DISCLAIMER: This text is not a verbatim transcript. Communication Access Real Time Translation (CART) is provided in order to facilitate communication credibility and may not be a totally verbatim record of the proceedings. >> First, go to our website, firstcolonychurch.org, and go there often. You'll find links to our worship services; Bible study options; online giving; and our podcast, Anchor Point. You can also download our church app. Just search for "First Colony Church of Christ" in the App Store or on Google Play. The app is a great resource where you can stay connected to First Colony Church. Thank you for joining us today. We are glad you're here. ? >> Thank you for joining us today. We want to let you know about a few items of interest. First, o.k. to our website, firstcolonychurch.org, and go there often. You'll find links to our worship services; Bible study options; online giving; and our podcast, Anchor Point. You can also download our church app. Just search for "First Colony Church of Christ" in the App Store or on Google Play. The app is a great resource where you can stay connected to First Colony Church. Thank you for joining us today. We are glad you're here. >> Kyle: Well, good morning and welcome to the First Colony Church of Christ. Welcome to those of you in the house and those of you joining us online. It's so great that we can still be together, even when we are apart. Hey, everybody, let's stand whether you're in the house or at home. Let's stand and worship the Lord this morning! >> Richard: All right, we're going to teach you a new song this morning! ("Open Up the Heavens" playing) >> Richard: Open up the heavens! ? >> Richard: Yes, that's our prayer today! Open up the heavens! (Applause) >> Richard: God is so good! God is so faithful, amen? We thank You, Lord, for Your Presence in this place today. You are the King. ("King of My Heart" playing) >> Richard: Let's sing that chorus one more time. ? You are goods, good, oh ? ? You are good, good, oh ? >> Joel: Well, good morning, everyone. You guys can have a seat. Great to see you. My name is Joel Smith, Children's Minister here. To those in the house, good to see you. To those of you watching online, great to see you as well. We have a pretty cool trick today. I know you're excited. Are you excited? I'm excited. All right. It's one I saw on YouTube. Okay, so as you can see, I have a cool little slidder here, nothing inside as far as you can tell. So my verse is James 1:22. James 1:22 tells us to be a doer of the Word, not just hear-ers, deceiving ourselves. So today you're gonna hear the Word of God spoken. The question is: do what you hear, does it go inside and change you; or does it just go right through? So here's an example of going right through. See if I can line it up. Pretty impressive, I know. "He poured water through a cylinder! That's like awesome clam" Okay, let's try that again. All right. So remember, we don't want to just let what we hear from God's Word just flow right through. We want to retain it. Do you think we can retain some water? I think we can. Let's try it; are you ready? And someone know, "Oh, man, I know about it -- there's a trap door." There's not -- but to prove with one hand tied behind my back -- oh, wait, not really. Do-do-do-do-do. (gasps) Wait! What?! So bottom line, we need to be hear-ers who apply it and do it. James 1:22. Thank you very much. (Applause) >> Kyle: Thank you, Joel. We are now going to share communion together. John and Ana Maria Ricks are going to lead us. If you're watching at home, this is a good time to get your elements. Those of you in the house, if you have communion packets, we will use those in a moment. If you haven't received yours, you can get yours in the lobby. All your refuse and garbage can be disposed there on your pew. Let's share communion together. >> John: Good morning, church. My name is John Ricks, and this is my wife Ana Maria. We are pleased to be able to lead you in communion this morning. You know, this time every first day of the week we have this opportunity to remember the sacrifice that Jesus made for each and every one of our souls, and if you would, bow with me in prayer as we pray for the bread that represents His body broken on the cross and the fruit of the vine, which represents His blood He shed for each and every one of us. Let us pray. Father, we thank You so much for the gift of Your Son. Not only for the way He taught us to live and the life that He led but for the sacrifice that saves our souls. Please be with us this morning as we take the bread and the cup and help us always to keep in mind what a great sacrifice that You and He made for each and receiver one of us. It's in His Name that we pray, amen. And now we will take the bread and the cup together. >> Ana Maria:Ed the Scripture today that I will read is from Jude 1:22-25. The Scripture will be on the screen for you to follow along. (reading) ("Miracles" playing) >> Richard: Why don't we all stand together and continue to worship the Lord together? ? >> Richard: You may be seated. >> Kyle: man, I got caught up in that song. The God of miracles. Wow, what a great phrase. I want to thank you so much for partnering with us in this church for the stake of the Gospel with your gifts and your offerings. They have made a tremendous difference, a real-time difference in the past few weeks with those who have been suffering through some of the damages from our recent storms so thank you. Thank you so much. We are going to pray over our offering this morning. Just to remind you: you can give online. It is save and simple and secure. There are some information on the screen. You can text information to the number and will get all the information that you need. Also, if you're in the house and quantity to give in person, there are receptacles at our four entrances you can place your tiffs and your offering there this morning. Let's pray over this moment and ask the Lord to bless the gifts that we'll receive. Lord, thank You so much for empowering Your people here in the First Colony Church to give generously. What an amazing testimony to the faith of the believers here in this place! We pray, Lord, that You empower us and energize us again to give in faith, knowing that the Gospel will be shared in new and fresh ways. We pray that You fill this place and You fill the people with Your Holy Spirit as they give even in faith this morning. Bless this time and we pray this in Jesus' Name. Amen. We are about to have our fellowship by greeting this morning but first I want you to look back there and see Mr. Joel in the back. Those of you who are kiddos from second to fifth grade, we have Main Street Live for you at this time, and in a moment when we all stand up, you can go and follow Joel. Moms and dads, if you have not checked in your kids, you can do that right now; but if you have already done it, you can just send your kiddos with Mr. Joel. They will be in the chapel across the lobby. Hey, everybody, let's stand and let's give each other a great big hello and tell somebody that you are glad to see them this morning. If you're joining us online, you know you can log in and chat. I hope you do that. Log in and say hello. Why don't you just share your favorite book with everybody? (your Love Awakeness Me" playing) >> Richard: Thank you for worshiping with us today! You may be seated! >> Ronnie: Fantastic! Richard and team, boy, didn't they just do a fabulous job leading us in our worship today? (cheers and applause) >> Ronnie: Just tremendous! Thank you so much! Great to see you all in the room and to those watching online, we are glad you're here and love to pray and hear from you. Communicate on the church app or computer screen. It would be our joy to do so. Let remind you in the room as well, if you'd like information about our church family, when this service is over, you can go to our "New Here Start Here" rooms. Nice folks will be there and would love to help you take your next step, whatever that might be -- no strings attached. Well, to those of you again watching us today, if this is one of your first times, my name is Ronnie, and we welcome you today to the First Colony Church of Christ. We're in a message series called "Small books, big messages." We're looking at the four one-chapter verses of the chapter. Next week we'll look at Philemon. Today we're looking at the book of Jude, a half-brother of Jesus -- same mother, different fathers -- and Jude writes a strong, formidable, robust letter. We'll take a look today at the latter part of that. Last week's message was called "Protecting the faith." Today isErs" seriesing in the faith." Persevere is a great word. Some of you have been following the NASA Mars rover, "Perseverance," and after a 300 million-mile road trip, "Perseverance" is on mars, starting its exploratory mission. We're all inspired by perseverance. You know what that means: to push ahead; to keep on in spite of opposition, in spite of road blocks and obstacles. And we, as Christians,ers severe in our faith -- persevere in our faith. We're not alone for our great God energizes that perseverance, and he keeps us through it all. In this short 25 verses in Jude's letter, he stresses and emphasizes that truth matters; that doctrine matters; it's important for believers to have sound, healthy theology based on the teaching of Jesus and teaching of the apostles, based upon what is true. And some of these believers are being pressed. Let's sort of review very quickly, reading to you from verses 3 and 4 in the book of Jude. Verse 3. (reading) Listen carefully. "To contend for the faith that was once for all entrusted to God's holy people." Contend for the faith. Once for all entrusted. He said, you cannot be passive when core truths of the Christian faith are at stake. And he says, you must contend for this faith because some people have crept in and they're distorting God's grace; they're denying Christ's Lordship; and seek to create division among you. He said, I need you to care and be aware. When he says here "Contend for the faith," it's not your personal faith. It's describing the content of what is believed as Christians. It would include things as the proclamation of the Gospel; the identity of God; what Christ has done for us; as well as the ethical teachings of the apostles. Though this faith was once for all delivered, this letter from Jude makes it clear that we can't just take this for Granted but must be zealously guarded and defended. Verse 4. (reading) Notice what they do. So they redefine Jesus, redefine theology, redefine morality; and they turn the grace of Jesus into a license for self-directed, self-governing lifestyle that says "I am my own god." In essence, I think they were saying "There is no judgment and God's grace is a license to be and due whatever you choose to do. You're under no umbrella." You know, there's a British writer by the name of Theo hopson who's defined what a moral revolution looks like. He says, (reading) Well, Jude says you and your church need to be aware; and so let me hang my thoughts today on four pegs. Here's the first one: do not be surprised by false influencers among you. Don't be shocked. Don't be surprised. It doesn't mean that God's off of His throne. It doesn't mean that good people aren't paying attention. You just do not need to be shocked or surprised at this because it's actually been foretold; it's always happened; it always will be; you just need to be aware. You need to care and be on your toes. Protect your family; protect your church; and don't be shocked, okay? Now, Jude will begin to describe these folks, beginning verse 16. (reading) they're noisy. Actually, it's part of their strategy. (reading) In other words, they're not dumb; they know how to manipulate the landscape. Verse 17. (reading) They will mock what you believe. It sounds bizarre. It sounds unimaginable, but it will happen, it DOES happen. And these are the people who divide you -- interesting word. Again, that's part of their strategy, create "Us" and "Them" camps. Remember the book of Galatians Paul talks about factions, people wanting to divide the church into factions? A faction is a fraction. These people, they look to divide, and they follow mere natural instinct and do not have the Spirit which creates, obviously, oneness in the body of Christ. I don't know if you have ever been to Paris, into the Eiffel Tower. I've actually had a chance to be there more than one. My first time was in 1989. Martha and I, we backpacked through about five or six countries in Europe. We followed a book called "How to see Europe on $30 a day," and we did it, basically seeing Europe through the gutter, okay? (laughter) We had a great time. The first time we went to the Eiffel Tower, it was fabulous. I mean, just walk right up to it, walk under it, walk to each pillar, one of the four pillars, just walk to each one. Look at the design; look at the craftsmanship -- it's fabulous. If you were to go to the Eiffel Tower today -- which you couldn't; it's closed right now -- but if you were to go, next time it's open, if you were to go, you can't just walk right up under the Eiffel Tower. There's now a security perimeter around it -- actually, a couple of security perimeters. There's an armed presence. There's a bulletproof fence that's also a perimeter around the Eiffel Tower -- why? Because it is subject to attack. There are threats to the Eiffel Tower, and the Parisian government, the French government, says, we cannot be naive and gullible and we cannot pretend that there are not forces out there that would seek to do harm. Parents, please don't just let ANY old influence come into your home. Don't just let any old TV show be watched. Know who your children's friends are. If you have a leadership presence in a church, protect your flock. If you see something amiss, let your antenna go up. How should you respond? Actually, Jude will talk about that here in just a bit, but don't be shocked; don't be surprised and play a part in helping to defend and protect your family, your church, your small group. Here's a second peg: keep yourself in the experience of God's love. Keep yourselves in the experience of God's love. Verse 20. (reading) Now, very quickly, if you look at the language here, there's only one command, and then you have three participles around it. The command is "Keep yourself in God's love." Keep yourself in the experience of God's love. You say "I thought God's love is for me, whether I sense it or not." Keep yourself in the experience of God's love. God's beautiful sunlight is shining upon you. Don't run inside; don't hide under an umbrella. Keep yourself in a position where you sense and experience and are postured to be encouraged by the love of God. How do you do that? First of all, you build yourself up in your most holy faith. This content of what we believe that is utterly entirely different and set apart from all other belief systems -- in other words, it's basically coming down to in our day and age we have the Bible. We have the Word of God. Studying the Word of God with a view towards obedience, as Joel was illustrating earlier, not just in one ear and out the other; but study it and hearing it and apply something it with a view towards obedience. Now, listen carefully: we live in a day where many people acknowledge, want to say that truth and knowledge is restricted to areas like math and science; but when it comes to morality and when it comes to spirituality, it's all about opinions and preferences. Really? What is right? What is wrong? What happens when you die? Does evil exist? And if it does, what is its nature? Is there a moral standard before which we will one day be held accountable? And if there is, is it possible to know it? The Biblical writers, Jesus in particular, claim to offer knowledge about the way things are. You may disagree, but this is the way things are. This is reality. Somebody says," but isn't it arrogant to claim to know truth?" I would agree that arrogance is a big-time human problem, but arrogance is a character problem. It's not a truth problem. Arrogance is built on the illusion that if I know something to be true, that makings me superior to you and gives a person justification for holding another person in contempt. What I'm saying is you'll either have convictions on the teachings of Scripture, or you will have convictions based on your own viewpoints and perspectives. And if you reject the Bible's answers, whose answers will you replace them with? Many people simply drift, cobbling together bits and pieces of an idea here, an image there, a thought here, an opinion there; and they craft a collage, a quilt, if you will, of various viewpoints. Jude Jude says, keep building yourself up in the most holy faith. Then he says, pray in the Holy Spirit, and you know what that mean. When you pray in the Holy Spirit, you're praying with this wonderful sense of dependence. I'm praying, acknowledging "Lord, God, into Your hands I commit this situation. It is beyond me. I can't control it. I can't manipulate it. This is in Your hands." It's not just a sense of resignation. "Well, here it, I can't do anything about it anyway." No, it's in Your hands and no better place for it to be. And You're going to handle this in Your wisdom and in Your way. There's an old statement that says, knees that are knelt on don't knock. It's an old way of simply saying when we pray in the Spirit, a sense of dependence, there's a real sense of confidence this is in the hands of God. But then he said also -- verse 21 back on the screen. You keep yourself in the love of God as you wait for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ to bring you to eternal life. You see what Jude is doing? These false influencers were denying Jesus. He reminds you, we are people of mercy, and we have only received mercy because of what Jesus Christ has accomplished for us on the cross and through His Resurrection. He is saying, keep alive your hope. As believers, we want to be world-affirming. That means we want to make a difference in the here and now. We want to be salt and light in a good way but also want to be world-denying. This is not all there is. Our life is but a mist here, and then we move on to what the Bible says, the life that is truly life. Let me put a couple photos up here on the screen. Do you know who this is? That's Marshall Keeble. You familiar with that name? Marshall Keeble. He was born in 1878 and died in 1968 at age 89. I would say the greatest evangelist and church planter among the churches of Christ in the 20th century. It is said that he personally baptized over 40,000 people, preached ALL over the country, literally preached ALL over the world; and it wasn't just one-and-done. He planted and established churches. He became great friend with A.M. Burton. I know most of you folks aren't from Tennessee like I am. If you are from Tennessee, A.M. Burton was the founding president of Life and Casualty Insurance Company and he and Marshall Keeble became great friend and ministry partners over the years. The last scholarship A.M. Burton endowed at limpcome university has both of their name. If you know who Amy Grant is, the singer? Hello? Anybody there? Yeah. Amy Grant? A.M. Burton, Amy Grant's great-grandfather. Well, his first wife was Minnie, and they had five children. Marshall Keeble outlived them all. Minnie died in 1932. He married his second wife, la a Catherine. She lived to be 108 years old and passed away in 2007. Marshall Keeble was one of the most effective church planters. He had great intellect and ability. The people who knew him best said what stood out was his humility. I asked Martha. I said a couple night ago, "Do you know who Marshall Keeble was?" He said, "I heard him preach. When I was a little girl at the College Street church of Christ" in Lebanon, her dad was an elder there. Marshall Kkeble came. The place was backed. Not now -- on the screen I will give you my favorite quote from Marshall Keeble. Let me tell you a couple stories first. This one I never found in print but sort of oral tradition passed down. At one time Marshall Keeble was talking to people about leading a good life -- I mean, being a person where you're ready and eager to do what's good. And he said it like this. He painted a fascinating picture. He said, one of these days you're gonna die; they're going to put you in a box; they're gonna carry you outside; they're gonna put you in a hole in the ground. And then everybody's going to go back to the church building and they're gonna eat potato salad. (Laughter) They're going to go back and eat potato salad and talk a little bit about you. Now, here's your assignment: when those folks are at the church eating potato salad and talking about you, you make sure they have some good things to talk about. That paints a picture, doesn't it? Another time he was holding a revival meeting in a smaller town, and the local church of Christ there didn't have a building big enough to accommodate the crowds that would be there there; and so they asked another church that had a much larger building if they could host Marshall Keeble's revival meeting there. Be The church said, "Yes, but we don't really agree on his emphasis on water baptism." The local pastor said, "If he will promise me not to mention the word baptize or baptism, he can hold the meeting here." They asked Marshall Keeble and he said, "That's no problem. I am okay to avoid the words baptism and baptize there." He's talking to the people the first night and talking to them about the cross and the Resurrection and love of God and need to repent and come to the Lord. And he quotes Acts 2:38 but did it in an interesting way. Now, Acts 2:38 says this: repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ, for the forgiveness of your sin, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. Here's how Marshall Keeble quoted it. Repent and do that thing your pastor told me not to talk about -- (Laughter) -- for the forgive against of -- there you go. Of course, people just roared but had a fantastic revival meeting. Here's my favorite quote. Let's put it on the screen. (reading) What's Jude saying to you today? Don't just go along and float along. Any dead fish can float downstream -- and they are. It takes a live stream to know who you are; to know what you believe; to stay strong and courageous and in the truth of God come alive. Build yourself up in the most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit, eagerly awaiting the mercy that Jesus Christ has accomplished for us and keeping ourself in the love of God, keeping ourself in the atmosphere with one another and the experience of God's love. And very quickly, let's wind down the book of Jude. The third thing, third little peg here, is he would say: have mercy. Have mercy. In other words, yes, there will be people who will oppose you; people who will try to sabotage you; people who try to divide you; people who will attack your beliefs so should you get angry and be bitter? No. Because what does the Bible say? A person's human anger does no good. He says, I want you to have mercy. It doesn't mean you ignore. It doesn't mean you don't address, but you be merciful. Don't write them off. Just because someone is confused, don't write them off. They are confused. They doubt. He said, well, they're open -- maybe they're too open. They're weak and vas silllating. You have mercy to them and speak to them in a gracious way. There's another group here. You save others by snatching them from the fire. Very graphic language. It's a little tougher, a little more of a challenge. These folks, they may have bought the lie that Jesus really isn't God in the flesh. Maybe they bought the lie there's no judgment to come. Maybe they bought the lie the grace of God is a license for immorality. And then there's the third group -- but notice you still show mercy. Mixed with fear. hating even the clothing stained by corrupted flesh. As the people of God who have received mercy, we show it. It doesn't mean we condone. You can condone; you can condemn; or you can actually try to restore and heal and reconcile. THAT's a better option. And last of all, Jude will say, know God is able to sustain you. In a momently read a doxology, but before I do, just take a look at these words one more time: know that God is able to sustain you. If God doesn't sustain me, I won't make it. I won't make it. I am prone to sin. I am prone to doubt. I am prone to rebel. I am prone to pride. I am prone to make excuses. If you wanted to bring accusations against me, you could do it, and the list could be accurate; and it would be staggering. God who knows every secret of mine could bring one accusation after another. My wife, who knows me better than anyone -- and yeah, who likes me more than anyone -- could bring one staggering, sad list of accurate, true accusations and indictments against me. That's why I keep coming back day after day, persevering, as weak as it is, to the mercy of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. He sustains. Where there is a mustard seed of faith, he sustain and will get us there. He is able to sustain and keep us. Not only is He able, He wants to. He's not willing that any should perish. I do not rest in my own ability to keep myself. I rest in God's sustaining power. He stands guard over me and over you; and so Jude, in concluding his message, says, "Yes, it's true. Your faith is under attack. Defend it." Don't be shocked by it. Defend it. Keep building yourselves in your faith. Keep yourselves in the love of Christ. Be merciful people. Don't become cynical, angry. You stay merciful and gracious, but know this: you're not alone, and you're not hanging on by your own fingernails. It is God Himself -- well, let's read his word of praise. This is not a benediction but a doxology, a word of praise to the Only One who is worthy of it. To Him who is able to keep you from stumbling -- that's really a bad translation in the New International Version. It was better in the one you were reading earlier. The only time this word is found in the New Testament. To the One who is able to keep us from truly falling away -- not stumbling -- and to present you before His glorious Presence without fault and with great joy -- not standing there with your head held down and -- you can hold your head up. Why? Your God's daughter. You're God's son. And to the only God our Savior be glory, majesty, power, and authority, through Jesus Christ our Lord, before all ages, now and forevermore! Amen. I rest not in my own strength. Without Him, nothing is possible. With Him, all things are. Well, there was a Sunday school class and teacher asked the little boys and girls, "Is there anything God cannot do?" One little boy said, "God cannot please everybody." The teacher said, "You know, I never really thought about that, but that's true. Even God cannot please anybody." One little girl said this, though. "My granddaddy always told me there's one thing God cannot do. He cannot see my sins through the blood of Jesus Christ." And that is true. Do you know the Lord Jesus Christ? Do you believe in Him, that He is the Son of God who came for you and died for you? He died a particular kind of death for you. He was raised to life again. Have you repented; have you just turned the reins over to Him? Have you repented and done that thing that pastor said not to talk about? Have you been baptized into the Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit? Maybe today is a day for you -- notice the effects we plan? (Laughter) Maybe today is a day for you, though. It's just sort of a fresh turning, a fresh returning. You know, we returned, many of us return to in-house, in-person. There's a word found throughout the Old Testament, God saying to His people, and here's the word over and over again. "Return." Return. Return. He's not talking about "Return to a physical place." He's saying, "We're prone to and wither, prone to drift; let's return afresh." Everybody just know that I love you and I pray for you, and I pray for you in a specific way, that you will be nurture in your faith and your hope and in your love. God bless you, everybody. Thank you for being with us today. Remember, our "New Here Start Here" room just across the way in the lobby. At this point, let's bow and pray together as Doug F Freede will lead us in video. >> As we close our time this morning, let's go to our Heavenly Father in prayer. Would you pray with me? Almighty God, thank You for the opportunity to gather this morning no matter where we may be, in person or online. Thank you for those who worked so hard to put together today's service. In light of the experiences of so many First Colony member, it's refreshing to take an hour to worship together and reflect our hearts on the promises You made to each of us and take heart that these promises go far beyond cold houses and collapsed ceilings and unexpected repair bills. Lord, at this time, continually remind us of the words of Psalm 59, we will sing of Your strength and Your love because You are our fortress and only true refuge in times of trouble. Father, give us the trouble the story to seek those in our number who could use our help and help and to be genuine service to them. Please give them the spirit to ask us for help and give a spirit of action to provide that help. Father, I pray each of us will strive for a spirit of unity based on whoo we have learned through Your Word, not just within our fellowship but our relationships with our friends, our families, our neighbors, and our coworkers. Father, You have told us through Your Word that the very people most in danger of losing their eternal souls are the ones who consider the Message of the cross to be foolishness. They reject and they ridicule what they don't understand but remind us to be a people who convince those who doubt. Please give us the sincere desire to be examples of who You are and to live lives that reflect our commitment to You. Father, as we leave this morning, keep us continually mindful of the Sacrifice of Your Son through whom You have provide us with the promise of eternal life. May we leave our gathering this morning with a firm commitment to the hope of that promise. Father, we pray You will accept our prayer in the Name of Your Son Jesus. Amen. >> Kyle: Thank you, Doug. It's been a great day, amen? Got four quick things for you as we close our service today. First of all, don't forget Celebrate Recovery meets here in person and in our courtyard every Friday night. There's a plan for rain or shine so don't let the weather scare you off, but online groups will meet as well. That's number one. Number two, don't forget our Wednesday nights for our students on the courtyard as well. We're using the courtyard quite a bit during this season. Every Wednesday night, students meet out there. There's a plan rain or shine for that. Number three, women can still sign up for open groups if you're looking for Bible study. There are open groups but especially Missy is offering a women in apologetics Zoom sessions Wednesday afternoons during the month of March. All the information is on our website. I hope you'll check that out later. And number four, let me encourage you to lean into spiritual nourishment and community on Sunday mornings in our Bible class hour. You know this. We have had in-person Bible classes since last October every Sunday morning at 9:45. Let me encourage you if you're comfortable to join us here on Sunday mornings but if not, you can catch me in every Sunday morning at 10:00 a.m. Central online. This is for our benefit and hope you will join us. Thank you for joining us. It's so good to worship with you in the house of the Lord here in this house or in your house. Richard and team, let's have one more song. Blessings to all of you today. (open Up the Heavens" playing) >> Richard: Let's all stand together. Open up the heavens! >> Richard: Thank you for joining us today for worship! You are dismissed!