason is because He cares of us. The God of the universe, the God that parted, Red Sea and spoke the world into sis tens, cares for me and cares for you. That's our God. My prayer for you is as you are casting your cares that you will reel in hope; that as you cast your anxiety that you will reel in peace. As you cast in your frustration to God, you will reel in joy because He is the only One that can equip and empower us to get over the things around us. We shall overcome. Greater is He many me than he in this world and His love is much greater. God bless you. >> Shane: Well, as we prepare to take communion now at home, gather your communion elements and get ready as we take communion together, remembering what Jesus has done for us. Tommy and Brice Waldron will lead us. Guys? >> Brice: Good morning. My name is Brice Waldron and this is my husband Tommy. We're grateful to lead you in the Lord's Supper. Please pray with me over the bread that represents Christ's body and the cup that represents His blood he shed in forgiveness of our sins. Dear God, we come before You in a awe of how mighty and wonderful You Are. We thank You for the opportunity to gather in homes with our families to praise and worship You and reflect on all that You have done for us. Thank You for loving us beyond comprehension and giving up Your One and Only Son so we can have forgiveness of our sin and hope for eternal life with You. As we fake the bread, help us to remember Jesus' broken body on the cross and as we take the cup, may we remember the blood that was poured out for us. Father, we have so thankful for how much You love us and for Your endlesses grace that has made us complete through the death of Your Son. We love You so much and in His Name we pray, amen. >> Tommy: This morning's Scripture reading comes from 1 Thessalonians, chapter 4, verses 9 through 12 from the New International Version. You can follow on the screen with me. let's partake together. ("Jesus Messiah" playing) >> Shane: Amen! Thank you, Richard and team. What a wonderful song to celebrate that Jesus is our Savior and Messiah. Before we pray over our offering today, and before Ronnie's message in just a minute I want to remind you our message is from 1 Thessalonians chapter 4 and parents, this is a mature PG-13 message coming up so just a little reminder there. I also want to extend an invitation to connect with our Celebrate Recovery ministry. We have all experienced life's struggles. We all have our own brokenness that we have to deal with in life. Perhaps you have a hurt or a habit or a hang-up -- something that is holding you back, something that is keeping you from experiencing the true, good, and full life that Jesus wants you to have. You know, it could be many things but whatever it is, I want you to know our Celebrate Recovery ministry has groups meeting online now and folks that can pray with you. We have resources so my e-mail will be put up in the chat right now. You can e-mail me if you'd like to find out more or connect with someone or get a resource; or just to pray with someone. But if you want to get to one of our Celebrate Recovery groups, go to our website as well, the page on the First Colony website, and find different CR leaders to connect with. Whatever is, we want you to know we're here for you and love to help. Now, let's pray together for our offering. God, thank You so much that we have the blessing and the privilege of partnering with You many ministry and whether it be the Celebrate Recovery ministry or one of the many ministries we're doing at First Colony Church, God if I pray You would use these offerings to work and do your ministry, to serve people, and to help us draw closer to Christ, God. We ask Your blessing over this offering in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen. Let's continue to worship together now. >> Richard: We want good a new song this morning called "Jailbreak." We're a bunch of folks that have escaped something we shouldn't have been able to escape because the Judge set us free; amen? ("Jailbreak" playing) >> Richard: Thank you for your worship today! ? >> Ronnie: Hello, again, everyone, and welcome from the First Colony Church of Christ to you. My name is Ronnie, and we're delighted to have our church family with us, our churchville from wherever you may be. Welcome. Fill out our Connection Card you will find on your app or on your screen, and we would love to hear from you and we would consider it a joy to pray for you this week. So just communicate with us and let us know. We are in a message series from the New Testament book of 1 Thessalonians, the theme being "Steady and Sure." And today's message is called "We live to please God." As Shane said a moment ago, it's rated PG-13 so again, a heads up there. We sort of shift in the book of 1 Thessalonians, this wonderful letter written to the church in Thessalonica, still the second-largest city in Greece. The first three chapters were more narrative but now in chapter 4 and chapter 5, 35 pieces of instruction. So today we're in chapter 4, verses 1 through 8. But let me start with an image. A baseball, baseball glove there on the foul line. Every athlete knows that, you know, in basketball, football, base Al -- name the sport. You have boundaries. Certain things are foul and certain things are fair. It's important that you play within the boundaries, and that's the message today. It's a very pointed message from chapter 4, verses 1 through 8. Let's get started. (reading) that's the title -- we live to please God. Hopefully you do. Hopefully that's your mind set. (reading) So we ask you more and more, we urge you in the Lord Jesus to do this more and more for you know what instructions we gave you by the authority of the Lord Jesus. It is God's will -- so often people say "I wonder what God's will for my life is." The Bible is very, very clear about certain thing that are God's will, and it's important that we seek God's will; that we live under God's will. You remember, for example, Jesus in the Lord's Prayer, we pray not "My will be done but Yours." Lord, may Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. It is God's will that you should be sanctified. The word simply means set apart, holy, different; that you should avoid -- keyword. That is only found only seven time in the New Testament -- once right here. It means to stay a thousand miles away. Don't see how close you can get. It's God's will you should be sanctified and that you should avoid sexual immorality. The general term comes from the Greek word porneo from which we get "Pornography." And it simply means -- it's a very broad term and encompasses every kind of sexual activity outside of marriage between a man and woman. It's God's will you avoid sexual immortality and each of you should learn to control your own body in a way that is holy and honorable, not in passionate lust like the pagans, who do not know God. In other words, don't get your sexual ethics from surveys. Don't get your sexual ethics by what culture at large blesses. Culture at large is a lesson in what NOT to do. So he says, it's God's will. You avoid sexual immorality. You control your own body in a way that's holy and honorable. Verse 5. Not in passionate lust like the pagans, who did not know God. (reading) You don't harm your marriage, your possibilities. Neither do you seek to harm the possibilities in the marriage of a brother or a sister. And this idea that your sexual morality and mine, it's just an individual affair. It's victimless. No one else is involved. That's just not true. Every person is a part of a small village, and your choices, YOUR decisions, they echo. They echo in the lives of others. They echo in the lives of your children and in the lives of your small village. And then he closes here, at least this part, verse 6. (reading) In other words, he says, this is not something you wink at. This is significant. You know, the Bible scholar M.T. Wright said, we need to remind ourselves that the entire Biblical sexual ethic is deeply counterintuitive. Sexual restraint is mandatory for all. It is difficult for most. It is EXTREMELY challenging for some. Yes, God is gracious and merciful; but this never means that His creational standards do not really matter at all. And when you think our cultural message of sexual freedom has been damaging and has not fostered a flourishing society. Sexual irresponsibility has led to prolonged adolescence, widespread pornography on a scale never seen before. A multibillion dollar business. Sexual irresponsibility has led to an increase in predatory behavior on the part of men, and much, much more. It's damaging for everyone: for men, women, young people; families; society. God says, that is why I have boundaries. These boundaries are good for you. Someone has said the Ten Commandments are the Tender Commandments. God said, these boundaries bless you and protect you. You do know, don't you, that the love of God brings forth both grace and truth; and they're both expressions of His love. His grace redeems and forgives; and His truth protects, guides you, guards you. Let's listen to Jesus for a moment and go to the Gospel of Matthew, chapter 5. So here's Jesus, raising the bar. He says, when we talk purity, let's not just talk purity of body but also purity of mind. This is a reminder in what He says here. Not a one of us is perfect -- that's why we need a Perfect Savior. Not a one of us is perfect but can become humble and penitent. Jesus said, if anyone is self-righteous because you have not physically done something, take a look at your heart and your mind set. He goes on and says (reading) Hyperbole, of course. Jesus, again, says, take this seriously. I'm calling you to trust and follow Me, trust and follow the Lord, when it comes to moral, sexual, boundaries -- why? It's good for you. It's good for your neighbor. It's good for your family. It's what a healthy community can be built upon. And then from Matthew 19. Jesus says when He's asked about marriage, for example, He responds by going to the very first book of the Bible. The Bible points us to Jesus, and Jesus also points us to the Bible. He says -- (reading) God is pro-marriage. He's pro-intimacy. He's pro-joy. He's pro-sex under His jurisdiction. God created marriage, and this whole thing of love, sexuality, Romans; marriage -- that's all a part of God's wonderful, beautiful creative, genius. He thought us up. He created us to be heterosexual in marriage. God created two distinct genders, both of whom EQUALLY reflect the image of God. They are alike. They are equal. But they are NOT the same. he created the woman who was like Him but not like Him, divinely beautifully designed and created to be unique, two becoming one, created for -- what God joins together let's not treat flippantly and treating marriage like any other relationship, that's like treating a diamond like any other rock. Jesus says from the VERY beginning, out of the beautiful, genius of Your Creator comes the gift of sexuality; comes the gift of marriage; and you need to know that God is not a restricter just for the sake of being a restricter. He is by nature a fulfiller, and He loves to give you what is good for you. Now, back to 1 Thessalonians 4, verse 7. Verses 7 and 8. Paul summarizes it and says -- (reading) he said, this instruction about marriage, about sexuality, you can say, "Well, that's just Paul. That's just some person's opinion." Paul says, "This comes from the mind of God. This comes from the mind of a Good God who loves you and gives you His Holy Spirit and who calls you to holiness and purity." And it's up to you whether or not you will accept it, accept this, or reject it. But Paul says, if you reject it, I believe -- and I'm testifying -- you're rejecting the very message of God to your heart and soul. So based on what we have read today, let me give you three specific points. Here's the first one: let God set your moral boundaries. Let God set your moral boundaries. When it comes to sex, culture defines sex basically as recreational play between any two consenting adults -- physically play for grown-ups. God's perspective is different. The Bible is not anti-sex. It's absolutely pro-intimacy, pro-joy, provided within the covenant of marriage and under God's jurisdiction. God creates this and He says, it's good; but He loves us and He want to protect not just you but all the people around you.. Let God set your moral boundaries. Secondly, keep the fire in the fireplace. When you're married, you keep the fire in the fireplace and protect that union, that relationship of physical intimacy. And physical intimacy is designed to support your marriage. It's not the essence and sum total of your marriage, but it's an important part. It's important that we not go off the rails in one direction or another, asking sex to do too much and be the sum total of a marriage; or, on the other hand, not taking advantage of the power of physical intimacy as well. You know, there are different narrative as to what sex is. And what physical intimacy should look like in a marriage. There's one narrative -- and this is true -- and this is certainly going to be true when you're younger and you're a newlywed. Here's the narrative: spontaneous desire followed by fireworks. One more time: spontaneous desire and anticipation of something wonderful, followed by fireworks. And that is a WONDERFUL, beautiful narrative; and it lasts -- you know, for a number of years, and it ebbs and flows. In and out of a relationship. But that's not the sum total of a life-long marriage; why? Because we age; we have medications; there are years, and that narrative just cannot sustain a marriage day after day, week after week. That's not to say that narrative is not good, and I hope that's working for you right now. Spontaneous desire followed by fireworks. That's fantastic! But actually research shows, gives solid evidence, that long-term marriages can have a beautiful relationship of physical connection and intimacy as long as there are two very, very important factors present. Number one -- friendship. We care about each other. I'm here for you. You're here for me. And here's the second ingredient: willingness. 1 Corinthians 7 would say it like this: you belong to your mate; your mate belongs to you. And there is this willingness to engage with one another physically. Now, if you just measure your marriage by the singular narrative of spontaneous desire -- "Honey, I just can't keep my hands off you," and fireworks -- and that is your only narrative, there will come a time when you will beat your marriage up. "What is wrong with us?" We've lost the spark. What's wrong with me? What's wrong with you? We've just lost it." Spontaneous desire is one normal, beautiful way -- but there's another route as well, and it's called responsive desire. Spontaneous desire is response to anticipation Responsive desire, duh -- responds to a response. There's a willingness to put yourself in a context in your marriage where something good can happen. It may not be spontaneous desire followed by fireworks. It might be willingness followed by fireworks -- or it might be willingness just followed by a connection, a wonderful connection. There's a therapist by the name of Christine, and here's the metaphor she uses. "Suppose you've got a friend who invites you to a party. The party will be on Friday night." you get the invitation on Monday and say, "Okay, I'll go." But come Friday afternoon, you have been at work all week and thinking, "I don't really want to go to this party tonight. I'm just not in the mood to go. My goodness; I have to fight traffic. I'm going to have to put on my party clothes. I'm going to be around some people I don't really know. I'm going to have to get a babysitter." But because you gave your word, you say, "Okay, I will put on my party clothes, get the babysitter, fight traffic. I will go." And you get to the party and lo and behold, you have a pretty good time. You put yourself in a position to have a pretty good time at the party. You've got on your party clothes. You eat some finger foods and drink a couple of Dr. Peppers and you're so glad you went. You had a good time. You made a response. When it comes to a sexual connection, physical reromance is the same way -- you put on your party clothes, set up the child care, get close to your spouse. You put yourself in some sort of context where you can say, "Oh, yeah. I remember this. I like this. I like you." That's responsive desire, and it's key over the long term in couples who have, first of all, have a foundation of friendship; and, two, they just prioritize their romantic connection. They decide, "Romance matters. It's not going to always be spontaneous, but we choose to make this some sort of priority. There will be willingness, maybe some fireworks. Willingness, certainly some sort of connection. And we're going to create a protected space where you put yourself in a context to respond to your spouse." You make it a consensual priority. You don't want that fire out of the fireplace in attic, but you do want that fire in your fireplace. Be friends. Be willing. Make it a priority. I'm asking you to make a commitment to marital romance. That's God's good gift to you, and my prayer is that your marriage will be a growing source of delight and oneness. When God says, thou shalt want, He is saying "I want to protect you from harm." He says thou shalt, He says, "Enjoy yourself and enjoy." Husband and wife feed that connection for a lifetime with realistic expectations. Let God set your moral boundaries. Keep the fire in the fireplace. And thirdly, welcome grace and renewal today. This day. God delights in forgiving sin. He does. And He delights in forgiving sexual sin. The Bible tells us that God's grace is so abundant that if you've got three feet of sin, you have five feet of grace. If you have ten feet of sin, He's got 15 feet of grace. You read the gospels -- Matthew, mark, Luke, and John. Jesus meets lots of obvious sexual sinners there and is unfailingly gracious to them all. He said in essence you can they shamed you, but I'm covering you. They accused you, but I'm forgiving you. They want to throw rocks at you. I do not condemn you. They stigmatize you. I am dignifying you. They excluded you. I'm welcoming you. I'm keenly aware some of you, hearing my words today, you're thinking, "You know, I feel like I'm damaged goods." You're not! You're not. You don't need to see yourself that way. You need to see yourself through the possibilities of God's amazing grace that renews and forgives and redeems and protects. You cannot unscramble the eggs, but neither do you want to stay on a dead end merry-go-round today. Have you ever done something you really regret? I have. We all have. And if so, what will you do next? You can't go back. You don't want to stay stuck, but you can go forward in God's river of grace, and you can decide to serve Him from this day onward. He loves you so much. He forgives; He renews. You need to know our church loves you. Jesus loves you even more, and by God's grace, we want to help you break free, not just find forgiveness and cleansing, but find freedom and renewal into new pattern of living. I encourage you to lean into some high trust confessional friendships. Some of you need to break the cycle of shame, and we make great room for God to do His work when we engage with another person who can hear our confession and speak truth and grace to us. If you feel stuck in brokenness and bitterness and shame, reach out to a trusted friend or friends and ask to be in a consistent, confessional relationship. It might be that you need to step into Christian therapy and counseling that can be so, very, very helpful where you engage with a professional Christian therapist and counselor, and they give you good advice and walk with you into a new, beautiful future. Shane was talking earlier about Celebrate Recovery, a fantastic ministry here in our church. You can connect with us and connect with Celebrate Recovery. There are people who will come alongside you to build a new beginning. And in your Order op Worship, your digital Order of Worship, on the app or website, we have a list of helpful resources for you available online. Okay, before I close, I've got a little video for you, and this video is from what some people say is the best Word Series ever. I think the Astros/Dodgers world series was the best ever, but the 1975 World Series between the Red Sox and Reds -- the Reds won in seven games but game goes to extra innings. In the 12th inning, Carlton Fisk, the catcher for the Boston Red Sox, hits a deep drive. This can either be a game-winning homer or it's gonna be foul. It is going to be foul or fair? Here's what happened. >> Carlton Fisk. Watch him! How many stems does he take? One -- he wait to see it! Get over! Get over! He knew it! There it is! >> Ronnie: It was fair! And did you seed Carlton Fisk's reaction? He hits the ball and what's he doing? He's -- with his arms and with his hands he is saying to that baseball -- "Stay fair!" "Stay fair!" Whatever you do, stay fair! That is the message of the holy Scriptures to you and me today. When it comes to our morality, when it comes to our sexuality, when it comes to our marriage, stay fair! Stay fair! That's where the beauty is. That's where the will of God is. That's where the blessing of the Holy Spirit is. That's where the joy that God has created for you is to be found. Stay fair -- why? It's God's will that we avoid sexual immorality and that we walk in the beauty of righteousness because we live to please our Great God. Thank you so much for being with us today. May the Lord bless you. You need to know my heart and my love and my prayers, they are with you, my friends; and my blessing to you is may the peace of God rest upon you in abundance let's close in prayer as one of our elders, Greg Stirman, leads us. >> Greg: Good morning, church! Pray with me, please, as we close. Father, as Paul prayed for the church in Thessalonica, we pray that You will grow and strengthen our faith in You and our love for each other. We pray for our country and our world as we need peace and healing. May our hearts be softened to love others as You have loved us. Open our eyes to see those who are lonely and hurting; those who have gotten a concerning health diagnosis; and those who have been disappointed by the postponement of celebrations. Will You grow our capacity to forgive others as You have forgiven us? Lord, strengthen our faith when we are struggling, hopeless, and discouraged; that we may withstand anxiety, fear, and trials. Father, will You provide wisdom to those who seek and comfort to those who mourn? Give us Your peace that passes understanding. We pray this in the Mighty Name of Jesus. Amen. Thank you for worshiping with us this morning. As we close, I would like to read a blessing for you, the doxology from the last part of the letter to Jude. To him who is able to keep you from failing and present you before his glorious presence without fault and with great joy, to the only God our Savior the glory, majesty, power, and authority through Christ Jesus our Lord, before all ages, now and forever more. Amen. Have a blessed week.