DISCLAIMER: This text is not a verbatim transcript. Communication Access Real Time Translation (CART) is provided in order to facilitate communication credibility and may not be a totally verbatim record of the proceedings. [\M\M\M] >> Thank you for joining us today. We want to let you know about a few items of interest. First, go to our website, firstcolonychurch.org, and go there often. You'll find links to our worship services, Bible study options, online giving, and our podcast "Anchor Point." You can also download our church app. Just search for First Colony Church of Christ in the app store or on Google Play. The app is a great resource where you can stay connected to First Colony Church. Thank you for joining us today. we are glad you're here. >> Shane: Hello, everybody. Welcome to worship at First Colony Church of Christ. Welcome to everyone here and online. It is so good to be here together today as the family of God. I want to ask you a question before we begin. Did we come here today to perform or to be formed? Did we come to be seen or to be shaped by the spirit of the Lord and the Lord's word today while we allow this moment of fellowship, will we allow it to form us to become more like our King as we draw closer to Him. Let's stand and invite the spirit of the Lord to shape us as we sing praises to Him now. >> Amen. \M House of the Lord \M >> There's joy in the house of the Lord today, amen. We are those who have been redeemed. Let the redeemed of the Lord say so. \M Rescue Story \M >> Thank you so much for your worship. You may be seated. >> Joel: Good morning, everyone. It is so good to see you guys all here today. If you're watching us online, good to see you as well. So this week was an amazing week. There's lots of things to celebrate. We'll touch on them. We had an amazing VBS which I want to talk about. Juneteeth yesterday, a celebration as well, and today is Father's Day and my goal is to have a verse to bring the message together. Romans 10:15. "How will anyone go and tell them without being sent, that is my scripture says beautiful are the feet of the messengers who bring good news." Friends, are you bringing good news? That is ultimately that we are freed from sin and slavery and ultimately God is on the throne and there is a response we can make. You're probably looking at me wondering why I have a ball in my hands. It's coming. Just a moment. Before we get there, I wanted to give honor where honor is due specifically to VBS. Do you know that lots of churches are cutting off VBS because they can't get volunteers. Here God provided volunteers and you guys and it's amazing to see how that works and I want to say thanks to our youth who were pretty much in every single classroom which was incredible as well and seeing leadership out of students was awesome. About each day we had about 300 people and on Wednesday we had 300 in the morning and 300 at night. That is 1200 people hearing the gospel. Do you want to have beautiful feet utilized by God? During VBS we have a mission project and our mission project was we support schools in Haiti and they often do not have recreational equipment. We came across this soccer ball that is officially unbreakable in regular use. You can drive a truck over it and it will pop right back up. You can kick it into a cactus and it will pop right back up. I know that is weird. You can pretend Joel is a truck and he can step and stand on it. Say, oh man, you broke the soccer ball. You pull it back up and wait for it, isn't that sweet? You know, I have actually been on a mission trip and we brought soccer balls. The reason why soccer balls are incredible tools on mission trips is because if you go outside and start playing soccer, kids start coming and you have an audience just like that. One time on a mission trip I said, hay, look how far I can kick the ball and right into a cactus. With these balls that doesn't happen. With your VBS fundraiser, they're $50 each, we bought 15 to send to schools so we could have beautiful feet as God sends out the gospel. I challenge you, whether you're this tall or this tall, how can your feet be beautiful this week and how can you share the good news? Thank you very much. [Applause] >> Shane: Scott and Kari Opaleski are going to lead us in communion. You want to gather your communion supplies right now. If you didn't get them, there are supplies on a table in the back. Let's focus our hearts and mind and attention on the Lord. >> Scott: I am Scott and this is my wife Kari. We are privileged to share communion with us. On Father's Day I want to say we have a Father who loves us so much. If you're sitting here and don't know Jesus, this is for you. If you're here and been coming to church your whole life but something is holding you back, His love is for you. I was reminded of that myself. 30 years ago this past Friday, God saved me from drug addiction to a child of God. God is big in this. That's why he sent his son freely to die on that cross, to shed his blood for the forgiveness of our sins. Just pray with me. Father, we thank you so much for your sacrifice, giving Jesus to us to come to this earth to live as a human, to die a horrific death on the cross and to shed His blood, but three days later he came out of that tomb. We pray that we open our hearts and our minds to you. Lord, we take that forgiveness and that grace and freedom and hopefully that gives us the power to go into our community and spread the gospel. We thank you for your son Jesus. In His name we pray. Amen. >> Kari: Today I will be reading from Luke 15:17-20 “When he came to his senses, he said, 'How many of my father's hired servants have food to spare, and here I am starving to death! I will set out and go back to my father and say to him: Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you. I am no longer worthy to be called your son; make me like one of your hired servants.' So he got up and went to his father. “But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him. \M Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone) \M >> Shane: Amen. Thank you, guys. Well, as we take our offering now, I want to say thank you for giving and for your offerings and for partnering together with us to send the word and the message of Jesus Christ out. From our county to all around the world where we have mission partners. You can give online or on the app. There are these QR codes in the pew. You see a little thing that you can scan. I know it sounds like science fiction -- not for the offering, but I'll talk to you later about that. Let's pray for our offering and move past this moment. Dear God, thank you for your grace. Thank you that we don't have to get it all right because Jesus did it perfectly. Thank you that we can give of our time and our talents. Thank you for the fact that we can be not only saved by you, but invited to partner with you, God, to do your work in this world so that others can know about Jesus. Would you bless these offerings and use them to your glory so that grace may come to you. Amen. >> Dad. >> Dad. >> Dad. >> I want to be rich and good looking. >> I want to be rich and good looking. >> I'll need you to challenge me. >> To be rich and good works. >> To be rich and good works. >> I'll be focused on building my career at all costs. >> I need you to put the family ahead. >> I'll need you to teach me to honor God. >> With my time and resources. >> I'll want to avoid hard conversations. >> I'll need you to show me how to speak the truth in love. >> I'll find myself wanting to please the crowd. >> I'll need you to remind me that I should obey God. >> I'll look for happiness in many different places. >> I'll need you to show me that joy is found in following Christ. >> I want to treat girls the way the world tells me to. >> I need you to show me how to honor them with my actions. >> I'll need you to show me the way out. >> I'll need you, dad. >> I need you, dad. >> I need you, dad. >> To point me toward Christ. >> When no one else will. >> To point me to Christ when no one else will. >> Shane: All right. That's cool. Now I want to talk to you about the little things on the back of the pews that someone mentioned earlier. You scan them and you can get a connection card. You can do this online or on the app. We would like to help you get connected to find your connection point or just to get to know you. If you're like me and wary of those computer things, that's look, Ryan and his team are there to listen and talk to you. If you want to find out how to get involved more, we would love to connect. Mr. Joel is back there and he would like to take kids grade one through five to go to the chapel for main Street live. Parents, there is a kiosk in the lobby to check them in. Everybody else, before the next song, we're going to greet each other. Find a dad and say "happy Father's Day" and ask for their best/worst dad joke. [Indistinct chatter] \M God So Loved \M >> Yes, God to loved the world. Do you agree today? Let's give God a praise. You may be seated. >> Ronnie: Richard and team, thank you so very, very much. Good morning, everyone. Bless you today. Welcome to those of you in the room and to those of you watching online as well, we welcome you hear to the First Colony Church of Christ and happy Father's Day to you all. Now, we want to recognize a wonderful couple, a long-time couple been members here a long time. About a year or so ago they moved to Colorado and they've been watching us faithfully online, love you, pray for you, we love them, care for them. Bob and Be O'Reilly been married 65 years today. They can see you and hear you. There you go. Just the greatest folks. So we are in a message series called kind and different. Today a different kind of fathering, dad, daddy-o, pop, pops, all sorts of names when we honor our dads. I do and I believe this room is filled with some extraordinary fathers. Fathers who are really kind and different because you operate on purpose. That's what you do. You operate on purpose for Jesus as an ambassador in the kingdom of God and children and families are blessed because of it. And really, what sets you apart initially of the fact you treasure your children. You view them as a gift, not as an intrusion or an interruption or a burden no your career. You see them as a gift. So let me start with a question. That is are dads disposable? Are dads optional equipment? You know, a lot of people think so and will say so. That's not my perspective. I don't believe it's the biblical mindset. I'll get there in just a moment. When I say that Dads are not optional and disposable, it can sound awkward because so many of us are keenly aware of the heroic work often done by a single parent or single mom, but ideally dads to be there not as a pinch hitter but as a real player. Moms don't just parent, parents parent. If dad is absent, I believe God will be your helper. If you are a dad, you bring unique gifts to the life of your child. Every father, we make an intentional choice when that sound arrives whether or not to be a dad and it is a regular ongoing decision that affects my calendar and my pocket book and my priorities. I think it's a fantastic assignment. Herold Shank said the industrial revolution yanked men out of their homes and stopped defining them only as a wage keeper. The sexual revolution questioned buzz one man need to stay with one woman? That provided many men with an exit from the actual parenting process. Anthropologist Margaret Meed said: "Fathers are a biological necessity, but a social accident." A number of feminist writers have said that men are simply a source of oppression. I fully realize that there is such a thing as toxic masculinity, but not all masculinity is toxic. God created us male and female. He did so on purpose. A man can bring purpose and strength and confidence in God and graciousness to the table. We can be the kind of men and fathers who bring life and not harm. I believe that being a father is important and choosing to be the right kind of father is one of the most important decisions you'll ever make. And this idea that fathers are sort of disposable and unimportant, you will not find that in the teachings of scripture. In fact, you will find it contradicted by the teachings of Jesus. Jesus himself could have drawn on a large numbers of names and descriptions of God, yet the one he used almost exclusively His Father. He used the notion of father in the highest, highest regard. I think one of the most important statements Jesus ever made on fathering, one of his most crucial is this one out of Luke 6. Those listening to Jesus would have been very familiar with the Old Testament that says be holy even as God is holy. Here Jesus is defined as father and does so without apology. That we have to apologize for dads. No, God is like a good, good father and his fundamental quality is mercy. You know, there's a new book out called "Handing down the faith: How parents pass their religion on to the next generation." It's a fabulous book written by some researchers. It's not just advice but research. If you're familiar with Christian Smith from the University of Notre Dame, one of the authors. Fantastic writing. Only seven chapters, but they are in depth. Passing on your faith. One being if I want to pass on my faith, I need to actually believe this. They talk about having open two-way conversations and inviting questions. Two, without apology as parents and as dads, they said make sure you lean into authoritative parenting, not authoritarian, not permissive, not authoritarian. What is that? It's expectations without mercy. Hard and tough. What's authoritative parenting? Expectations with mercy. And they talk about how this authoritative parenting is one that merges strictness, boundaries, expectations, but with warmth and love and children feel that, yes, there are boundaries, yes, there are things we're called to do and be, but in those moments when we falter and fail, we are still abundantly loved and supported. Like the video said, there will be times I need you to show me a way out. These kids like their parents a lot. When we think about God as a father, I want to define him as a father and a dad who makes a difference. I like three qualities of dads in our lives. I see you doing this and applaud you for it. Dads who make a difference are simply present. Presence gets underrated. I'm just there. Yeah. Being there. What's the old saying? Presence is one of the best presents. There's one writer that talks about thinking of a shot clock over the head of each child. You know, you watch a pro basketball game there is a shot clock and it's ticking down. Just imagine a shot clock over the head of your child, they're 8 years old, now they're 12 years old, now they're 15 years old and thinking about this concept of presence. You know, there are fathers who have deserted their families. Father God will never desert you. I will never leave you. I will never forsake you. There are some fathers who put their career ahead of their family. Father God will never put anything before his relationship with you. That's him. Dads, your presence, you've got to go to work, you've got to do other things. But as you make time to be around your family -- we talk about quality time, but that grows out of just hanging out time. What you do when you're present, you're paying attention to two specific things to their gifts and their strengths, their aptitudes, their possibilities. You're also paying attention to perhaps their sin patterns. Those areas where they have a tendency to trip up and go south. Their gifts may be different than yours or sin patterns still to yours. Your presence is huge. Dads who make a difference, and you are, you're engaged. When we think about father God, he's involved, active, engaged with us. You know, this past week Joel was talking about VBS and I had the opportunity to be the assistant teacher for the third grade boys. And Margda was the lead teacher. We had the third grade boys. Let me tell you, third grade boys bring a lot of energy to the table. Third grade going into fourth grade. I have to tell you, they were fantastic. They were wonderful. These young men have got minds, they've got hearts, they've got energy. They're engaged and if you're going to make a difference, you've got to bring something to the table here, some level of engagement. I feel like we had a pretty good week, don't you? I got a resounding yes from down here. We had a fabulous week. There was an episode that happened on Wednesday that sort of summarizes their energy and anticipation. It was the -- our discovery time and this discovery time was hosted by Doug and Charlotte Smith and Leah Madis. She did a presentation on the days of creation. Then after that it was fun time. Vacation Bible school is all about what? Learning, fruitfulness and fun, having a good time. We had games in the room. Doug had handmade a bunch of games. There was one game which was a bean bag toss. You've done that. Here is the target. The bull's eye is a hole with that in it and the aim of the game was to just get the bean bags into the bull's eye. But when you're in the third grade, the aim of the game is not to get the bean bag in the bull's eye, it's to throw that bean bag as hard as you possibly can at the bull's eye. If it goes in, that is just gravy, but you need to hold it as hard as you possibly can. I'm watching them do this and one of the kids said, hey, I have an idea and that is always a dangerous thing. I've got an idea. Why don't a couple of us -- here, we'll stand here in front of the target. You guys throw the bean bags at us as hard as you possibly can and we'll catch them or block them. You're saying, Ronnie, surely you intercepted that? Not so much. I didn't. I wasn't going to step out there in front of those bean bags. That didn't last long because then someone else said, hey, I've got another idea. Look at the light. So there is a light fixture on the wall above the bean bag target. And I don't mean slightly above it, I mean it's up there. When I say light fixture, I was describing it to her, she said that's a sconce. Do you know what that is? That is a light fixture attached to a wall in the shape of a semicircle perfect for catching a bean bag. They say look at the light, let's see if we can get a bean bag in the light. You say, Ronnie, surely you intercepted that. I thought it was interesting. I wanted to see what was happening. They weren't having any success at first and I thought it wasn't going to work, but I was wrong. One of them got a bean bag in that light fixture, in that sconce. You would have thought those guys had won the World Series. They were celebrating. It was time to go and we're getting ready to walk out. We've got a bean bag in the light fixture and you can't just leave it there. I have connections. So I call the facilities guy and say, Jeff, I need you to come to room F112 and bring a ladder. Okay, do we have a light out? No, we have a bean bag in one of the light fixtures attached to the wall. Well, how in the world did that happen? It was one of Joel smith's VBS activities. [Laughter] >> Ronnie: Here's my point, children are a gift of God. They are. They are not intrusions. They are not an inconvenience. Obviously there are times -- I'm not saying every day is perfect and wonderful, but our big picture is children are a gift from God and they bring minds and hearts and creativity. And listen, souls. Souls. And they need to be taught the big picture, where we came from, why we're here, what's gone wrong with the world, how can it be made better. How can I live well? Now, let me get real specific here and you don't have to write these down because they're in your church app. And this is not some exhaustive list what I'm going to give you. Here are specific things that dads talk about with kids. Not only do we discuss these, but we try to show them the way. We want to fear God and live in his grace. He gives us fresh opportunities to start over and grow. We want to follow the Bible. This is God's good gift to Shepherd us through life and into eternity. We want to love our church and be partners with one another and persevere with one another and be patient with one another. We don't want to be ashamed of the Jesus way. Be bold and strong and courageous. God did not save you to be a wimp but strong and courageous. Be good citizens. If you're in a club or a community or a church, bring that sense of responsibility and be good citizens. Families matter so start now. Not every person who grows up gets married. 90% will. When you're 15 or 16, already think what kind of husband or wife do I want to be or what kind of family do I want to build. Choose your friends wisely. This is absolutely key. Practice the golden rule to all. If we do not do unto others as we want them to do to us, if we don't teach our children to love our neighbors, those who don't look or think like us, the devil will teach us to only love ourselves. Go deep but don't forget the basics. Keep learning the wonders of spiritual truths. Don't forget that simple joyful service to the Lord. Manage your money as a Christian because money can help you or hurt you. I don't remember if you remember when Billy Graham was on our stage on bring a friend day. We talk about the motto and mantra that we say over and over. You can make it longer. He said, we have four. Do you remember what they are? He said, we love God. We love others. We love our country and want to be good citizens. Number four, whatever we do, we want to pursue it with excellence. Dads make a difference and that's you, guys. You're present, you're engaged, and you are nurturing. I take you back to this crucial statement by Jesus. As your father is merciful, so you be merciful. One father talked about a time when his son was getting older and he said, dad, I don't want you to kiss me goodness anymore. I just don't. I don't want you to kiss me good night or goodbye. I know you love me, but I don't want a good night kiss anymore. Dad said, all right. I'll think about it and I'll get back to you in a couple of days. So in a couple of days he gets back with his son and says, all right, I hear you, that makes sense, but you have to give me a substitute. I have to come up with a substitute to let you know and sense that I love you and I care. And he said, here's what I think I want to do. Is it okay if at night when you leave, I just take my hands and I grab your shoulders and I'll look you in the eyes and say, good night son. He said, yeah, that will work. So he did that regularly over the years. One evening the boy is a teenager, they're chatting. He said good night and walked away and the son said, dad, is there something wrong? He said, no, nothing's wrong. What do you mean?? He said, well, you know, you didn't grab my shoulders the way you always do. That father had learned, as simple as it night sound, nurturing, appropriate affection and it made a difference to that son. So, guys, embrace that gentleness gene, get the anger under control and there will be times that you will feel so helpless. Listen, your feeling of helplessness is actually a gift from God. It is. Because in that feeling of helpless, what do we do? We lean on one another. We lean on the wisdom of one another. We lean into the wisdom of others. That is feeling of helpless is a gift from God to say you're not designed to do this all on your own. Dads, here is another obvious thing, just realize your own need to regularly repent, confess, apologize, and forgive and receive grace yourself. You will mess up and you will need to admit that and apologize to your children and you will learn the underrated value. Few things will bind you to your children's heart more than your humility and your appropriate apology. It's a beautiful thing and it will engender actually great respect. You'll have to show grace to your children because they're going to make those mistakes. They're going to do those sins and they'll need to repent, confess, and apologize and don't keep reminding them. Show that grace. The Christian life, not one of us can claim a life of perfection. What is the Christian life? It is redemption. We acknowledge our brokenness. We surrender. We receive and we show grace to each other. Well, I want to close here with a letter. Two years ago there was a letter shared a letter from a man's father. As they were going through his desk, they found a letter that dad had written and left. I thought it was pretty interesting. He said this is the letter my dad wrote several years before his death and he left it where we would find it. Here it begins. Dear family, the time has come for my departure. It's strange to write this when I'm feeling so healthy and vigorous, but unless Christ returns first, that departure time will come and when you read this it will have happened. I had a great journey with Jesus, his name has been precious to me as a child and I thank my parents for this heritage, but now my life on earth is over and go to meet the Lord face-to-face and actually I've been anticipating this new adventure. I want you to know that I'm sorry for my own sin and failures which have been many, but I know Christ has forgiven them because there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. Some of those sins have even been against you, my dear family, and I'm sorry. You probably know my sins actually better than I do but there are some you do not know about. But I know them all too well. Where sin abounds, grace abounds even more. My dear Anne has been my most treasured friend and if she's still living as you read this, I know you'll treat her well. When she gets to heaven she's going to have a lot of blue ribbons and medals, but each of you my children and spouse, you have been the joy of my life as have been my grandchildren. I want you to know, I have never doubted your love for me and you've been too kind. I urge you to remain true to your savior and I have no doubt that you will love one another in your marriages, treasure your family, lay-up treasure in heaven. Beware of sin in your life and as you're aware of it, confess it, confess it quickly. Let the Holy Spirit's gift of joy color all your life. As you age, remain a happy person in Christ. Get even sweeter as you get older because sour, old people are a pain. And in my death, make sure Jesus Christ is glorified. It is good for me to go home now. I love you all, each one, and I will see you sooner than you think. Dad. In this room dads all across the room, dads in your memory, you're men and God created you male on purpose and you bring that to the table and to the family and you bring presence and engagement and nurture. You bring an appreciation for the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. Not everyone sees what you do. We're not handing out medals and trophies, but what you do makes a difference. If 16 leave you with one closing it would be this. As your father in heaven is merciful, so you be merciful. Receive it, treasure it in your own heart, and pass it along. My friends, thank you for being with us today. Just know we love you and we care. We actually care and in just a moment we get to witness a couple of baptisms. First Don is going to come up here and lead us in prayer. Brother Don. >> Indeed we serve an omnipotent and all-powerful, almighty and the one living God. And yet, as we today honor the concept and the privilege of fatherhood, with all of the opportunities and responsibilities, I'm reminded of one of the most humbling verses of scripture found in Galatians 4 which reminds us that we can address this God as Abba, 40, daddy. It's hard to grasp the concept and the honor that the God of the universe who created everything is my dad. And yours and yours. As we close today the service, let's go to him in prayer. Divine Father, we ascribe to you all glory and honor and majesty and dominion forever, for you are worthy and yet we are humbled to realize that you care for us and love us as your kids. As your children. Father, as we separate from this family meeting and go our different ways for the coming week to face the obligations and the opportunities and the trials and the affairs of this life, we confess to you that we can't do it alone. We just can't. So we ask for your help. As a loving father, we're asking for your wisdom to help us this week to watch for the difference between good and bad, right and wrong, and the strength to make the right choice. We ask for your guidance. Oftentimes we make the wrong move. We confess to you that we fail often times. So we ask for your forgiving nature and your grace and mercy towards us to lift us up again when we fall. Keep us on the right track. Give us the strength each day to meet each day's challenges. Give us the patience to endure trials and afflictions. Give us faith to help us to guard against the onslaught of the evil one. Increase our faith. Give us guidance that we can see the light and walk in it. Father, walk before us. Lead us this week every day, every step, and we will try our best to follow. Love us as you always have. Help us to love one another. But to love you most of all as our prayer in the wonderful and beautiful name in your son, Jesus. Amen. >> Shane: Amen. Thank you, Don. Today is a fantastic day because we get to witness two people being born into a new life in Christ. Carson and Slade Tichenor will be baptized by their father. >> Good morning to all the fathers out there. I love being a dad and Meredith and I love parenting together and trying to teach our kids to live this life the best way we know how. I cannot script this better to have the opportunity to present Carson and Slade before you today to be baptized. So this is Carson. He is 13 years old. Carson is an extraordinary young man. He is good to his core. He is smart. He is passionate about what he believes in and what he loves. He is a leader in our home. He is a great brother and a great cousin and he's selfless. So I'm just so proud of him and Meredith and I both are. Carson, I have a question to ask you. Do you believe that Jesus Christ walked on this earth and lived a perfect life and was crucified on a cross and rose from the grave three days later for the forgiveness of your sins to give you the gift of life? >> Yes. >> And I love you for that. So upon your confession, I now baptize you in the name of the father and his son in the Holy Spirit for the forgiveness of your sins. [Applause] >> This is my son Slade. Slade is 11 years old. Slade is an amazing boy. He has a beautiful heart. Slade is unique in a way that from a very young age he has consistently asked what are the attributes of a good man? What are the attributes of a good person? He always wants examples of those. So I believe today that he knows what those are and this is an affirmation of that understanding. Slade is a loving brother. He is a loving son, a loving cousin. Slade is very passionate about what he cares about, about what he loves about. He has an amazing work ethic. Him and Carson are very much alike on that. Slade, I want to ask you for your confession. So do you believe that Jesus Christ walked on this earth a perfect man and was crucified on a cross and rose from the grave three days later for the forgiveness of your sins and to give you the gift of eternal life? >> Yes. >> I know you do and I love you for that. Slade, I baptize you now in the name of the father, and the son, and the Holy Spirit for the forgiveness of your sins and to give you the gift of eternal life. [Applause] >> Shane: Amen. Kevin, best Father's Day ever right there. Pretty good for all of us. As we close today, I have a few things I want to ask you to pay attention to because we've got stuff going on. Isn't that great? First, if you don't know it, we have some great Bible classes for all ages at 9:45 a.m. before this service. Second, check out all the other stuff on our website for information and sign up for things like summer camp, for the men's huddle Zoom Bible study going on. Check that out on the website. You can sign up and get information there. Finally, take note of the first two Sundays in July. On July 4 which is a Sunday, we will have one service at 10:00 a.m. Following that, we will have food trucks and fellowship from 11:00 to 1:00. One service with food trucks after that. It will be fantastic to celebrate together. Also on July 11, the next Sunday, we will have the full menu of our adult Bible classes. Look forward to that. Thank you for joining us. It's great to be together. Let's stand for one more song before we go out to live the mission of Jesus. And again happy Father's Day. >> Richard: Amen. \M God So Loved \M >> Richard: Aren't you glad that God so loved the world? Thank you for worshiping with us today. You are dismissed. [\M\M\M] >> Thank you for joining us today. We want to let you know about a few items of interest. First, go to our website, firstcolonychurch.org, and go there often. You'll find links to our worship services, Bible study options, online giving, and our podcast "Anchor Point." You can also download our church app. Just search for First Colony Church of Christ in the app store or on Google Play. The app is a great resource where you can stay connected to First Colony Church. Thank you for joining us today. we are glad you're here.