DISCLAIMER: This text is not a verbatim transcript. Communication Access Real Time Translation (CART) is provided in order to facilitate communication credibility and may not be a totally verbatim record of the proceedings. >> You'll find links to our worship services; Bible study options; online giving; and our podcast, Anchor Point. You can also download our church app. Just search for "First Colony Church of Christ" in the App Store or on Google Play. The app is a great resource where you can stay connected to First Colony Church. Thank you for joining us today. We're glad you're here. ? >> Thank you for joining us today. We want to let you know about a few items of interest. First, go to our website, firstcolonychurch.org, and go there often. You'll find links to our worship services; Bible study options; online giving; and our podcast, Anchor Point. You can also download our church app. Just search for "First Colony Church of Christ" in the App Store or on Google Play. The app is a great resource where you can stay connected to First Colony Church. Thank you for joining us today. We're glad you're here. >> Richard: Good morning! It is such a privilege, such an honor for us all to be together to worship this morning. Let's all stand together and worship the Lord. He is worthy of our praise, amen? >> Amen. ("Raise a Hallelujah" playing) >> Richard: Yes! We raise a hallelujah to the Lord today! We lift our praises! He alone is worthy! He's a way maker; He's a promise keeper! ("Way Maker" playing) >> Richard: Church, as we prepare to take communion, you may be seated. >> Le: Good morning, church. My name is Le Hayes, and this is my husband Kevin. We're so pleased to lead you in the Lord's Supper together on this glorious Sunday morning. Please, pray with me over the bread, which represents the body of Christ, given for us; and the cup, representing the blood He poured out for the forgiveness of our sins. Thank You, dear Lord, for allowing us the strength to come together here in person and online to praise Your Holy Name and learn more about who You truly Are. In John 14:9 when Jesus responded to Philip by saying, "Anyone who has seen Me has seen the Father." Thank You for that pressure of the power of the Trinity. So we ask that You reveal Yourself to us today in a way that stirs up our souls. Encourage us to long for the Living Water only You can provide and to ask for hearts that desire You first in all things. Let us leave the distractions and the lies of this world behind as we worship You, our Holy and Awesome God. Please be with us as we humbly accept Your sacrifice and redeeming blood. Amen. Let us partake together. >> Kevin: This morning I will read from Romans 6:11-14. (Reading.) ("Rescue Story" playing) >> Kevin: Let's pray and ask God's blessing on the offering that we will have right now and just dwell on the gifts that He's given us that we give back to Him. God, thank You so much for all the things we have. They're more than we could even be aware of in any single one day. So Lord, we right now ask the blessing of the gifts that we give, that You would use them for Your kingdom and we get to see Your quick.com because of it and experience the joy of working with You in that. Lord I thank You so much for the way You bless us and ask You to continue to do that. It's in Jesus' Name we pray all this. Amen. All right. >> Landon: Hello, church. My name is Landon Speights, and this is the Children's Minute. We are excitingly in fire month still, and if you have ever wondered how you get involved in doing this, I saw Joel and said, "Hey, Joel; I have a really good idea that YOU can use for your minute. It's this fire thing; it's great." He's like, "Great. How -- you know, what's the chance of success?" I said, "It's perfect for you, about 50% chance it works." He's like, "Awesome. You do it." And that's how I got here. All right, so we are in the middle of fire week, and I will tell you -- I was talking to Ronnie about this during first service. If you told me that I could bring a tiki torch lamp on stage when I was 16 years old and light it and just continue to talk behind it for a couple of minutes, I would have called myself a liar. But dreams do come true. Here we go. All right. So there are LOT -- and I mean a lot, a lot -- of great stories involving fire in the Bible. You could go to the burning bush. You could go to Elijah when he burned up, you know, the altar and he, you know, just demolished the prophets of Baal. You can talk about Gideon, and you can talk about the torch and the trumpets -- great stories. But they're not my favorite. My game is obviously one that can be found in the New Testament. It's actually something Ronnie will talk about today, too. It's the Holy Spirit. It's the Holy Spirit. We talk a lot in church because it's easy about God, and we talk a lot about Jesus. There are the stories. But we talk about a little bit less but is JUST as important is the Holy Spirit. We know that the Holy Spirit has been there since the very beginning. The Holy Spirit shows up in Genesis 1:2, since the very beginning. But that's not the part of the Bible I'm going to concentrate on today. This is with a story of when the Holy Spirit came on the apostles. All right. Now, I will start a couple of chapters before that, but that happens in Acts. I will go six chapters back and we'll start in John. John 16:7, Jesus is talking. This is before He's crucified. He says, "But I tell you the truth; it is for your good that I am going away. Unless I go away, the Counselor -- the Holy Spirit -- will not come to you. But if I go, I will send Him to you." We fast forward a little bit. God is -- Jesus is crucified, and He comes back. He has his time, his 40 days, with Apostles and ascends. Ronnie will talk a lot about that today. And then what happens? All His disciples are in an upper room. We'll turn to Acts 2:1-3. "When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. Suddenly a sound like a blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began speaking in tongues as the Spirit enabled them." I have to imagine that was crazy. They were sitting in an upper room, all of a sudden, and the Holy Spirit came to them; and they were looking around. And this is what they saw. That is crazy! And that is awesome! This Holy Spirit -- whoa! -- is the same thing that lives inside you and me. Now, I can't make the Holy Spirit descend on each of you; but I do have a LITTLE bit of magic up my sleeve. What if I said I could make it descend four inches? Let's see if I can make that work -- 50-50 chance. Here we go. Ready. Watch closely, all right? Put that out. Whoop! All right. You thought that was a trick; I will do did again. Here we go. Four inches -- whoa! Boom. That was pretty close that time. That's weak. Last time. Last time. Come on, smoke -- catch. All right. You can do this with candles, too, at home; but the moral of the story is when you see a candle like this, do it at home with parental supervision. (Laughter) When you see a flame like this, think of this little light of mine; think of the Holy Spirit and how He's inside of you and how He is just as much a part of God as God and Jesus. Thank you. (Applause.) >> Kevin: Thanks, Landon. I was using that object lesson once, and that's how I lost my hair. (Laughter.) The kids learned the lesson; it was a good morning. We'll have the fellowship greeting. At this point, kids will get up and head to Main Street Live! So in elementary school first through fifth grade, Ms. Danelle is waiting for you. Head towards her. Kids, you do not have permission to light any fires right now. You were given bad advice there. All right, everyone else, please stand up and tell somebody about a time you started a fire you shouldn't have; I don't know. ("Great Things" playing) >> Richard: Thank you, church, for your worship today. You may be seated. >> Ronnie: Fantastic, Richard and team. Thank you so very, very much. Hello, everybody! Good morning! Welcome to our second service here at First Colony Church of Christ. So glad to have you with us. And, you know, every week we have hundreds who are with us, worshiping online. We recognize you; we welcome you; we're glad to have you with us whether you're local or wherever you might be. We're glad and honored to have you as part of our online worshiping group. And Landry Braswell, will you please stand? Last week she was baptized into Christ and want to celebrate with Landry today. (Cheers and applause.) Fantastic. Thank you so, so much. And I want to begin a message series today from the book of Acts. We're not gonna walk through every single section of this book but take a look at various high points under the very creative title of "Acts." And then Acts -- spirit; mission, drama. That's the title of the series. Today's message is "It's Still Happening." I could start with something tacky but will not. This could be really tacky but won't do it. I could ask you to take your Bible and please be opening to Acts 29. The reason that would be SO tacky is that in your Bible book of Acts only has 28 chapters. So now wouldn't that be tacky? It would. It would be so tacky, beneath me. I would never do that to you. Here's what you do need to know: even though the book of Acts has 28 chapters, actually it's still ongoing; so that's why a lot of Bible teachers say "You know where you find Acts 29? You and me. We're Acts 29 because the wonderful, glorious story of Christ's church is still ongoing, whether it's in a little small, underground group in China or wherever saints are meeting on a large or small scale. The glorious story of God's church is still ongoing." Gang, this is our day; other believers have come before us. Lord willing, other believers will come after us; but this is our day. We're living Acts 29 now. When you get to Acts 28 at the end, there's no like, "Hey, thanks for reading" or "Grace and peace" or "That's all, folks" or "See ya." It just ends. It ends with one of the may not characters, Paul, in prison, one of the main character, but able to preach, the Bible say, without hindrance. So the Gospel is still spreading. What happens next? Answer: you do. You happen next. I happen next. Okay. Well, let's kind of start through an outline here as a way of introduction, sort of ask the question, what does the book of Acts champion? What are some of the major theme in the book of Acts? First of all, the beauty of the church -- I didn't say the perfection of the church but if beauty of God's church. The book of Acts is full of action, showing what God is doing through His ordinary people like you and me. Secondly, the Gospel of Good News, the Good News of the Gospel, is for ALL. It will start in Jerusalem and then go to Judea and Samaria and then to the outermost, farthest most parts of the earth. The Gospel is for all. Thirdly, the validity of our faith that our faith is in Jesus Christ and the story of Jesus didn't happen in some corner somewhere. Your faith is built on facts. Fourth, the help of the Holy Spirit. You know, somebody says, "Well, the main character in the book of Acts, the first part the main character is Peter and if last part, the main character is the apostle Paul." That's true to some extent, but the MAIN player in the book of Acts is the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit working in and through God's people. And then last of all, the mission continues. The story of the Lord's church is still ongoing. WE are Acts 29. So here we are as witnesses to Jesus Christ. What's our message? What do we have to say about exactly who Jesus is? Well, the book of Acts as it starts reminds us of, if you will, the essence of who Jesus is. I want to outline under four points. Here's the first one: Who Jesus? First of all, Jesus IS living. He's living. Beginning Acts 1:1. "In my former book, Theophilus --" okay, Luke wrote the Gospel of Luke and the sequel to the gospel of Luke is Acts. Luke; Acts. He said, "In my former book, Theophilus" - a real person whose name is Friend of God." "I showed you what Jesus did in His physical body. Now I'm writing THIS book to show you what Jesus is STILL doing through His spiritual body, the church. So my former book, I wrote about all Jesus began to do and teach until the day He was taken up into heaven, after giving instructions through the Holy Spirit to the apostles He had chosen." "After His suffering --" let's pause there for a moment. Don't just hydroplane over the word "suffering." Jesus put Himself in harm's way for you and me. He suffered the punishment due us. He soaked up the undiluted wrath of God -- and justifiable wrath of God -- for you and me. And all of it was poured out on Him. But because He holds the whole world within His hands and because there has never been and can never be a barrier or a force that can overwhelm Jesus, even though He died for our sins three days later; He came back to life in physical form. His body-animated; His Spirit reinhabited His body. He wasn't just a mist. Every other major religion has a dead founder but not Christianity. Not Jesus. "After He suffered -- yes, indeed He did suffer for our sins and was raised to life again." And as you will see later in this reading, He ascended back to heaven. Why? Just trying to get away from us? No, there's a very real reason why He ascended and a glorious reason. Back to verse 3. "After His suffering, He presented Himself to them and He gave many convincing proofs that He was alive." Jesus is living. "He appeared to them over a period of 40 days and He spoke about the kingdom of God." By the way, this is the only place in the Bible where we know exactly how many days elapsed between the Resurrection and the Ascension -- 40 days. Jesus is living. Listen, he's not finished. He's not finished. Now, you say on the cross He said "It's finished." His saving work is finished; you cannot add one it to what Christ has done to redeem us from our six, praise God; but He's not FINISHED doing His work of building the church; reaching souls; and you can partner with Him in that great work. Who's Jesus? He's living. Second, He's giving. Verse 4. "On one occasion, while He was eating with them, He gave them this command: "Do not leave Jerusalem but wait for the gift my Father promised, which you have heard Me speak about. For John baptized with water, but in a few days you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit." Jesus is giving; He's still giving the Holy Spirit to all who come to Him. Now, next week -- and several weeks -- we will be, you know, again, the main player in the Book of Acts. We will read, hear, and visit often the reality of the Holy Spirit in your life and mine. Jesus is still pouring out the Holy Spirit. Have you been baptized in the Spirit? Have you been filled with the Spirit? You can be. We'll be talking about this. But being filled with the Spirit -- I mean, the manifestation to the Spirit vary and will vary in the Book of Acts and can't be programmed, only received. But WE are meant to be vessels of God's goodness and power. Jesus is living. He's giving, still giving the Holy Spirit. And he's reigning as well. "Then they gathered around Him and asked Him, "Lord, are You at this time going to restore the kingdom to Israel?" You know, earlier you read that between the Resurrection and the Ascension, Jesus is often talking about the kingdom, the kingdom. And these early disciples misinterpreted the nature of the kingdom. They thought the kingdom was going to be local, national. They thought it was going to be political. "Lord, at this time, are You going to restore the kingdom to Israel?" Circle that word "restore." "Lord, are You taking us back to the glory days of David and Solomon? Are You taking us back to that glorious era?" They misunderstood the nature of the kingdom. God's kingdom does not come about by way of an army. God's kingdom does not come through an election. God's kingdom comes through the message of Jesus Christ and it advances by faith and repentance. So Jesus doesn't even really answer their question. He simply says in verse 7, "It's not for you to know the times or dates the Father has set by His own authority." In other words, "You just focus on your mission, on YOUR assignment." What is that assignment? Verse 8. "But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be My witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria and to the end ends of the earth." By the way, that's a pretty good outline of the Book of Acts -- starting in Jerusalem, then to Judea, then to Samaria; then to the ends of the earth. By the way, this is the last recorded statement of Christ on earth right here. He says, "You're going to be My witnesses. You will testify to Me and point people to Me." To be fair, that requirement is in a unique sense apropos and applicable to the applicable to the apostles. In a secondary sense, it still applies to you and me that we are called to be witnesses -- not judges or pressures, not salespeople -- but witnesses. We testify by our words, by our lifestyle that we are believers in Jesus. "Ronnie, everybody has heard of Jesus." But what you have the opportunity to do is be a witness to your circle that you take Jesus personally and seriously. Sometimes it can be as simple as having someone going through a difficult time and you simply say, "Would you mind if I pray for you this evening?" And you're letting them know you take Jesus personally and you take Jesus seriously. You know what? We witness all the time. We do -- to things in your life that you're excited about or know about or something that happened to you. You witness about maybe a traffic jam you were in this week. Or you had a wonderful vacation or you just tried a wonderful new restaurant. If you were to ask me, "Hey, Ronnie, do you have grandkids?" I would say, "Absolutely. I have six fantastic grandchildren. Why don't you sit down, and I'll show you 742 photographs?" I am witnessing to you I am testifying about something that is really important to me. What we have the blessed privilege of doing sharing about something that happened in history and it's happened in our life as well. Gang, that's the mission of the church: to be Spirit-empowered witnesses to the cross and the empty tomb; to announce this Good News of the kingdom. I sort of have to ask if no one ever hears from me that I take Jesus personally or seriously, then I have to ask: do I actually take Jesus personally and seriously? Dr. Paul Tillert says, "There are three anxieties people face that no amount of money or pleasure can subdue: Anxiety about death; anxiety about guilt; anxiety about a sense of purpose; and in Christ we have something to say about all of those - guilt, death, and sense of purpose." What's Jesus doing? He is living, still at work. He is still give, giving the Holy Spirit. He is still reigning. He has a kingdom. And he can save you from a wasted life. And also Jesus is returning. He's returning. Verse 9. "After He said this, He was taken up before their very eyes, and a cloud hid Him from their sight." The Ascension. That had to be a FASCINATING scene. Here's one movie production company that tried to give us an idea of what the Ascension must have been like. So watch this on your screen. (Music playing.) (Thunder rumbling.) >> You will be My witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria and to the ends of the earth. Go into the world and preach the Gospel to all creation. (Thunder rumbling.) (Dramatic music.) (Apostle laughing.) >> Ronnie: Jesus was taken up before their very eyes, and a cloud hid Him from their sight. And as they were looking intently up into the sky as He was going, when suddenly two men dressed in white stood beside them. Angels. "Men of Galilee," they said, "Why do you stand here looking into the sky?" Now, I got to tell you, that's -- that's a question that I'm thinking, "You know, I can tell you why I'm standing here, look up into the sky. Have you ever seen anything like this before? That's why I'm looking into the sky." "This same Jesus, who's been taken from you into heaven, will come back in the same way you have seen Him go into heaven." In other words, personally, physically, visibly. You have heard it said "What go up must come down." WHO goes up will come down. Jesus will return, will consummate history as the centerpiece of all creation. Everything that's unclear will be clear. Everything that is unfair gets corrected. Everything that is wrong gets set right. You know what? There are lot of people these days living ungodly lives; and you know why? They don't look to the future. They live for the moment. They live for today. But Jesus is returning. Now, the Ascension doesn't get nearly as much press in the Gospel story as does, for example, the Incarnation; the cross; the crucifixion; the Resurrection. But the Ascension is VERY important. Why did Jesus ascend back to heaven? Why didn't He just stay here on earth? He did not ascend to heaven to get away; He ascended to heaven so that He could be WITH us in a new way. You see, when Jesus was here physically, He couldn't be in two places at one time. If He was in Judea, He couldn't be in Samaria; if He was in Samaria, He couldn't be in Galilee. The Bible gives us a picture. He's at the right hand of the throne of God. He is reigning and all authority is given into Him in heaven and on earth. He sends the Holy Spirit to inhabit you and me; and guess what? In the church, in the body of Christ, you can be IN Judea and Samaria and Galilee and Texas all at the same time. Today Jesus is at work everywhere in a way He wasn't at work during His earthly ministry. You see, the essence of Christianity is this: Jesus came here; took our place; stood between us and the death we deserved; and now -- get this -- now He's working THROUGH us from heaven. What that means is when you go to work and you're doing your job as if you're serving the Lord and you think, "This is just sort of ho-hum;" my friend, you have forgotten the Ascension, and the Lord is at work in you and through you. And when you're at home and you're taking care of your kids and you're teaching them and trying to show them how to live and serve. And you're think, "Oh, this is sort of routine." You have forgotten the Ascension, that the Lord is working through you and His power is in you. And when you see somebody doing some service project or serving in the Lord or serving in some little hidden corner out there and you're think, "Oh, my goodness; their resources are so small, and the need is so great; and how in the world?" You've forgotten the Ascension. You've forgotten that the Lord has sent His Spirit; and, no, you can't do it all; you won't do it all; but God's people, the church, in so many public places and hidden places -- the Lord's working IN us and THROUGH us and not only us. Gang, we are Acts 29. Now, very quickly, how does this all this shape you? How does this story of Jesus impact you and shape you? I want to give you three quick words. First of all, I think it shapes our identity. Our identity. Some of you place way too much emphasis on your political identity. That's the flag you wave first. Some of you might place WAY too much emphasis on your ethnic identity, and that's the flag; or you've got some pet cause, and that's the flag you wave first. When the Gospel story REALLY takes root in your heart and you sense the truth of it, the flag you're waving the highest and the boldest is your Jesus flag. You never forget that -- here's the word -- we're witnesses of Jesus Christ. You know what? When my primary identity is that of Christ and it's not something that is ethnic or vocational or political, what that means is it becomes much easier for me to connect with people who might be in a different category for me on a secondary or tertiary level; but if this is my first category, if this is my primary identity, I'm a witness for Jesus Christ. I can reach across the aisle in the Name of Christ. Let me just ask you: does this sound like you at all? Do you understand your identity as a Christian first and everything else is a distant second? Are you more Christian than you are political? Are you more Christian than you are of a nationality or a language? Does that sound like you? Witness first. You know, last Sunday afternoon it was the Super Bowl, and of course the L.A. Rams won and the game's MVP was Cooper Kupp. He was also the NFL outstanding offensive player this year. You may or may not know he's a bold, strong believer, strong Christian. It was interesting after he was interviewed. He just reminded everyone of his primary identity and primary allegiance. He said something like this: "I get to play free, knowing that I get to play FROM victory -- I'm not playing FOR victory. I get to play in a place where I'm validated, not from anything that happens on field but because of my worth in God, my Heavenly Father, and I'm just so incredibly thankful. In my motivation every single day is to run the race in such a way that honors God; and the passion and the talents that He's given me and when I'm rooted in that, I'm in a great place. I'm able to play freely. I'm able to love my teammates. I'm able to be a better man, a better football player, a better husband, a better father." Jesus is living and giving and reigning. He's returning, and this entire Jesus story shapes our identity if we let it and it's a very, very good place to be. You get to live and play FROM victory, not trying to prove anything. Secondly, it shapes our humility because a complete understanding of the True Gospel is quite honestly sort of destructive to the human ego. There's little room for self-congratulations or self-sufficiency in the heart of a person who acknowledges, "I've been redeemed and saved and I am a recipient of the ongoing work of Jesus Christ." You know, last week we had NASA astronaut Barry Wilmore with us and was fantastic. He did such a great job. So many of you said to me -- the primary comment I've heard this week was," he seemed like such a humble person. Just likable and had an easy smile -- seemed like such a humble person." I could tell you he was. But you said he had such humility even though he was such an accomplished person. Obviously very intelligent; Navy test pilot; been a NASA astronaut since the year 2000; 178 days in space; piloted a space shuttle; commander for the Boeing Starliner mission. But you remember in the course of the interview he said, "I'm grateful I get to do what I do; but I don't describe myself as an astronaut. I remind myself every single day I'm a wretched sinner, and I have been redeemed and transformed by the welcome grace of my Lord Jesus Christ"? "It's in His love," he said, "I find joy and purpose" that shaped his sense of humility. Hey, does that sound like you, where there's no task beneath you? There's no responsibility that's too small? No needed apology you're unwilling to make? No person too insignificant? Does that look like you or sound like you? As the Gospel shapes us, it does. Last of all, conversely, an understanding of this Gospel it creates incredible confidence and rather than our insecurities and our timidity, having its way and sway, we realize, it's not me at work anyway. I'm not going to forget the Ascension where Christ is ruling and reigning; distributing His Spirit; distributing His gifts; and doing His thing through His church. That means I don't have to be as talented as you. I don't have to compare what I do to you. I can be FREE to play FROM victory, not FOR victory. Does that sound like you? Or do you hesitate to speak, to serve, to risk because you're not sure you have what it takes to compare to another? Gang, as we let the Gospel shape our hearts, it shapes our sense of identity. We are witnesses first. It shapes our humility, but listen, it's not either/or. It's both/and. We are POTH humble AND incredibly confident because the Lord is at work THROUGH you. That's why He ascended. Don't forget the Ascension. He's reigning and in His Spirit, His church continues our mission. We are Acts chapter 29. Tommy, would you be making your way up here, please, for closing prayer? As Tommy is coming, let me just say as we go through Acts, it's gonna be a lot of fun to see the success of God's mission through His church. You're gonna see it over and over in the Books of Acts, the unrelenting, the unstoppable power of the Word to have God and of the Holy Spirit. All right, everybody. Thank you so much for being with us today. May the Lord bless you and keep you. To those of you online, we're so grateful to have you with us as well. However we might help you take your next step as a man or woman of God, you let us know. After this service, to our guests, we invite you to stop by our "New Here? Stop Here" room. Here's what we will do now. We'll pray in the power of the Holy Spirit. So if you've got a mustard seed of faith, just know God's going to hear; He's going to answer in ways that some ways may be perceptible. Some might be imperceptible, but our God is at work. All right, Tommy, come lead us, please. >> Tommy: Please pray with me, church. Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for the all-knowing, all-loving God that You Are. Thank You for the gift of Your Son, Jesus. Father, this morning with boldness we proclaim Jesus is alive and reigns on high today. May we live boldly for Your kingdom and may our words and deeds show the power Jesus has on our lives. By our actions, the way we talk; the way we approach and deal with challenges in our lives; may we demonstrate Jesus' power and conviction on our hearts. May we never underestimate the powerful work You can do through us and through Your Word, Father. Help us to slow down and look for the opportunities You're putting in front of us to love like Jesus, serve like Jesus, and forgive like Jesus. Father, give us each more giving spirits, giving of our time; our love; our resources; and our hearts. Father, may we live in a way that looks more like Your Son, one that demonstrates eternal perspective and heart for the lost. Father, give us a spirit of love and compassion for all, one that wants to share the saving grace of Jesus with the world. May we be more humble; more loving; more patient; more kind. Help us to be slow to speak and quick to listen. This morning, Father, we say a special prayer for those that are lost and hurting. Our prayer is they feel Your love and Your Spirit in their lives. We thank You for Your son's sacrifice. It's in His Name we pray. Amen. >> Kevin: If we will be characters in Acts 29, I need training for that, I need encouragement of that I need maintenance at times; so that's all things in the life of the church. I want to tell you about some things. Maybe the Holy Spirit is leading you to do some things, and I encourage you to take the step if you feel that. If you didn't know yet, all our classes are running on Sundays at 9:45. Also Wednesday nights, there's student classes; there's children's stuff; there's adult parenting classes going on; lots of really great things I encourage you to join in on. If you're online we have "The Conversation" Kyle will host at 12:30 so you can stay where you are. He's got a great class ready for you. And then for the ladies, we have a couple of thing that are really cool. One is the "If" Gathering, a simulcast event. I heard there's snacks involved so if I was a woman, I would be showing up; but, you know, I guess you got snacks elsewhere. And Soul Rest will happen every other week -- if you look at the schedule, it's second and fourth Sundays of the month. So you can sign is up for both things. They will meet in homes for Soul Rest so just a great way for ladies to connect together and have a really good time of caring for each other. The last thing I want to tell you about is a podcast, Anchor Point. Kyle does a great job of hosting that. There's going to be a new one every month talk about cultural issues coming up. Him and Missy will be live tomorrow so if you want to listen, you can; otherwise, check it out later on. Really great topics. I think that's everything we got. How about we stand up and sing one more song on our way out of here? >> Richard: All right, God is faithful! ("Great Things" playing) >> Richard: Thank you for your worship, church! You are dismissed!