DISCLAIMER: This text is not a verbatim transcript. Communication Access Real Time Translation (CART) is provided in order to facilitate communication credibility and may not be a totally verbatim record of the proceedings. >> Thank you for joining us today. We want to let you know about a few items of interest. First, go to our website, firstcolonychurch.org, and go there often. You'll find links to our Bible study options; online giving; and our podcast, anchor point. You can also download our church app. Just search for "First Colony Church of Christ" in the App Store or on Google Play. The app is a great resource where you can stay connected to First Colony Church. Thank you for joining us today. We are glad you're here. >> Check, check. >> Good morning, church! Let's all stand together! Let's worship the Lord! He is good and His mercy endures forever! Yes! ("Good God Almighty" playing) >> Richard: Yes, somebody give Jesus praise! Cheer he is worthy of our praise! Thank You, Lord! (my Jesus" playing) >> Richard: Yes, church! Give Him praise this morning! (applause) Jesus changes our lives, amen? By >> Amen! >> Richard: Let's be seated as we prepare to take communion as our leaders come forward to lead us in communion this morning. >> Sam: Hi, I'm Sam Walker. This is my oldest, Elijah Walker. We have the privilege of leading you in communion today. If you would, please bow with me as we pray for the bread and the cup. Deer Lord, we appreciate and thank You so very much for the opportunity and privilege that we have to daily have a communion with You as a result of the sacrifice that You made for us. I pray that You would allow us to not take for Granted this time that we have and that we get weekly in order to come into Your home; in order to pause and take the bread and the cup in remembrance of You. Please bless us this time and allow it to resonate with us, just how big of a deal that sacrifice is that You made for us. In Your Name we pray. >> Elijah: I will be reading from Romans 8:35-39. (reading.) "As it is written, for Your sake we face death all day long. We are considered as sheep to be slaughterrered. No, in all things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us; for I am convinced that neither death nor life; neither angels nor demons; neither present nor the future; nor my powers; near heights nor death nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus, our Lord." ("The Way playing.) (applause) >> Richard: Church, why don't we all stand together and finish this song together? >> Richard: Thank you, church, for your worship. You may be seated. >> Shane: Amen! How good to celebrate Jesus is the Way, the Truth! (applause) Yes! He is the life. We're so glad. We praise Him because He's worthy of praise. We give and serve because we want His Name to be made great here and among the nations; so as we take our offering now, we give because we want God to do something with what we can give back to Him. We know He will. So you should know that giving is secure. Our online giving is safe and secure. You can set it up easily. You can text to give as well. Here in the room, you can give in the offering boxes in the back of the room. Let's pray now for this offering. Pray with me. Father in heaven, we commit these offerings to You and cask for Your wisdom and Your guidance. We ask You to help us make these resources used well, God; that they, that the Name of Jesus will be shared; that the people will know Jesus and know Him better just like we want to, God. Thank You, God, for this opportunity to give. We pray in Jesus' Name. Amen. >> Joel: Amen. Well, Hey, good morning, everyone. It is so good to be with you all. This is the kids' spot, which is special, observable teaching for kids and for those that are young at heart so hopefully you call, in one of those categories. Hopefully, I like to have a Bible verse that points us in a direction; and my Bible verse for today comes from Proverbs 19:21. It says, "Many are the plans in the mind of man; but it is the the purpose of the Lord that will stand." We may have plans, but God has a bigger plan. His plan will stand regardless of what our plans are. Now, this month we have been talking or we're focusing on the book of Acts. If you remember, there are some disciples and when they first joined Jesus, they had plans. "Man, we're going to be rulers. We'll take down these Romans. Life will be gravy." As you know, it turned out not to be so. Even so much so that at one point Jesus says to Peter, "Get thee behind Me, Satan." When you have plans and you're holding onto your plans and you're not gonna let go of your plans and yet you're willing to be utilized of God, sometimes those plans take a different turn. And thinking back to Peter, he denied Christ with the rooster. He said, "You know what? There's no point in me serving God anymore." But sometimes God lets us have our plans and He lets our plans be destroyed until there is, like, not much left. You know, you're probably saying, "We can fix this. We can still fix this." But, you know, pretty much the more you tear your plans, the more your plans fall apart; the more you say, "Okay, God. What's plan B?" Well, as you know, what's plan A? What turns out to be plan A? The cool thing is you'll see in the book of Acts as we continue on where the disciples do incredible things. And something that I don't like in the book of Acts is the fact that persecution begins. And as a result of that persecution, the disciples end up going all over the place, which is pretty incredible. And in their going all over the place, guess what happens? The Word of God spreads; how far does it go? It goes to us. The reason we get to be here today is because God -- (applause) -- has a bigger plan. Praise God! Isn't that cool? Do you want to be part of God's bigger plan? I do. Are you willing to let your plan be torn to be part of God's plan? Be usable for God. Thank you very much. (applause) >> Shane: Good job, Joel. Now, I know that looks impressive -- I know what he did. You can see it all. (laughter) We would love to connect with you guys for especially if you're new and want to find a connection point here. Find the Connection card on the QR code in front of you or visit us at "New Here? Start Here." You can meet volunteers and ministers. We'd love to get to know you. The connection card allows us to know how to pray for you if you have a prayer request. Let us know how to find your connection point. If you're watching online, say howdy in the chat box. We'd love to chat with you there, okay? I see Ms. Danelle back there. Kids grades 1 through 5, it's time for Main Street Live! It's across the lobby to the chapel and is not far. Parents, if you have not checked your kids in, there's a kiosk to check them in right quick. Kids, walk with Ms. Danelle for your kids' worship time. For the fellowship greeting time, we'll stand. Tell someone: What is your favorite fried food at the Rodeo, all right? What you like? Let's stand and greet one another. ("God So Loved" playing) ♫ Can't you see His open arms, yes ♫ ♫ Praise God ♫ ♫ His amazing love ♫ >> Richard: Thank you, church, for your worship! You may be seated! >> Ronnie: Ah, thank you so very, very much, team. We appreciate that. Good morning, everybody. Glad to see you today. Welcome to the First Colony Church of Christ. Welcome to our second service here. It's great to have you in the room and so very good to have you with us, worshiping online as well. A little later in our service today, we'll certainly be praying about many items, certainly the situation in Ukraine, way to be leading us in our prayer. And we do have a baptism later in our service and welcome some new members in our first service and have a couple of new members. David Cavitt, where are you? Brother, we welcome you to our church family. (Applause) thank you so much. A great, great guy. Charles Minor. Carl, where are you? There's Carl. Look at Carl. We welcome you, Carl, to our church family also. Okay. We're in a message series from the New Testament Book of Acts.. The title of today's message is "Vintage Church." Vintage describes something of quality or authenticity and has legacy to it, characterized by excellence; maturity; enduring appeal. It's classic. Take a look today at a classic text of Scripture that describes the early church, which is not a perfect group; but it gives us something, a target in which to aim. We have a plaque at the entrance to our Worship Center. I don't know if you notice it when you come in. It's on the right and it's up here on the screen. It has a quotation from a section of Scripture we'll be in today, Acts 2:42. "They devoted themselves to the apostles teaching and to the fellowship to the breaking of bread and prayer." And we, the First Colony Church of Christ, dedicate ourselves and this facility to God and His work in our community and throughout the world. I'm a big believer in the local church. You can't really your Bible and come to the conclusion that God has a low view of the church. He has a very, very high view of the church. I realize it's a very, very popular pastime these days to bash church, to bash local churches. I get that. I'm not saying that the local church is ideal and free of flaws. In fact, to the contrary. The church is flawed; it is imperfect; but it's also loved and forgiven. The Bible said God created the church actually as part of h kiss wisdom and create -- his wisdom and created the church for several good purposes. P Acts 20, the Bible said. (reading) Notice this. "Which he bought with His own blood." Matthew 16. Jesus asks his followers, "What's the word on the street about Me? What are people saying act Me?" And they stayed a lot of different thing and Simon Peter said, "But you are the Christ, the Son of the Living God." Jesus replied, "Blessed are you, Simon, son of Jonah. This was not revealed but by My father on heaven. I tell that you are Peter --" the great confession Jesus the Son to have God. "On this rock I will build my church and the gates of Hades will not overcome it." If the church is so unimportant why does Satan exert so much energy to try to destroy it? The gates of hell will not overcome it. In 1949, there were 500,000 Christians in China. The government decided this movement is too strong; we need to turn off the lights on the church and shut it down so they did. Several decades later under political pressure, they allowed the lights to be turned back on, if you will; but that church -- and I use that term generally in China -- had grown from 500,000 to 130 million. How in the world did that happen? As one church leader said, "We don't go to church. We ARE the church." I would say to you that Jesus did not come just for my personal spirituality; but Jesus is doing what? From the time of His ascension to the time of His return, He's building Biblically flourishing communities, a new community. Jesus loves the church, not the perfect church -- that one doesn't exist. I'll always say in our New Member class if you ever find a perfect church, don't join it because you'll mess it up. (Laughter) The church has always been imperfect and flawed; and yet forgiven and loved. The gates of hell will not destroy it. There's a story about a boy who lived near the coast and loved to go to the beach and loved to build sand castles, doing almost every day; but this group of Bilis would walk by and kick his sand castles and knock them down. So one did a he said, "Here's what I'm going to do." He got concrete blocks and brought those continue cleat blocks and built his sandcastle around those concrete blocks. When the bullies came by and tried to kick it down, they realized, "Uh-oh, we have made a big mistake. Here." The church has lasted for 2000 year where, not because its members are all perfectly ideal and ideally mature; or because the preachers are all so good. It's because every time Satan's tried to kick it down, he kicks the rock and will stop. So in Acts 2, you have your Bible, verses 41-47. Again, we're not going to see a picture of a church -- you know, somebody says, "Wouldn't it be lovely to be the church in the first century?" Listen, they had hypocrites. They had relational problems. They will have doctrineal discussions. They will have tension amongst themselves. But at this point, we'll have a picture of a community that is centered on Christ, formed by the Holy Spirit. I want to show you four qualities of this early church. First of all, number one, they were converted. They were converted. Don't take that for Granted. They were converted. They responded in faith to the message about Jesus. Let me tell you why this is important. If you get somebody to church artificially, you'll have to keep them there artificially. These people were converted. They were responding to an incredible message of grace and truth. Peter has just preached a 539-word sermon on the day of Pentecost focusing on Jesus, saying, "Here's who Jesus is. Do you agree with God's assessment of Jesus?" "He's the Son of God, lifted a perfect life, had a sacrificial death. He is risen and ascended." I heard a fable about the king of the Jung with, the lion, who decided to walk into a cave and take a nap. He takes a nap and in there, a spider said, "Oh, I got him now. The king of the jungle right here. He's in the cave." And the spider goes to the entrance of the cave and weaves a web. He says, "I got him trapped now. There's no way he's gonna get out." And that lion woke up, yawned, growled, let out a roar, and walked right through that spider's web and out into his domain as if it was nothing but air. That's a picture of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. "Oh, we got him now." "No, you don't." Peter says, it was impossible for death to hold Him and up from the grave He arose. And these people believed it, responded to it -- verse 41 -- and those who accepted this message were baptized. About 3,000 were added to their number that day." You know, salvation is not just an act we look back on; it's an ongoing, living, present experience. Have you. Converted? Have you opened your heart to the Lord? Have you been baptized into His Name? Here's what you never want to get good at doing. You don't ever, ever want to get good at stiff-arming God. If the Lord has been trying to get your attention and Holy Spirit has been tugging at your heart, if the word of God has been convicting you, keep your heart open. That's not a fight you want to win. You want to surrender to the Holy Spirit and to the Word of God. Today if you're ready to take a step of baptism or have a conversation with someone and ready to start a Bible study, it's real easy. When this service is over, just go across the hall to our "New Here? Start Here" room. We have people who will help you take your next step. This early church were converted; secondly, they were devoted. Devoted. Verse 54. "They devoted --" which means, okay, we're into this. They used their energy. Notice this four-fold devotion. They devoted themselves to the apostles teaching; to the fellowship; to the breaking of bread; and to prayer. Everyone was filled with awe of the many wonders and signs performed by the apostles. Notice not everyone is performing miracles and wonders and signs, but the apostles are doing so; and God has empowered them -- why? To give credibility to their message. So they were devoted -- notice -- to these four things. The apostles' teaching; to fellowship; to the breaking of bread; to prayer. They didn't have a Bible yet. They are hungry for instruction and open to it. This underscores how important is to bring our lives under the tutelage of God's Truth. From the very beginning God's people, the church, has been committed to an objective standard of belief and truth. They were devoted to fellowship. It wasn't just a teaching or preaching station. They were sharing and participating and partnering with one another. You do know what fellowship is, don't you? Fellowship is the spiritual privilege and duty of believers to stimulate one another to holiness and faithfulness. In a biblicalically functioning community, gang will take their masks off with one another. I'm not saying we can't talk trucks and cars and fun and travel; but that's not all we talk about. We'll look at one another and say, "Here's what's going on in my world. Here's what I'm scared about." Here's what I believe God has prompted me to do, and I'm not sure I really want to do it." Here's the image I'm projecting, but that's not the reality. And here's where I'm faltering and failing." Fellowship is where we can come to one another and we might reveal or just aware and go to one another and say, "I don't know how this is going to work out for you. I don't know if you will win or lose here. I can't predict the future, but here's what you need to know. I will walk with you through this. You will not walk through this alone." That's fellowship. The early church wasn't just a teaching station. Don't denigrate teaching. It's important. Apostles' teaching, objective standards, but also warmth and fellowship and everybody, you know, not just our church but churches in general have been hammered through this global pandemic and small group ministries have really been hit. You need to know that going into the middle part and latter part of 2022, we are ratcheting up the energy. We want to invest heavily and help to rebuild a collection of circles and groups in our church family. I hope you will be open to that. Will you help us and partner with us in that regard? So they were devoted. Fellowship, breaking of bread -- simply the Lord's Supper, where this is an important sacrament that does what? Remind us of our most precious relationship and also we're devoted to prayer. Prayer is mentioned over 40 times in Acts. It glorifies God so much because in prayer, unlike anything else, we express our dependence upon Him. When we pray and the church prays, we're declaring "We can't to this on our own. We can't do this on our own energy." Back in the glory days of the Chicago Bulls, Michael Jordan was the toast of the NBA. One night in a game he scored, on his own, 69 points. One night, 69 points. There was another player on the team who didn't play much but came in towards the end of the game. His name was Stacy King. He hit two meaningless free throws towards the end of the game. And afterwards in the locker room when the press were interviewing them, they said something to Stacy King, who said, "I'll always remember this night as the time, as the game, when Michael Jordan and I combined for 71 points." (Laughter) Michael Jordan did the heavy lifting. And you're smart people. You're talented people. You can do a lot, but prayer reminds us God does the heavy lifting and without Him we can do nothing of significance spiritually. They were converted and specifically devoted to the apostles' teaching. What we have in the New Testament Scriptures -- to fellowship; to the breaking of bread; and to prayer. Thirdly, they were generous. Generous. All the believers were together and had everything in common. They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had needs, and every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes --" here it's referring not so much to communion, Lord's Is upper. You'll see that phrase used interchangeably in the book of Acts. Here, it's fellowship meals, getting together with one another. They broke bread in their homes and ate together -- notice -- with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people." By the way, that's not something we can control. That's not something you can control. We can pray for it and hope for it. You can hope people like you. You can't control that. We hope the Supreme Court rules in favor of churches. We can't control that. Here at the outseth, it described it as saying "They were enjoying the favor with all the people." As Joel mentioned, persecution is coming; but right now it's a good and glorious day. Notice the generousty here and what they were doing. They were sharing with one another as there was a need and those with deep pockets were willing to do extra. "Isn't this communism what they were practicing here?" Why? Because it was still private property they could do with their private property whatever they wanted to. They still own it. Communism says, "What's yours is mine." Socialism says, "What's yours should be theirs." Capitalism says, "What's mine is mine." And no one has any voice into that. Christianity say, "What's mine is God's, and I am ready to direct my resources in God's direction." Notice how they welcome one another into their homes, and everybody, let me encourage you to have an open home, a willing spirit. And what if we made getting together with one another less of a production -- bring out the paperer plates? Less of a production and just more of opportunities to fellowship and encourage. Last of all, this church, early church, were receptive. They were converted. They were devoted.. They were generous. And they were receptive. What I mean is they were welcoming to the new people. Verse 47 says, "And the Lord is adding to their number daily those who were being saved." So think about it: You have a small group of disciples with Jesus. That small group then multiplies and becomes 120 people. And THEN it explodes with 3,000 baptisms in one day. And for some of you who think a church should never be beyond bigger than people you can personally know, you think they knew everyone personally after 3,000 baptisms? No. Larry Osbourne says in a church, you have to know what game you're playing. We had 75 people to start our church. We had more than 75 people because we were celebrating. After that, we're back to who is here. We were playing golf then. You know, golf -- you all go in the same car, know one another; a foursome. With baseball, we can't go with a van with 25 people. We need several team. Football, you have offensive team, defensive team. You have to travel on a bus or maybe two buses. And this church is -- this early church -- they have gone from a handful to over 3,000. You can't know everyone, and even in this church with 1902 members, you can't know everyone. That's okay. You can know SEVERAL, and you can be known. We are beyond being one big happy family. We are beyond one circle. We have to be a collection of intersecting circle -- not one big happy family but a collection of several happy families. Now, at the -- til have to apologize to all of the English teachers here; but let me put a phrase on the screen. We're called not just to be believers but also belongers. Not just to be justified but "Family-fied." A New Testament Christian is a believer and belonger. That means a Christian within a local church family. It's almost a contradiction in terms. It would be like someone saying they wanted to play football but don't want to be on a team. I know this goes against the grain of our culture because in our culture, we're trained to be consumers. We just are. The picture of church life is not that of a consumer. It's that of a player, a contributor. Now, maybe in infancy there's a consumer mind set, but we're growing; we're developing; we're taking on points of responsibility. Philip Yancey, in talking about this -- I will give you a quote from him in a moment, but let me set it up. He said, "And given a choice, I tend to just hang out with folks like me, people who have college degrees. They drink Starbucks dark roast. They listen to classical music and buy their cars based on EPA gas mileage ratings. And yet after a short while, I get bored with people just like me. And church forces me to rub shoulders with everyone else." But notice this, "But often we surround ourselves with the people we most want to live with, thus forming a club, not a community. Anyone can form a club; it taking grace, shared vision, and hard work to form a community." Joe Hellerman says "We are radically individualistic society, oriented toward fulfillment in ways profoundly more me-centered than any other culture or people-group in world history. And it is our individualism -- our insistence that the personal right and satisfaction of the individual must take priority over any group to which belongs -- that has seriously compromised our ability to stay in relationship and grow in community with one another as God intends." All right, let me just sort of summarize with a really sort of a closing exhortation from what we have read today, and that is: I hope you will purpose to attend, purpose to engage and be a part of the local church; porpoise -- purpose to attend; but attend with purpose. Hebrews 10:25 say, "Let's not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing; but let's encourage one another and all the more as you say the Day approaching." He says, "Let's purpose to attend." For those of you online, please. I'm thankful you're online and bless you. You owe me no explanations; but here's what I hope you'll purpose to do. I hope you will purpose that unless -- you know, it's physically demanding of you that you will purpose you won't stay online forever. Whether it's in Sugarland or wherever you may be listening, that you will purpose to engage in re-engage in the life of the local church. I'm not telling you anything you don't know when I tell you that, you know, church attendance over the last few years, college football attendance is lower now than it was 40 years ago. But local church attendance is well. Sometimes it's not just the number of people who are there but the frequency. The southern Baptist Convention last year, one writer said "We attended twice on Sunday. Now it's twice a month." One research said even in churches core members are there 1.4 times a month. That means a church of 100 people, if we're all there three times a month, feels like 75. If we're there a couple times a month, it feels like 50. A church of a thousand with that constituency if they're there a couple of times a month, it's 500. Here's my point: If you and your children are only present 1.4 times a month -- I'm talking about children now -- they will be exposed to more video games in one week than they will be to Bible teaching in a year. There are over 30 commands in our Scriptures. We can't obey if we're isolated. So let me just encourage you to, yes, purpose to attend; but attend on purpose. I read Hebrews 10:25. Let me read 10:24. Give us some thought to this and let us consider how we might spur one another on toward love and good deeds." He says, don't just purpose to attend but attend and gather with some purpose. How might I bless that group today? How might I encourage a segment of people? Who is someone who needs me to say to them, I don't know if you're going to win or lose in this scenario, but I will walk with you through this. I will pray with you and we will walk through this together. My friends, if gathering were not so important, why would Scripture emphasize it so much; and why would Satan be SO determined to kipukas apart and segmented? -- keep us apart and segmented? Kerry Neuhoff said, "After the last couple of years, for a lot of people what set in is it's not anger but indifference." Not mad at church, not going on rants -- it's just become unimportant. I hope your love for the church, our church, will grow -- not the church in the ideal world. You know, what's the old line to live above with the saints of God? O that will be glory. But to live below with all the saints we know, that's a different story. Well, these are the saints we know. Let's let our love for one another blossom and grow and develop. Wade, why don't you be ready to lead us as I sort of remind you that you will never find a good, healthy church. You will never find one you have to help to build it and create it where you will say you own your own 20 square feet and bring faith and hope and love and energy to this. All right. Just know I love you and care for you. May the Lord bless you and keep you, and thank you for being with us today. Wade Holmes, come lead us in prayers, please. >> Wade: Good morning, family. Thanks for being here. Let's pray. Thank You, God, so much for this time that we can be hear to talk about legacy and how the scriptures have been passed on, starting with Jesus and the apostles. They spread it to the end of the earth and ended up here today, where we can read Your Word. We can be devoted to the Scriptures; that we cannot just hear it but go out and live it; that we can honor You and fulfilling that mission of spreading the Word but also spreading love to those; to our enemies; to our friends; everywhere, God. We pray for the people of Ukraine and people of Russia and all other nations nearby. God, there's persecution going on. There's sadness; there's grief; there's evil; but we do have brothers and sisters there that are related to us that are family or friends. They seek Your protection. They seek Your guidance and, God, I ask You to be them to be -- You allow them to be Your light where it feels like love doesn't exist. We're mindful of those on our prayer request and family matters on our program. You know, there are several names on here, God, that seek Your comfort, Your healing; your guidance, and definitely Your peace. I know that sometimes we don't feel that. Sometimes we call upon Your Name. We need You to do the heavy lifting. This is one of those times, God, I pray You will answer that call, that You will do the heavy lifting; You will provide answers for prayers lifted up for these people that call on You and Your Holy Name and Your Great Name. Be with us this week. Again, allow us to be devoted to living out for You and living out for Jesus. It's in His Name we pray these things. Amen. >> Shane: Amen. Thanks, wade. Jerry Lavoie, within of our many new folks at First Colony, will be baptized by Rocky Hudson. >> Rocky: Church, this is Jerry Lavoie. He and his wife recently visited the church. Jerry requested we get together and talk about baptism and for the last few weeks, we have been able to study together. They're a delightful couple. Jerry has a real passion for God's Word. He said during the process of our study, he said, "I want to be baptized." Today we will honor that request. Jerry, let me just ask you: Today is a special day and want to come with you and ask you an important confession question people asked for centuries. Do you believe Jesus is the Lord and Son of God and ready to make him the Lord of your life? >> I do and I am. >> Rocky: Because of that confession,ally baptize you in the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit for your sins and you may receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. (Applause) your family. >> Praise the Lord! >> Shane: Amen! Fantastic! Welcome to the family, indeed. I asked wade to hang out for a second and tell you guys especially about the fantastic men's group they have Wednesday nights. >> Wade: We meet in the Education Wing upstairs and would love to have anybody that's looking for a place to go. We meet, like I said, all different age groups. We probably have people from their early 20s and high school, college, all the way up to 70s and 80s over the years. So Jerry was actually there a few weeks ago, and it was really cool to meet him. Yeah, we just like to invite you. I know some of you bring your kids and don't really know if there's a place for you. We've got a place. The men's group meets every week and have Biblical topics. We have just general studies, but it's pretty much continual all year long and love to have anyone that would like to join. I will be down here at the front if you have a question or something afterwards. Thanks. >> Shane: Thank you, wade. That meets Wednesday nights at 7:00 p.m. in the Education Building. We have men's groups. Guys, if you want to dig into what Ronnie was talking about, sharpening and encouraging one another; being there for one another as guys,; we have breakfast groups; groups that meet for dinner at places. We have even a Zoom group called The Huddle you will hear more about next week. They will start a new study led by Robert Beasley based on one of his new books. So all kind of options. If you want to find out more info on how to join a group, there's a spot on our home page, a link to lead you to the men's group page. We would love to connect you into another group of guys, okay? So a few more items to note today. First, we have Bible classes for all ages at the hour just before this one at 9:45, in case you didn't know that. They're great classes. Especially I want to highlight the young adults class by the main front door. Kyler Cole is teaching "Total Life Stewardship." It's a great group of folks by the front door so check that out. Also for those of you watching online, our online Bible class begins at 12:30 so stay where you are. That class will begin. Now, second -- yeah, I know, all those things were the first thing, okay? So just deal with that okay? So second, note that daily saving time is next Sunday. Daylight saving time is next Sunday and spring forward. Yes, this is the "Bad one." I promise you folks you want to be here next week. Let's fellowship together. Let's worship together. Let's make a point to get here. You won't regret it, okay? Third, if you're doing spring cleaning, we have a clothing drive with Second Mile Mission. Bring gently used clothing and shoes for all ages and bring in a sturdy plastic bag and drop at the church front porch Sunday, March 27, from 8:00 to 1:00 So do that for us and will bless some people. Finally, Movie under the Moon is pack. Sugarland Town Square. Bring your blanket or lawn chairs, a great time. The first one is this Saturday and need volunteers so go on the website and just sign up to go help. It's really fun. It's really easy to do. What a great way to reach out to our community, okay? You can find all this info and more on our website, all right, folks? Believe it or not, I made it through. Thank you for joining us today. Let's go live the mission of Jesus; but let's first stand and sing one more song together. let's stop let's stand. >> Richard: Amen. (God so Loved playing) ♫ His amazing love ♫ >> Richard: Thank you, church, for worshiping with us today! Have a great Sunday! Be blessed! You are dismissed!