DISCLAIMER:  This text is not a verbatim transcript.  Communication Access Real Time Translation (CART) is provided in order to facilitate communication credibility and may not be a totally verbatim record of the proceedings.    >> Thank you for joining us today. We want to let you know about a few items of interest. First, go to our website, firstcolonychurch.org, and go there often. You'll find links to our worship services; Bible study options; online giving; and our podcast, Anchor Point. You can also download our church app. Just search for "First Colony Church of Christ" in the App Store or on Google Play. The app is a great resource where you can stay connected to First Colony Church. Thank you for joining us today. We're glad you're here. ¶ >> Thank you for joining us today. We want to let you know about a few items of interest. First, go to our website, firstcolonychurch.org, and go there often. You'll find links to our worship services; Bible study options; online giving; and our podcast, Anchor Point. You can also download our church app. Just search for "First Colony Church of Christ" in the App Store or on Google Play. The app is a great resource where you can stay connected to First Colony Church. Thank you for joining us today. We're glad you're here. >> Richard: Good morning, church! Let's all stand together and worship the Lord. He is good, amen? ("Great Things" playing) >> Richard: Yes! We serve a God who does great things! Amazing things in our lives! ("Way Maker" playing) >> Richard: That is who You Are! ¶ ¶ Yes, that is who You Are ¶ ¶ We believe it ¶ ¶ It's who You Are ¶ ¶ Yes, that is who You Are ¶ >> Richard: Church, you may be seated as our communion leaders come up to lead us in communion. >> Missy: Good morning. This is my husband Pete and I'm Missy Edgmon. Please pray with me for the body represented by the bread and the cup which represented His blood. Please pray with me. Holy Father, we come to You today as You ask us to do; to remember You; to remember what You have done for us; to remember that we really are forgiven through the complete sacrifice that You made on the cross. And Father, I pray as we take communion today that Your Spirit will awaken in us just the new hope, the hope for the Living Hope we have through Christ because You will return. We have a great hope when You return. It's a hope of inheritance that will never fade. It will never go away. And Lord, I pray also that Your Spirit will enliven us to have action that will be people that understand that we need to make Your Name great in this world. Show us how to do that, Father. Show us when to speak and show us when to refrain from speaking. Awaken us again to the purpose that You're calling us to so we can make Your Name great so when You come again there will be faith again on this earth. It's through Jesus' Name we pray. Amen. >> Pete: I will be reading from the Book of Matthew chapter 5, verses 3-12. (Reading) ("You Say" playing) >> Grant: Thank you, Emily. That is a beautiful, beautiful song. Well, as we prepare our hearts in worship, we also worship through our giving; and so church, as we do that, just know that giving online is safe, secure, easy to set up. If you're here, we've got giving bins at all the exits. But I just want to thank you guys. I mean, this is a beautiful thing as the body of Christ comes together to make a difference here and international locations. Just a quick update on some of the things that have happened from Mission Sunday -- you know, we were able to bring in Roolite Religieux from Thomazeau, Haiti; and one thing we were able to give him was an office space there in Thomazeau, Haiti. We're able to start the project next month to build that office. But a second thing we talked about is the need for a medical clinic in Thomazeau, and what a huge need that was to help that whole city. Again, due to y'all's generosity, showing up, and giving big for Missions, we are able to start that clinic. That will open up in March. So church, thank you guys. That's a huge blessing. (Applause) Absolutely. What the Lord is doing in and through the First Colony Church of Christ is a beautiful thing so thank you. Let's pray for the offering today. Father, You Are Good. Your love endures forever, and I just -- I love how You use this church to bless the ministries here, to bless the ministries in our mission field. So Father, as we come, we just come with grateful hearts knowing that all we have comes from You, just keep us having that eternal perspective, storing up those things that are heavenly, that are eternal. So Father, we just submit this to You and ask Your will be done and use to multiply and bless Your kingdom. We pray in Jesus' Name. Amen. >> Joel: Good morning, everyone. It's good to be with you this morning. Today I have a newspaper, and my newspaper, hopefully will create a visual illustration. This is the kid's spot. So I don't know if you have ever seen a tree that has fallen over in a storm, but sometimes you'll come by and you'll see that either the roots weren't very strong; or maybe there was something rotten on the inside. And when you have a tree that doesn't have very strong roots, what happens? It falls over. That's right. Well, how do you take a tree and roots and liken that to a spiritual concept that we can apply? So my verse today comes to us from Psalms 1:1-3. It says, "Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners; nor sitteth in the seat of the scorner. But his delight is in the law of the Lord and in His law does he meditate day and night. And he will be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, which bringeth forth His fruit in His season." What is so cool about that is you want to have roots that are strong, that stand. You need to focus on meditating on God's Word. (Blowing). I wasn't able to knock it over. Now, obviously this is just paper, but the idea is that when we meditate on Scripture, when we learn God's Word, we have strong roots that will stand firm. That's my prayer for each one of you, whether you're little or big or even bigger; that you would meditate on God's Word and that it would build deep roots in your life. Thank you very much. (Applause) >> Grant: As always, Joel, thank you. It's a good place to fall in love with the Word. All right, if you are in first to fifth grade, it's time to go back to the back center where we're gonna be heading over to the chapel for Main Street Live! Parents, if you haven't signed your kids in, you can head over to the chapel and do that at this time. But first to fifth graders can head to Main Street Live! Everybody else, if you're a member or a guest, this is a great time to fill out a Connection card. It's a great way to just, one, let us know you're here; two, to let us know if you want to know about ministries or get connected with things; and then three, to tell us your prayer requests. We will pray for you by name. Our staff loves to pray for you guys every week. And for all our guests here today thank you for joining us. We would love to get to meet you. We've got a room right across the lobby called "New Here? Start Here.” If you're here, join us after service because our volunteers would love to meet you, answer questions, and we have a little gift for you today. So church, we are back on Wednesday nights. We've got a full slate. Our building is full so come join us on Wednesday nights. We've got children's ministries rockin'; student ministries rockin'; there's things for adults whether it's small groups; Uplift, classes; a lot of great options; outreach ministries with FriendSpeak. One thing in particular I want you to know about is a class called Parenting in a Post-Christian Culture. Whether you are parent; whether you're got little ones or people my age, this is still relevant whether you are parent. This is anybody that's involved in our culture. We will be talking through thing that are defending the truth; defining tolerance in a post-Christian culture. Sexual formation in a post-Christian culture. Dealing with social media. How do we think critically in a post-Christian culture? We've got some great material and will have some great discussion, a lot of great resources. I just encourage you guys. That will start two Wednesdays from now, a class myself and Shane Gage will lead on Wednesday evenings. Life is happening Wednesday so come join us. All right, church. Go ahead and stand up and greet the folks around us, say hello. ("Victory in Jesus" playing) >> Richard: Church, thank you for worshiping with us today! You may be seated! >> Ronnie: Fantastic. Thank you so much, Richard and team. We appreciate that. Good morning, everybody. Glad to see you right here in the room; and to those of you who are with us online, we are grateful to have you worshiping with us today. Good morning. Good morning to you. We want to recognize some new members right off. I will ask you to stand, Brian and Krissy Dailey and their two sons, Hayden and Jonathan. The Daileys are right there. (Applause) Yes, they are. So glad to have you with us, Brian and Krissy, Hayden, and young Jonathan. So three weeks from today is our annual Super Sunday Bring a Friend Day, or as we may call it, Invite a Friend Day. Our guest speaker is NASA astronaut Barry Wilmore. You see his photo. I’ll leave that on the screen for a moment, please. Barry has spent 170-some-odd days in space. He was the pilot for space shuttle "Atlantis." He is the commander for NASA's next upcoming manned space flight, which is on the Boeing Starliner. He is a strong Christian, a Bible teacher. He does some preaching. He's an elder in his local church, and he's looking forward to being with us. I'm looking forward to having him, and I think it will be a fantastic, fantastic morning. Well, we're in a message series called Upgrades and we're talking about "From Inertia to Engagement." You member Newton's first law of motion, also known as the Law of Inertia; an object stays at rest or an object stays in a certain motion unless acted on by another force. Today we're going to see Jesus speak with two groups of brothers, four fishermen; but He's going to ask them. He's gonna act with energy, and He's going to ask them to upgrade from fishing to becoming fishers for people. We'll get to that story here in a moment. How many of you like to fish? Just sort of -- raise your hand. You like to fish. Okay, more in this service than the first service. I have a coworker who just absolutely loves to fish, Jeff Krebs, our Facilities Manager. He looks for EVERY opportunity to go fishing. He's got signs all in his office about fishing. You know, one says, "The lake is calling, and I must go." Another one says, "Born to fish but forced to work." Comedian Steven Wright says, there's a fine line, though, between fishing and standing on the shore like an idiot. (Laughter) Whatever that means. Some of you really like to fish; some not so much; but here's a story today found in three of the Gospels. We'll read out of Luke 5 and see this upgrade. Luke 5 beginning verse 1. "One day as Jesus was standing by the Lake of Gennesaret -- that's really is Sea of Galilee. In fact, it's sometimes called the Sea of Tiberius. So this lake, this Sea of Galilee, is 13 miles north to south; 8 miles east to west; and it's really a focal point of so much of the ministry of Jesus. So much of His ministry is from around Galilee, and His teachings were from there. His closest friends were found there. So here, Jesus was standing by the Lake of Gennesaret, the people were crowding around Him and listening to the Word of God. This is now the public ministry of Jesus, and He is super popular, so very, very popular. They have seen His miracles. They have seen Him cast out demons. They have seen Him heal the sick. They have heard Him teach with great authority. He does something rabbis never do. Rabbis would always say, "Follow God." Jesus said, "You follow Me." He taught with great authority. He saw at the water's edge two boats, left by be the fishermen who were washing their nets. So the people have come not to fish but to hear Jesus. But listen, Jesus has come to do some fishing. He's about -- He's spreading the net. He's teaching. He is fishing for souls for the souls of men and women and boys and girls. Verse 3. He got into one of the boats, the one belonging to Simon and asked him to put out at little from shore. Then He sat down and taught the people from the boat. So Jesus gets into Simon's boat -- this is Simon Peter. Jesus will later change Simon's name to Peter, which means “the rock.” He gets in the boat and does so deliberately. He gets into Simon's boat intentionally because He's about to get into Simon's life even more. He uses his boat as a little floating pool pulpit. When he had finished speaking -- verse 4 -- he said to Simon, "Put out into deep water, and let down the nets for a catch." Simon answered, "Master, we've worked hard all night and haven't caught anything." Translation: we're professional fishermen and we know more about this than You do. You're telling us to go out in the deep and throw out our nets? No, you're supposed to -- at the Sea of Galilee, you fish in the shallows, not the deep; and at night and not during the daylight in the sun. You stick to preaching; we'll stick to fishing; thank You for that advice. But I tell you what. Simon went on and said: “Because You say so, I will let down the nets. It doesn't make any sense, but because You say so, we'll obey and let down the nets.” When they had done so, they caught such a large number of fish that their nets began to break. You remember that ad-lib line from the "Jaws" movie? "We're gonna need a bigger boat." That's what they're saying: "We're gonna need a bigger boat." So they signal their partners in the other boat to come and help them and they came and filled both boats so full that they began to sink. When Simon Peter saw this, he fell at Jesus' knees and said, "Go away from me, Lord; I am a sinful man." For he and all his companions were astonished at the catch of fish they had taken. This is unprecedented. So were James and John, sons of Zebedee, Simon's partners. Simon Peter backs up, and he realizes only God could do this. This is no ordinary rabbi. Jesus could catch all these fish because He's the One who created all these fish. And Simon says, “Lord, I'm not worthy to be in Your Presence. I'm a sinful man.” And, you know, whenever you have those experiences, whenever you come to church and just don't treat it like a social event; you remember you're in the Presence of a Holy God in a unique way. You sometimes have that feeling, don't you? I am not worthy, Lord, to be called Your son; to be called Your daughter; but as you have heard me say many times, no, you're not worthy; but Jesus Christ IS worthy and more than worthy to be your Savior. It's because of His great love for us and His grace for us -- we have no reason to boast and brag, but we have EVERY reason to worship and celebrate to give praise and thanksgiving to our Great God who loves us and forgives us and who can even use us. So Jesus, in His kindness to Simon said, “Simon, don't be afraid. From now on, you will fish for people." In other words, or in the words of those wonderful 1970s rockers BTO -- Bachman Turner Overdrive, "You ain't seen nothing yet." Some of you are starting to look them up -- you know, BTO -- yeah. All right. "You ain't seen nothing yet." And I wonder if Peter on the day of Pentecost when he is selected to preach that inaugural church sermon and 3,000 people are baptized that day. I wonder if he thought back to this moment. “You're gonna be fishing for people; and, Peter, you ain't seen nothing yet. Wait till you see how the Holy Spirit works through ordinary people surrendered to My purposes.” So they pulled their boats up on shore. They left everything, and they followed Him. Fishing is a noble enterprise, and there's nothing wrong with fishing; but He says, I want to plant into your heart to also be fishing for people. You know what? That same invitation is given to you and me. You think, in the church, what are our purposes? A church has four grand purposes: worship God; be a community of belonging; rescue; and nurture souls. That's what it means to be fishing for people, to rescue and nurture souls. So let me put a statement up here on the screen: We're all called into the "people" business for Jesus, all of us. We're all called into the people business for Jesus, to play a part in rescuing and nurturing souls. And I know that across the board you do that and we want to do that; but sometimes the responses are not so positive. Let me give you three typical responses. Here's the first one: not me. Not me. Some of you have heard of the bystander effect? The bystander effect is there's an obvious need, and if I'm the only one there, I'll respond to it; but if there are two; three; four; five; six; ten people there -- well, you know, somebody else should handle this. The bystander effect can impact fishing for souls. In Exodus 3, God called Moses from the burning bush. He said, "Moses, Moses." Moses said, "Here I am, Lord." The Lord said, "Take off your shoes. You're on holy ground." Moses takes off his shoes. So far so good. The Lord said, "Moses, I need you to stand against Pharaoh and lead My people to freedom." And Moses said, "Great idea. Good plan. Not me." "Send my brother Aaron." In the book of Esther, we read about a wicked government official who planned to kill the Jews in Persia. He gets a law signed by the king, and that makes it irreversible. A good man named Mordecai figures out what is going on but must find someone close to the king to expose the plot. He contacts Queen Esther, a Jew herself. She said, "I can't go in. Not me. At the penalty of death you approach the king without being invited. It's dangerous to do this. Not me." You know, "not me" is a common response, isn't it? There's a sign-up to take food to somebody. Elders have a need for something. A class needs a teacher or helper. A coworker in your office needs to talk to somebody. "Not me." And you know what? Sometimes "not me" is a very legitimate response. I mean, it is. You can't do everything. You can't respond to every need. Sometimes you're not gifted to do something or you don't have the training for it. I mean, "not me" can be a legitimate response. It's not bad in and of itself. Here's another one: “not here” or “not there.” I know there's a need, but I'm not doing it here; or I'm not doing it there. You think of the prophet Jonah, invited by God, commanded by God, to go to the city of Nineveh, which is east; but Jonah buys a ticket west. God ask him to go to Nineveh and preach so the people will repent. Jonah said, "I'm not going there." The apostle Peter is with some friends. A messenger comes and said, “The Lord wants you to speak to a group of Romans not far from here.” Peter said, "I'm not going there. I talked to my people, the Jews. I'm not going there." So "not there" or "not here" is a common response. "We need a third grade teacher or helper in the fourth grade." "Well, I'm not going there or doing it here." And sometimes, that, too, is a VERY legitimate response. You can't be everywhere. I can't go there if I'm here; I can't be here if I'm there. Sometimes it's a very legitimate response. Not me. Not here. Not there. How about this one? Not now. One final Paul was in Caesarea speaking to Felix. Felix said I'm willing to talk to this more, just not now. And sometimes “not now." You know, I mean, you hear it a lot. "Hey, when I retire; when I'm a little older; when the kids are out of school. Once the bills are paid. A lot of opportunities pass. Not now." Sometimes "not now" is a very legitimate answer. Now, what is interesting to me is that in the Bible many of the people who initially said "Not me; not here; not there; not now" would come around. Moses said, "Not me," and yet he became a great leader for God's people. Esther said, "Not me; I'm not going in there." She had a change of heart and said, “Even at the cost of my life I will go and intercede for my people because faith is willing to take a risk; and if I perish, I perish.” Jonah said, “I'm not going to Nineveh,” and he ended up going to Nineveh -- had a little detour on the way -- went to preach and the people repent. Peter said, “I'm not going to preach to the Romans,” and ended up preaching to Cornelius and his household and there was a great outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon those Gentile and they were baptized into Christ. God is inviting us into the people business of rescuing and nurturing souls. And sometimes "Not me; not here; not there, not now" can be legitimate answers; but sometimes they're illegitimate answers. Have that spirit that says, "I'll step in and try." As one person said, one of my prayers in my lifetime is, “Lord, put me in situations where I feel like I'm over my head. That way, if it works out, I float. I know You have been at work in my life.” Here's a second statement I want to put on the screen: God wants to partner with you in kingdom work. He wants to partner with you and me in kingdom work. God invites us to partner with Him. Okay, got a couple of questions: did Jesus need Peter's boat? Did Jesus need Peter to row Jesus out into the water so He could use the boat as a floating pulpit? Of course not! He didn't need Peter's boat because He could walk on water and stand out there and speak to the crowds. Did Jesus need Peter and Andrew and James and John to haul in that great catch of fish? Did He need them to do that physical work of taking those full nets and bringing the fish into the boat? He didn't need them to do that. All He needed to do is say the word and all of a sudden those boats are full of fish. But it's always been God's plan to partner with us in kingdom work. When Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead, one of the first things He did before He raised Lazarus from the dead is told the people nearby, "Roll the stone away." If He's about to raise him from the dead, couldn't Jesus roll the stone away Himself? Yeah. But we partner with Him. Listen, this is not only God's M.O., it's such a gift to you and me because you want to be involved in His work. You have this innate desire to be a part of something bigger than life, bigger than your years, bigger than your own circle. And we get to partner with God in doing great, great kingdom work. You know what? If we have eyes to see and ears to hear, and if we're discerning, we'll sense we're surrounded by people who are more ready than you realize to connect with God, who are looking to connect and reconnect. There are people you might know in your world, in your sphere of influence, that years ago would have said, I'm one of the "nones," or I'm one of the "dones." "I'm done with church. I'm done with Jesus." And they realize what a dead-end road that is. You know, sometimes we're fish; sometimes we're like sheep; and sheep are prone to wander. But if you got eyes to see and ears to hear, you can realize that there are more people, more than we realize, who are looking to connect and reconnect with the Living God. You know, a wise person once said that when we fish for fish, we take them out of a beautiful life into death; but when we fish for people, we take them out of spiritual death and we bring them into eternal life. You say, "Ronnie, get specific. How do we do this? How do we fish for people? How do we partner with the Lord with this? How do we go about rescue and nurturing souls?" My friend, a myriad of ways, not just one way, not just two ways. I mean, yeah. Like Simon, Andrew, James, and John, some of you will go into full-time work, full-time ministry work, full-time missionary work. And let me say to our boys and girls here growing up, I hope you will stay open to the leading of the Lord and the work of the Holy Spirit in your life. Some of you will do that work in a full-time way, praise God; but there are thousand other ways as well. How? Deeds of kindness, a listening ear to someone who needs their soul nurtured. Old-fashioned church work. You teach Sunday School. You help in Sunday School or work in Student Ministry and rescue and nurture souls there. Or you're a part of a small group and maybe you're a leader; but you're just somebody in that small group who shows up and you're consistent there. You don't have the bystander effect. "I will be a part of this." Or you're a parent and you parent on purpose and you know that your aim as a parent is to raise disciples. Or you're an encourager, paying attention to people, and encourage their spirits and their hearts and you're not just the strong, silent type; you're the strong, encouraging type where you notice progress or you see growth or you see potential; and you speak up and you say something. Or you put in a good word for Jesus. Or you do what has been the longest strategy in the kingdom of God. You do what Andrew did, actually, for Peter, James, and John. "Hey, come just see it. Come check it out. Come and see. Come and investigate." And let me remind you that whenever you engage in seeking to rescue and nurture a soul, you don't do it alone. A divine collaboration is going on between you and the Holy Spirit. You know, one of my favorite stories along these lines -- I won't mention their name. It's a couple that were long-time members here. They moved away to another story. They told their story of how they came to Christ initially. He was a very successful man. She was a sharp lady herself. They were on the brink of divorce -- in fact they had already filed divorce papers. A friend of theirs had been inviting them to church and finally just to get their friend to stop inviting, they said, "We'll come. We'll be there." Just -- he said “just come” and see so they came. And something happened that day, and they came back; and they came back; and they came back; and they put away those divorce papers. They learned how to do marriage in a different way. They were baptized into Christ, were discipled; continued to grow; he became an elder at two different congregations. They are still serving the Lord in such a strong, beautiful way today, and it all happened because -- you know, we have to be willing to take faith risk. We have to be willing to -- you know, faith is willing to take a risk. Faith is having to incur some expense. Faith is willing to be criticized a little bit and because somebody took a risk, threw up a prayer, good things happened. Let me just remind you, hey, no person is so lost, no person is so separated from Christ that God's grace cannot find them. No one is too bad, too hopeless, too late for Jesus to save. You know, these fish have names. A baseball fan after the first service said, "You're right. Fish have name. Mike Trout, for example. Catfish Hunter." Baseball names. Fish have names. Who are some names in your world that might need nurturing? Connecting? Rescuing? So my friends, in closing, let me encourage you to dig down deep into a reservoir of Holy Spirit; empower depth; find energy; initiative; leadership; and positive energy for all in your circle of influence. These are the days for the people of God to tap in; to rise up; to encourage others; to go forward boldly as influencers for the big picture. We are on mission. And we are on a big mission to worship God, to create a healthy community of belonging and to rescue and nurture souls. You know what? If you have not taken the step yet to come to Christ, if you need a spiritual base -- I read an article not too terribly long ago that said take the word B-A-S-E. Here's the acrostic if you need a spiritual base. B, believe in the Lord Jesus Christ; who He Is, the significance of His death, the significance of His Resurrection. A, accept the Lord Jesus Christ through faith, through repentance, by being baptized into His Name. S, switch loyalties -- under new management, allegiance to Jesus. And E, express this new life in Christ. Live on purpose. Go to work ON purpose. Go home ON purpose as a representative and ambassador for Christ Jesus. Everybody, thank you so much for being here today. Just know we love you. We pray for you. Those of you online, so glad to have you with us. If we can help you take the next step whether it's to reconnect with the Lord and His church family or take those initial steps of coming to Christ, everybody takes that first step some time. We're eager to help. Aaron Weaver, he and Cheryl and his family are fantastic. Aaron will come up now to lead us in prayer. Everybody, with faith and with a sense of expectation, let's go to our Great God in prayer. >> Aaron: Let's all pray. Dear Lord, we're so very thankful to be here today; and what a crisp, beautiful, cool morning. What a great day for fishing and what a wonderful message Ronnie gave for that. Thank You so much. Lord, we're honored to be here to sting praises to You; to learn more about You; to study Your Word; and we're thankful for this church, Lord, for the people that come to be nurtured and loved and encouraged and thankful for the leadership here, Lord, that ministers to them; that guide them; helps and serve and loves them. Lord, I just pray You bless us, bless this church, so we can all come to know You better and that we can bring others to know You. Lord, as we go out through our day this week, I pray that You give us boldness; that You give us wisdom and love to serve other people and to bring others to know You so that they can know of Your love, Your grace; your mercy; and the forgiveness that comes through Your Son Jesus. It's through His Name that we pray, amen. >> Grant: Amen! Thank you so much, Aaron. All right, church. Well, there are lot of great things happening at the First Colony Church of Christ vote me make sure you're aware of these. Every Sunday we have Bible classes here at 9:45 for all ages. If you're online with us, just stay there. We have a great class at 12:30 led by Kyle Strickland. For our ladies, we've got a great class that starts up on Tuesday nights at 7:00. It's called "What Does it Mean to be Chosen?" If you're interested in that, details are on the website. You can register there. One of the most important things that we can do at this church is to stay connected. The bigger we get, it's great to just have small community that knows us and is around us; and one of the best ways that we do that is through our Connection groups here at First Colony. This next two Sundays -- this Sunday and next beak -- out in the lobby you will find what we call GroupLink. You will find our Connection group minister Shane Gage at Volunteer Central just out there. Go learn about our groups. We have all different types of groups whether in homes; meeting here at the building; some meet every week; some meet once a month; all types meet all types of people. Learn about those and find a great group that's a great next step for you and your family. As we talk about fishing, fishing for men and fishing for Wednesday, discipling those little ones, I've got three great opportunities for you that you can make that next step today. One is FriendSpeak. We have a training tonight if you want to get involved. The second one is our Disciple Maker Cohort for tools to share your faith, maybe a one-on-one Bible study or small-group Bible study. That's a great tool and cohort to join in. The third is Pathfinders if you're looking to make an impact in the next generation. If you're interested in any three of those, I will be at Volunteer Central after where we can talk about those. Those are getting going this week and a great next step. And for parents, you know, is only of y'all may be up to your neck with thinking about your kids and your little ones; and it's like, "I can't think about a ministry; I can't think about doing that. I've got to invest in my kids this season." What I recommend to you is join Shane and I on Wednesday nights for our parenting class that is starting up. That will be a great way to get poured into, get some resources as you invest in your little ones and disciple them. All right, church. It's been a blessing being with you all this week. Let's go ahead and stand as we close in one last song. ("Victory in Jesus" playing) >> Richard: Church, thank you for worshiping with us today! You are dismissed!