DISCLAIMER: This text is not a verbatim transcript. Communication Access Real Time Translation (CART) is provided in order to facilitate communication credibility and may not be a totally verbatim record of the proceedings. >> Thank you for joining us today. We want to let you know about a few items of interest. First, go to our website, firstcolonychurch.org, and go there often. You'll find links to our worship services, Bible study options, online giving, and our podcast "Anchor Point." You can also download our church app. Just search for First Colony Church of Christ in the App Store or on Google Play. The app is a great resource where you can stay connected to First Colony Church. Thank you for joining us today. we are glad you're here. >> Shane: Welcome to our morning of worship. Welcome to everyone with us and online. God's word says when we're gathered together in the name of Jesus, his spirit is here among us. So let's invite the Holy Spirit to speak to us. We start off missions month. You see the flags. We get to be a part of God's mission. Right now let's stand together and sing his praise. \M "Almighty God" \M >> Richard: Yes, what an amazing God we serve! \M "Fires" \M >> Richard: You may be seated, church. >> Shane: Terry and Lynn Aven are going to lead us in communion. This is where we focus on Jesus to remember and rejoice on what he's done in his sacrifice. Please lead us. >> Terry: Good morning. My name is Terry and this is my husband Lynn. Please pray with me over the bread which represents the body of Christ given for us and the cup representing the blood that he poured out for the forgiveness of our sins. Let us pray. Holy God, giver of all good gifts, you have given us the perfect gift of Jesus. Fully human, you felt the pain and humiliation as he was tried by an angry mob as a criminal and an imposter. Fully divine, he could have called in angel armies, but instead he paid for our since. The simple symbols we eat and drink today remind us of his unimaginable sacrifice. Forgive us when we have been reluctant to be inconvenienced or uncomfortable for the cause of Christ. Help us to respond in gratitude and love through Christ we pray, amen. Let us partake together. >> Lynn: Reading from Psalm 96:1-4 (NIV) Sing to the Lord a new song; sing to the Lord, all the earth. Sing to the Lord, praise his name; proclaim his salvation day after day. Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous deeds among all peoples. For great is the Lord and most worthy of praise; he is to be feared above all gods. \M "This I Believe (The Creed)" \M >> Richard: Why don't we all stand together. >> Shane: Amen. You guys have a seat. What a wonderful thing to sing and praise to our God. As we take our offering, if you're online, you can give online or text to give. Here in the room, you can put your offerings in the box at the back. This is a time for worship as we give as the Father gives to us. This month is missions month. What a wonderful focus on supports and international missions. We're going to hear about that today and next week in the coming weeks. You can give just to the mission fund. I did it this morning before church. It took me one minute to do it. You just need to do a one-time gift and you can select the missions Sunday fund from the drop-down menu instead of your regular giving. You can put a 1 and many more 0s and give to fissions fund. Let's pray over our offering. God, we give these offerings that they may be used by You. Would you increase the sacrificial self giving that you gave to us. We ask that you bless and empower our missions offering this week and we pray that everything we give will be used to further the message of Jesus, the life-giving gospel to go out into the world. In this we pray. >> Joel: Amen. Good morning. It is good to see you all here today. We have an objective lesson that involves giving and mission. Pretty interesting. One of my favorite stories in the Bible is about how God's kingdom doesn't match our natural inclinations. You want something, you have to give it away. If someone is mean to you, you don't pay it back mean, you be nice. When you see this played out, it truly is amazing. The verse comes to us from Proverbs 12:35. It says: "The generous soul will be made rich. He whether or not waters will be watered." When we're willing to give to the needs of others, there is a blessing that God meets our needs also. You're probably area of the five loafs and two fishes where the boy was willing to give his lunch away. I'm using water to illustrate that. That's what it talks about in the verse itself. But what is interesting is there is another story in 1 King where Elijah and the widow of Zeraphath only had enough meal for one meal and she said, we're going to die. There was a drought in the land and she was willing to give her last to God and what happened? Well, you know the story. God provided just enough for that next day and interestingly that was it. They had just enough for the next day. This is what's amazing. . Do you have any idea? How is that even possible? God continued -- let's get it all out there. So on the third day, can you think what happened? What happens when we give our stuff away? Are you ready for this? God supplies it. Oh boy, we could go on and on and on, but there is an awesome message that is up and coming. But the point is that it doesn't make sense to give your time, your talents, your blessings to other people in this world, but that is when God blesses and his work is done. That is my prayer that we do his work. If the children's ministry we are gathering school supplies for families who just arrived from Afghanistan and their children are going to go to school. If you're interested, at each of our check-in stations there is a supply list. If you want to help in the month of November, we're collecting school supplies. To prove that we're not out -- I'm going to carry on. >> Shane: I want to test this. >> Joel: You can test it. We're almost out. >> Shane: Let's give it up for Joel. Thank you. [Applause]. >> Shane: If you're here and not in a class, a connection group, care group, especially if you're newer here, we would love you to fill out the online digital connection card with the Q.R. code in front of you. You can also go to the lobby. We would love our team to get connected here or at least get to know you. This Thursday is veterans' day and we want to pick a moment and recognize and thank all of our veterans, those who are serving or have. Would you please stand now so we can recognize our veterans in our armed forces, could you please stand. [Applause]. >> Shane: Yes. Thank you for your service to our country. If you are a kid from first grade to grade five, Danelle is back there. Parents, if you haven't checked them in, there is a kiosk. It will take just a minute to check them in. You have a great Main Street Live. Everyone else, let's take this time and have a fellowship greeting. [Indistinct chatter] \M "He Reigns" \M >> Richard: Do you believe that, church? He reigns. Amen, church. Thank you for your worship. You may be seated. >> Grant: Amen and amen. Good morning, church. My name is Grant Wright, the outreach and missions member. This is a special season at our church. This is a month that we take to see what the Lord is doing in and through the First Colony Church in our international mission work. So as our church, not only do we get to celebrate that this morning, but we get to listen to see what is the Lord calling us to do in this next year. What is your role and part in the international mission work. We're going to talk about two main things. We're going to talk about our mission vision as the First Colony Church. What's our approach? Why do we do these things? The second big thing is the why behind it. We want to take time to say, why do we do missions at all? Grant, why do you get excited on that stage every November when you get up there? Right. First Colony Church mission vision, simply put, we engage specific geographic areas with FC’s 12 missional approaches as we partner with God in His mission to seek and save The lost (Luke 19:10) and see every nation, tribe, people and language standing before the throne and the Lamb (Rev 7:9). We are going and doing our part, but the end of that mission is all peoples standing before the Lord and worshiping before heaven. That is what we are working towards in our church, but this starts by talking about specific geographic locations. Our leadership said, we're going to step back, take a little time, we're going to pray, fast, listen to the Lord. We're going to see where is He calling us. What are the people groups he's giving us a vision for? We want to target these places. You see five international mission points and their flags. We have Honduras, Colombia, Haiti, Nepal. These are places we've been with over the years. We've focused our time, energy, and money in these five specific places. We've been around as the First Colony Church about 35 years and this one church has gone and planted 25 other churches around the globe. This is a beautiful picture of Revelation 7:9 coming to life. We are getting a taste of that before we get to experience heaven. Missions has been at the heart of who this church is from its start. This is a little bit about our vision. You may be thinking, all right, Grant. We get the big picture. But you be unclear as to specifically what this looks like as we go on mission. Some churches when they go on mission, they do a really good job of focusing on the human needs. That I will take care of the water. There are others who do a good job of taking care of the spiritual needs, Evangelism and church planting. Our church calls this a holistic mission approach. We want to take the physical as well as the spiritual and make sure that in all five of our geographic locations, we are meeting both of those needs. So as we go, you're going to hear us talk about both elements of the physical and the spiritual in these geographic locations. We break it down into three categories. On the human side we have the mercy ministries and on the spirit side, we have the disciple side, and then the their third phase is sustaining communities. So let's break this down one by one. What does the mercy ministries look like? It looks like adopting the Father's heart. I love God and he puts it so clearly in the Old and the New Testament as he talks about loving the poor, the foreigner, the widow, the orphan. Deuteronomy 10:18 “He defends the cause of the Fatherless and the widow, and loves the foreigner residing among you, giving them food and clothing. Jesus' ministry physical then spiritual, feeding the poor/agricultural assistance, He takes care of the physical needs of the people and as he serves the people and their needs, he takes care of their spiritual needs. We go into the geographic locations and takes care of the physical. This allows the people to experience the goodness that comes from God and God alone, to experience the hands and feet of Christ, as the body of Christ goes on mission, but also we follow that up with the spiritual. Real quick, before we jump there, you might be saying, what does this look like? Practically, what does this look like as we take care of people's physical needs? In Haiti, it looks like us feeding 600 kids a warm meal at school because at home they're not receiving food during the week. This looks like in Uganda, when there is a famine, we come alongside and provide food while these families are literally starving. This looks like for a decade while we're investing in farming God's way principles, teaching these people to increase their crop yields so when famine comes, they can survive. This looks like in Nepal when there are natural disasters like earthquakes or monsoons or recently COVID-19, we're able to come and provide for the physical needs of these people during this time. This looks like in Colombia next to the border of Venezuela, when you have Venezuelans coming across as refugees, but our local church there is also going across and serving 90 churches of Christ in Venezuela. This looks like starting medical clinics. This looks like our members going on short-term mission trips and taking care of the physical needs of the people. This look like helps orphans and widows and in Nepal rescuing girls out of sex trafficking. Starting to get the picture of what taking care of the human side looks like as we go with the Father's heart petitioner all people. Then we have the spiritual side, the disciple side. It starts with our folks on the ground, our missionaries. In Nepal, they spend the first 40 days of the year praying and fasting. That's not the leadership. That's the entire church. That shows some of their heart and their passion to submit their lives before the Lord and trust him with their needs. As we go, we want to see Bible studies among all of these people groups. We want to see non-believes and seekers and new believers and seekers gathering and studying in their heart language. We want all these people groups to know and have the bread of life. We're there as gospel translation, our church comes alongside to provide that. And the last people of this disciple making is Christian community. We want to establish this Christian community in these places. What this does not mean is planting one church in one of these locations. What this does mean is going into one of these locations and seeing a movement, a spread of the gospel, a spread of Jesus Christ where he is known is worshiped in these places. This looks like in Uganda where we have 17 churches in cities and villages spread out among the people. This looks like in Colombia where we are planning things around the city and Jesus' name is being known or in Honduras where there are 20-plus churches. In Nepal we have 86 home groups, fellowships established across the southeast corner of Nepal where the Lord has given us a passion and a vision for. We're starting to get a vision of the spiritual needs for the call of our church. We see there are physical and spiritual. Then the question we need to ask as we evaluate our mission work is how do we create holistic mission that lives beyond the life and the presence of the First Colony Church of Christ? This is what we do, called sustaining communities, where the focus is how do we make this self-sustainable? What does this look like? This is us going on short-term mission trips and pouring into the local leadership, giving them training, teaching them the gospel, letting them take ownership of the movement and establishing these mission points having local resources and funds so they can do their ministry on their own. Let's be honest, church, we have been the steady fuel and resources for all of these movements for years and sometimes decades, but that's not the end goal. We go in and we teach and we disciple and we teach good doctrine. But we want to release it so the locals can take it, own it, and spread it among their own people. What's been beautiful is even in the hardships of the coronavirus, the lockdown, we haven't been able to go on trips to these places, we've seen the heart of these locals that just love Jesus and they love God more than anything. It reminds me of when Paul said, I am in chains for the gospel and they are submitting their lives and saying I'm going to give it all so my people are taken care of. I'm going to give it all so this region is covered by the gospel of Jesus Christ. We're seeing them own it and take it and it is a beautiful picture taken. What does success look like in the end game that First Colony Church is going to accomplish? Four things. Local leaders leading the churches and the movements. Number two, we see people coming to know Jesus on a regular basis. Number three, the local leaders have caught this vision for holistic missions and now they are praying and asking God, where do you want me to go, the next town, village, country, and they're doing it on their own local resources. That's success for the mission. I hope you see the approach and the vision of what this looks like as we go on mission. Now we want to take a minute to say why, why do we do this at all? Why is mission important? Grant, why are you getting so excited about this. Let's dive in. The reason missions are so important is because it allows us to multiply the glory Of Lord. Very simple. That might sound a little interesting, that phrased, the word "glory." We don't often use the word "glory" in 2021 America, but this is a term that is frequented throughout scripture, Genesis to Revelation 285 times. As it's used, there are three primary ways that this term is used. Let's walk through this real quick. Number one, glory is an intrinsic part of the Lord's character and presence. So the lord is glorious. When he reveals his glory to humans, it is beautiful and spectacular. We see the Lord's glory in creation. We see Lord's glory as God appears to Abraham, Moses and prophets We see the Lord's glory fill the tabernacle and now heaven. I love how the scriptures say the heavens are in no need of a sun anymore because the glory of God is there and it fills with light. So the physical presence is the glory of the Lord. Number two, glory is something God does. He does glorious things. Glory is evident in the LORD’s grand deeds and provisions. So we see the Lord's glory as a pillar as he protects and provides for the Israelites in the desert. We see the Lord's glory present at Jesus’ birth, baptism, throughout His Ministry and at Jesus’ resurrection. We also witness the glory of the Lord present at Stephen's death in Acts 8. Number three, glory is something that we participate in. We do, we give God glory. How do we do this? This is like a gym of Christianity. How do we give God glory? We recognize him for who He is. He is God. He is the great king above all gods. We worship him. We give him our delight, praise, and Thanksgiving. I love what Paul says in 1 Corinthians 10, he says whether you eat, drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. That's right. So you might be saying, all right, Grant, I get it. I see. The glory of God is the Lord's presence. The Lord does glorious things. We give him glory. What does this have to do with mission and with multiplying the glory of the Lord? That's a great question. The multiplication of the glory of the Lord is God’s ultimate goal. It’s what He’s been working towards this whole time. Habakkuk 2:14 is a wonderful picture of this ultimate goal. Habakkuk 2:14 For the earth will be filled And the knowledge and the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea. What percent of the sea is covered by water? 100%. Thank you. You guys are awake. All right. So what that means is 100% of the earth is filled with the Lord's glory. Let's look at this throughout scripture. Let's start with Abraham. Genesis 17:4 God speaking to Abraham says, “As for me, this is my covenant with You: You will be the father of many nations. Not the father of the son, not the father of a family, not a nation, many nations. Now we're going to dive into David's heart. David is a man after God's own heart. And we're going to read about his delight and thanksgiving, as he worships the Lord. Let's dive in. Psalm 67:3-4 says, "Let the peoples praise you Oh God, let all the peoples praise you. Let the nations be glad and sing for joy." Psalm 96 Declare His glory among the nations, His marvelous deeds among all peoples. Psalm 97:1 "The Lord reigns, let the earth rejoice, let the many coast lands be glad We see Jesus’ heart for the nations." And in his famous speech to the disciples in Matthew 28:19 "Go and make disciples of all nations." Acts 1:8 Right before he raises into heaven. "But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be My witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” One last scripture that's going to tie a nice bow, bring all this together for us, found in Philippians 2. This is one of Paul’s most power Packed scriptures. That's saying a lot for the apostle Paul. Let's take a second to remember who he is. The apostle Paul was chosen to be God's instrument to proclaim His name among the Gentiles. Acts 9:15 Let's dive in. Philippians 2:8-11 "And being found in human form, He humbled himself by becoming Obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross. Therefore ,God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above every name, so that At the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under The earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the Glory of God the Father.” This is saying as more and more people come to confess Jesus as Lord, that God is glorified. Well, how do more and more people come to confess Jesus as Lord? Through missions! Right? That is exactly what we are doing. The expansion of God's glory is his ultimate goal. This is the meta narrative in which Christ is calling and God and we get to live in. We are participating in the multiplication of the Lord as we go and do mission. When Aminta became a new believer through the work of our missionaries and shares Jesus with her husband and 11 Relatives and now there are 12 other people that confess Jesus Christ is Lord in the church in Cucuta, Colombia. In this, God is glorified, and earth is Closer to being filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the seas. When Roolite hikes four hours into the Haitian mountains with The youth group where there is no Christian presence to plant a church were there is no Christian presence and there are Now 100 new believers, the Lord is glorified, and earth is closer to being filled with the Knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea. In Nepal where our missionaries go to some of the hardest places to reach physically on earth and share the gospel with 25,000 people last year alone, God is gloried. And the earth is closer to being filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters Cover the sea. Manisha rescued from sex Trafficking, brought to a safe house, accepts Jesus, confesses him as Lord, and now mentors 17 other Hindu rescued girls. God is glorified. And the earth is closer to being filled with the knowledge of the Glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea. And as the First Colony Church of Christ goes on mission, as we fully fund nine missionaries, as we translate and distribute Bibles, disciple local leaders, start Christian achools, plants churches, and we work so That the name of Jesus may be known and worshiped among our five Mission Points, God is glorified, and The earth is closer to being filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the water covers the seas. Do you see why I get so excited about this as I get up here to share what the Lord is doing through this church? It is a beautiful picture of the Lord spreading his glory. There is one other reality that comes with this and it is sobering. Everything that we work for on this earth, everything, it fades. But the truth that Jesus is Lord and His glory will be multiplied and last forever. So for us to join God in multiplying his glory, guys, this is the only thing worth living for, the only thing. All right. I want to share a video with you guys that talks about what the First Colony Church has been doing over the past five years as we work to multiply his glory. Let's check this out. [\M\M\M] >> First Colony Church of Christ is committed to sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ. In our 35-year history, we have started 25 churches. During this time, our missionaries and mission teams have shared the gospel with thousands around the world. They've reached the unreached and baptized in the name of Jesus. Indigenous leaders have taken ownership of the Lord's call to seek and save the lost. Houses have become places of worship where seekers and believers can deepen their faith. God is on the move and First Colony Church is fuelling the fire. Over the last five years, we have seen 2,673 baptisms. 134 new groups started. Three new churches planted. And 161 girls rescued from human trafficking. And we have served 1,043,000 meals. This crisis relief includes Colombia, Honduras, Uganda, Nepal, and the children of Haiti. [\M\M\M] >> With your continued partnership and support of our 2022 international mission work, we expect to start new churches, baptize the unreached, and train Indigenous leaders. Soon we will see our five targeted mission points with biblically healthy, multiplying churches, redeeming lives and transforming communities. >> Grant: This is first colony missions. This is who we are. We multiply the glory of the Lord. I love what we've done for the kingdom. Over 2,600 baptisms, millions of meals. This is a beautiful picture for the father's heart for all peoples. Some of you all have been in this for decades. Thank you for your partnership. Some of you have jumped in head first the last couple of years. Thank you. Some of you are new this year. We invite you to come and be a part of the mission legacy that is part of the First Colony Church of Christ, but none of this, absolutely none, happens without the passion and the heart of this church to be involved. I'm excited. This year the Lord has given us a massive vision for 2022. It's having a lot of us. We're in a season where we're transitioning from this multiplication of discipleship into a season where we want to sustain the multiplication that we have seen. What does this look like? Needing to acquire new properties and new churches. In Nepal this looks like moving from a house church to building a church that can be a community center, that can be a discipleship training facility. This looks like in Cucuta, Colombia, where they are in a rented facility and they're going to acquire a building so that place can have a place of worship long after the fellowship of First Colony Church of Christ. This looks like in Uganda where we're going to add two floors to the building so they have more space for leadership training and rental income that will generate income for the 17-church movement that will go again long after First Colony Church of Christ. In order to do this, it takes extra from us. Bottom line, that's what it looks like. Typically we raise $200,000 a year on our mission giving and this year to be able to acquire and build these things, it looks like more $400,000. As we go into missions month, this is my ask that we come before the Lord and pray and say, what do you want my part to be with multiplying the glory of the Lord this year? What does that look like? And then we obey it. We be Christians that are crazy enough to obey what the Lord puts before us. As we do that, we will go and do as much as we can with what is provided. Church, I'm excited. I'm excited to see the vision that he's given us, the people that he's surrounded. What we've been able to accomplish and what the Lord is going to do in the future. It's an honor to be in this together. Chad, you can head up. Next week is mission Sunday. We have a special guest from Haiti. Roolite Religeaux will be with us. He is a fantastic man, a man of God. I get to sit here and listen about Haiti and what the Lord is doing. It will be a privilege for those of you who don't know him to meet him. That will be next Sunday. He'll also be in the gym. We'll have some special things in Bible class hour. Join us next week in person or online. It will be a fun Sunday for missions Sunday. Again, church, we love you. Thank you for who you are. Thank you for your love of the Father and Jesus and joining as we multiply his glory. Chad. >> Grant, thank you for bringing our message to us this morning. Church, two questions as we enter into our hour of prayer, the first is how are we being called to go and the second is, are we willing to answer that call? Are you and I willing to answer what our call is? Let's pray. Father, you have called us to go, to go and to multiply our talents and your glory in all the earth. You called us to be a missionary in our homes, in our workplaces, in our church bodies, in our communities, and in a world that you have created. Over the past 35 years, you called our church body to go to Uganda, Colombia, Haiti, Nepal, Honduras, has you had work prepared there in advance for us to do. You've chosen to use us to build latrines and to serve meals, to preach and to listen, to care and to love, to save and to redeem. This is your amazing work that you choose to need us to do in the lives and hearts of those you love and that you seek to reach. As long as there is one soul that hasn't heard your name, one girl sold into slavery, one child who has no food to eat or hasn't felt the warmth of a hug from another, we call that one. For your love and your grace and your mercies and your redemption and salvation is for everyone and every one. Father, lead our hearts to you in a new way each and every day, soften us from the hardness this world attempts to create. Give us the peace that comes from turning away from ourselves and towards you and the needs of the others. Father, enlarge our territory in the influence and lives of others and restore to us the joy of our ultimate home that we have with you in glory one sweet day. And it's in Jesus' name we pray. Amen. >> Shane: Thank you, Chad. Everybody, what a great morning. Next week is going to be better. This is a fantastic missions month. I have a few things to tell you about as we close today. In case you didn't know, we have Bible classes for all ages at 9:45. If you want to get connected with a class, see me and the crew in the lobby. We'll find the right one for you. We have an online class that meets just after we finish up here. Later in the week you can look at this. We have stories from the mission field and this week's mission highlight focus video is a place near and dear to my heart in Uganda and you can hear more about what's going on there as we prep for missions Sunday next week. I also want to tell you about celebrate recovery real quick. I've spoken about it before, but in case you haven't noticed, it's been a tough year, year and a half. God is working to heal the brokenness in our lives and hearts. If you have a hang up, something that is keeping you from realizing the full life Jesus has for you, we are here. I would love to talk to you in the lobby or on the phone or e-mail. I would love to see you Friday night. We have child care, men's groups, ladies' groups. We are here to overcome the hurts, habits, and hangups. Don't isolate. Let us help you on this journey with Jesus and I hope you will reach out to me or come and see us on Friday night. What a great morning of worship and fellowship this morning. We get to go into that mission field. As we walk out there door, remember to pray about your missions offering and you can do that online at any time. Let's ask God to increase the harvest and send us into the mission field right now. Let's stand and sing one more song. >> Richard: Amen. \M "He Reigns" \M >> Richard: Church, thank you for your worship today. You are dismissed. [\M\M\M] >> Thank you for joining us today. We want to let you know about a few items of interest. First, go to our website, firstcolonychurch.org, and go there often. You'll find links to our worship services, Bible study options, online giving, and our podcast "Anchor Point." You can also download our church app. Just search for First Colony Church of Christ in the App Store or on Google Play. The app is a great resource where you can stay connected to First Colony Church. Thank you for joining us today. we are glad you're here.