DISCLAIMER: This text is not a verbatim transcript. Communication Access Real Time Translation (CART) is provided in order to facilitate communication credibility and may not be a totally verbatim record of the proceedings. >> You'll find links to our worship services; Bible study options; online giving; and our podcast, Anchor Point. You can also download our church app. Just search for "First Colony Church of Christ" in the App Store or on Google Play. The app is a great resource where you can stay connected to First Colony Church. Thank you for joining us today. We're glad you're here. >> Thank you for joining us today. We want to let you know about a few items of interest. First, go to our website, firstcolonychurch.org, and go there often. You'll find links to our worship services; Bible study options; online givings; and our podcast, Anchor Point. You can also download our church app. Just search for "First Colony Church of Christ" in the App Store or on Google Play. The app is a great resource where you can stay connected to First Colony Church. Thank you for joining us today. We're glad you're here. >> Richard: Good morning, church! Let's all stand together and worship God! He is faithful, amen? (from the Day" playing) >> Here we go! ♫ Whoa, oh, owe muse ♫ yes, till the day You saved my soul ♫ >> Richard: Thank You, Lord God! You are amazing! You are faithful! We trust You no matter what is going on around us, amen? Nothing can separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus. ("Stand in Your Love" playing) ♫ Yes, I'm standing in Your love ♫ >> Richard: Thank You, Lord! Thank You, Lord! You may take your seat as we prepare for communion together. >> Scott: Good morning, church. My name is Scott Wolfe, and this is my wife Caryn. We're thankful to lead you in celebrating the Lord's Supper this morning. Would you pray with me as we pray over the bread, which represents Christ's body; and over the cup, which represents His blood? Let's pray. Heavenly Father, we give You thanks this morning as a church family. Father, as a group of obedient believers, Father, we celebrate Christ this morning. Father, we love Him, and we reaffirm our faith and our confidence in Him. Father, we are, Father, we are all sinners; and we fall short of Your glory every day. Father, we repent of our sins. Father, it's those sins that separate us from You. Father, we're grateful for the redeeming sacrifice Jesus made on the cross for His death where His body was broken and blood ran down the cross -- Father, for His burial and Resurrection and ultimately His ascension for our gift of eternal life with You. Father, help us to be mindful of that free will sacrifice that was offered, Father, as we partake this morning. Thank You for Your love and Your grace and mercy that never stops. In Your Son's Name, amen. let's take of the elements together, please. >> Carnn: Good morning. Today I will read from John 17:20-23. (reading) This is Jesus speaking. >> Grant: We are about to pray over our offering. Before we do, let me remind you giving online is safe, secure, and easy to set up. If you're here with us, we have giving bins at all the exits. Church, thank you guys for being a beautiful body of Christ. It is amazing to see the beautiful things that happen out of the overflow of the generosity as we give back to the Lord and His kingdom. What happens here in this church, the overflow of what happens with the blessings in this community and overflow of what we're able to do internationally and globally for those who need Christ, who need healing, who needs physical things. Thank you for being a blesses. Let's pray this morning. Father, as we come before You, what a gift it is for us to be Your treasure. We know we are wretched sinners, saved by grace; but You lovats -- love us and You treasure us. Father, this morning let us treasure You as much as You treasure us. May we lay down our lives and everything we have that You may use it to bless Your kingdom. You are good, and Your love endures forever. We pray this in Jesus' Name. Amen. >> Joel: Amen! Good morning, everyone. Welcome to the kids' spot, specialized observable teaching for our kids and those that are young at heart -- which would include me. All right, well, my Bible verse for today is 2 Peter 3:18 that says, "But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ." We're going through Acts, and in Acts you see the Gospel spread from a tiemy little location to all over the world. And you're probably asking yourself, "How can I be part of that? How can I be part of the Gospel?" Grow in the grace and the knowledge of our Lord Jesus. Well, you remember Matthew 5 where it tacks about "You are the light of the world, a city set on the hill which cannot be hidden." Then it says, "Let your works be seen that your Father is glorified." Now, I have a battery, and remember February we were doing illustrations that involved fire. I have no matches; I have nothing to strike; I have no chemical reaction. I only have energy hidden inside this 9-volt battery. What is amazing is this 9-volt battery isn't name-brand. It's a cheap one, which is kind of cool. But inside this is energy; and guess what? As a believer who grows in the grace of the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, YOU have energy inside of you. The question is: Are you going to let that out and let people see your good works so that God is glorified? Right now, things are really dark. They are really dark; and yet energy is what shines through the darkness. Check this out. I'm just gonna touch it, just the tiniest touch of energy. Guess what happens? It begins to go all over the place. And smokes, too. (Laughter) Which is pretty cool. But what we love about this is it's almost like there are tiny little trace of truth that are going around; and friends, we have that ability to be those tiny little traces of truth going around as we don't sound -- we don't get baptized -- (Laughter) -- the sparkling way. Yes. all right. Well, private or not, I actually reduced it so I double checked my smoke around. Believe it or not. Have a wonderful Sunday and grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. (Applause) >> Grant: Amen! Love it, Joel! All right, guys, this is great time to fill out your Connection cardses whether you're a guest or member here. We'd love to hear from you. This helps three things -- one, to let us know you're here; two, ministries you want to know about or get plugged in; and three, how to tell us how to pray. Our staff is honored to pray for you by name. If you're here, get out your phone, scan the QR code in front of you fill it out. If you're online, click the "Connect card" button. If you're with us today as a guest, thank you so much for joining us. We're honored to have you here and have a whole room designated for you called "New Here? Start Here." After service, walk across the lobby. We have volunteers and staff ready to meet you, answer questions, and we have a gift for you today. If you're in first to fifth grade, it is time for Main Street Live! You can head back to the back center doors here. Main Street Lye is a great, kid-appropriate worship service. If parents haven't signed kids in yet, head to the chapel and can get them registered at this time. All right, for everybody, it's time for our fellowship greeting. Go ahead and stand up; tell somebody what you love about living in Texas. It's a LONG list, I know. If you're in online, put in the chat box where you live and what you love about living there. ("Sing Wherever I Go" playing) >> Richard: Thank you, church! You may be seated! >> Ronnie: Thanks so much, Richard and team. We do appreciate that. And hello, everybody. Good morning. Glad to see you. Welcome to the First Colony Church of Christ. Welcome to our second service; and to those of you worshiping with us online, we welcome you as well. Let us hear from you. Here in just a moment, we'll get into our message for the day. We're in a message series from the book of Ax called "Acts: Spirit, Mission, and Trauma. Today's message "Is Jesus, Spirit, You." Before we get there, I want to mention our hearts and minds have been focused on the nation of Ukraine this week. Before this service concludes in our prayer time, we'll be praying especially for the people of Ukraine. You need to know that we do plan to help some refugees -- don't know exactly how just yet. We do have some contacts with various churches in areas where they will be receiving some refugees. You may not be aware that actually 78% of Ukranians identify as Christian. So we plan to do something. You know, we can't do everything but can do something and make a difference. We'll certainly be praying and praying as a church later in this service. So this past Friday, I come in from work Friday even, and my wife greets me and she says, "Hey, honey, you do know what today is, don't you?" And it's like, I start sweatin' bullets. (Laughter) You know? I mean, I'm -- the wheels are turning. And if you want to make a husband nervous, just -- there are two questions. "Hey, honey, do you notice anything new?" Okay? And then, "Hey, honey, you DO know what today is, don't you?" I'm going -- our anniversary is in August; her birthday is in July; I was born in August -- she said "Our first date! February 25 was our first date!" I said, "Honey, it was on the tip of my tongue, I was JUST about to say my first date but you beat me to it." (Laughter) I'm thankful that we had a first date and thankful we're still dating years later. That's a good thing. My point being is that we all have milestone moments -- a birth date or anniversary, something to celebrate. And actually God's church has a birthday, the Day of Pentecost. Now, Pentecost was one of the four majors Jewish festivals called the Feast of Weeks. Also "Pentecost" -- 50 days after Passover. 50 days after Easter, if you will. And on that first Pentecost celebration where Jews not only in Jerusalem but from the entire Mediterranean realm would have been in Jerusalem. They came for Passover, stayed for Pentecost; but on this first Pentecost following Easter, following the Resurrection of Jesus, something amazing happened. It's the outpouring of the Spirit and beginning, the birthday of the church. So we're going to read through Acts 2, which is a real hallmark chapter in the Bible. Okay, here we go, beginning verse one. "When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place." "And suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting." "And they saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them." And so brightness appears above their heads; it spreads from one to another like flames of fire; and there's a sound roaring past. Imagine the sound of a gale, a tornado. Whatever they saw and heard, they saw it and they heard it. You couldn't be there and miss it. God is up to something wonderful. It's audible; it's visible; it's dramatic; tongues of fire on their head. You remember in last Sunday's Children's Moment Landon Spe givenhts was here and acted that out? All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit. And they fan to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them." It's like, "What is this?! " Just keep listening. "Now there were staying in Jerusalem God-fearing Jews from every nation under heaven." In other words, they not all spoke Hebrew as a native language. They had been disbursed but they're Jews in faith or converts. "When they heard the sound, a crowd came together in bewilderment because each one heard them speaking in his own language." In other words, God's up to something, and here is a message He wants to communicate. He wants everyone to hear it and understand it, and He works this miracle you will find it occurs three times in the book of Acts. It will occur here in Acts 2; it occurs in Acts 10; it also occurs in Acts 19, three times, where God uses this miracle of speech and essence you may be speaking French to me but I hear it in English. It's a miracle, but this is a message God wants. You know, sometimes a business will do a soft launch. We'll do a soft opening, a soft launch. This is not a soft launch. This is not a soft opening. This is BIG and BOLD and dramatic here. "Utterly amazed, they ask, are not all these men who are speaking Galileans?" They're from the country, and yet we can all hear them in our native language. We understand; we hear the dialect. "Then how it is that each of us hears them in his own native language." By the way, what were they saying? Verse 11 says, "We hear them declaring the wonders of God in our own tongues." We hear them declaring what God has been up to and what he's up to right now. So God supercharges the church, no soft opening. All right. The real outline this morning comes not from me but from the text itself because -- and in this section there are two big questions asked. The second question is going to be, "What shall we do?" But the first question is what does this meaning. Verse 12. (reading) The sight, the sound, the drama. "Some, however, made fun and said they have had too much wine." They're into the White Lightning too early. Peter is going to explain. We have all been in sets before where we didn't quite understand what was going on and then someone explained it and made perfect sense. If you have been to the Astro game, you know about the Kiss Cam moment where at some point during the game put a camera on a couple and then supposed to kiss and they do a lot of couples around the stadium. It's a lot of fun; people laugh and participate. Well, this past baseball season, there was a moment where at one particular game they were doing the Kiss Cam and put the Kiss Cam on one couple. They didn't do anything. They just sat there like knots on a log. And at first it was a little awkward until the guy explained the situation. Watch this. Then you will see them start to watch the screen and everybody is doing the Kiss Cam. And then at some point they realize that they're on camera. And now he will explain the situation. (Laughter) Makes perfect sense, doesn't it? She's my sister. All right. Verse 14. "Then Peter stood up with the 11, raised his voice, and addressed the crowd: Fellow Jews and all of you who live in Jerusalem, let me explain this to you; listen carefully to what I say." These people are not trunk, as you suppose. It's only in 9:00 in the morning. No, what is happening here is not some Johnny-come-lately plan. What is happening here is actually spoken and prof if Id by the prophet Joel. In the last days -- and these are the last days -- God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people men and women, young and old, and everyone -- who -- on EVERYONE who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." So what you're seeing here is a pouring out of the Holy Spirit our Great God promised. It's been prophesied. He's a Spirit-promising and now a Spirit-giving God; and He will give His Spirit to all who come to Christ. Now he begins a sermon really in verse 22, an amazing sermon focusing on the identity of Jesus. Only 539 words. It's a masterpiece. Fellow Israelites, listen to this: Jesus of Nazareth was a man accredited by God to you by miracles, wonders, and signs; which God did among you through Him as you yourself know. But this man Jesus, he was hand over to you by God's deliberate plan and foreknowledge." In other words, Jesus did not have His life taken from Him; Jesus laid down His life on purpose. "But you, with the help of wicked men, put Him to death by nailing Him to the cross." "But God --" Listen to the hope rising. "But God raised Him from the dead, freeing Him from the agony of death, because it was impossible for death to keep its hold on Him." Let me just mention here that Peter says this was God's plan for Christ to be sacrificed; but He utilized wicked and evil people in it. God does not plan evil, but He can even use evil in His plan. Fellow Israelites, he's going to appeal to their hero, King David, the greatest king of all, a beloved patriarch. "Fellow Israelites, I can tell you confidently that the patriarch David died and was buried, and his tomb is here to this day." And from where Peter was speaking to the location of David's tomb, they could virtually see it. In other words, he's saying "David is dead; he's still in his tomb. But guess who's not dead? One of David's descendants that he prophesied about." "But David was a prophet and knew God prompted him on oath he would place one of his descendants on throne and seeing what was to come, he spoke of the resurrection of the Messiah, that he was not abandoned to the realm of the dead, nor did his body see decay." And now he lasers in. "And God has raised this Jesus to life, and we are all witnesses of it." It's been seven weeks since the Resurrection. Christianity was born and inaugurated in the very city where it would have. Most easy to prove Peter a liar. But no one could discredit the message. Nobody's heckling this point. Jesus has become a hot topic. If the Resurrection wouldn't have happened, who would know better than Peter's audience that day? Of all the people in the world, Peter's audience would have. been able to contradict him if what he was saying was only myth. But Peter is stating facts and no one can deny it. By the way, you do notice a change in Peter, don't you? He's no longer a cowardly denier. He's now a bold, courageous witness and proclaimer. You know, those early believers, you could threaten them but couldn't silence them. You could threaten them, but you couldn't intimidate them -- why? They knew that Jesus indeed lives and reigns. And God's raised Him up. Verse 33. "Exalted to the right hand of God" -- notice this. "Jesus has received from the Father the promised Holy Spirit and Jesus is the One who has poured out what you're seeing and hearing." So everything you're seeing and hearing today, what you see, what you hear -- all this drama -- the pouring out of the Holy Spirit in such a visible and dramatic way -- Jesus does this. Sometimes we'll say we're baptized by the Holy Spirit. We're really baptized IN the Holy Spirit and it's Jesus who does it. Listen -- and He's worthy to do it. You see, this sermon is leading up to this question: Do you agree with God about Jesus? Do you agree with the status that God, the Father, bestows upon Jesus? In other words, you cannot be anti-Jesus and pro-God. If you're anti-Jesus, you're anti-God; and I realize that's not a socially popular message. Jesus is worthy to pour out His Spirit because Peter will say He's earned it. I mean, look at His life. The incarnation. All of His miracles that cannot be denied. His perfect life. His death on the cross as a sacrifice. And then resurrected to life again and now ascended and exalted and He's pouring out His Spirit on ALL who believe in Him. He says this: "Therefore, you let all Israel be assured of this: God has made THIS Jesus, whom you crucified, both Lord and Messiah." His adversaries called Jesus a phony. His adversaries called Jesus a charlatan and a fake; but what they were saying about Jesus was wrong. It was dead wrong. There is a much higher authority that's overturned their judgment. He's not a fake; he's not a charlatan. You let everyone be assured of this: He is Lord; He is King; He is Messiah; and the question to you is: Do you agree with that? Have you decided THATs true and I will build my life on it? If you want to fill in this blank, here it is. Jesus is validated by His life; death; resurrection; and exaltation. If you will be cavalier about Jesus, you're also cavalier about God. If you want to be pro-God, you will be pro-Jesus, according to Scripture. He's Lord in Christ. What does all this mean? Here's the second question. So what shall we do? What shall we do in response to this? Verse 37. "When the people heard this, they were cut to the heart and said to Peter and the other apostles, "Brothers, what shall we do?" Stop there for a moment. Many of you know the answer to that question. Let's just stop with the question because this question is really vital. It's vitally important. Heaven and earth and all of eternity will hang on the response to this question. "What shall we do?" Suppose Peter had said, "Too bad; so sad." "You made your bed; you lie in it." "Sorry; you are past the point of no return." What shall you do? There's NOTHING you can do. You're too far off. The praise be to the God of Grace. What seemed to be devastating news became good news. "What shall we do?" Peter replied, "You repent and you be baptized, every one of you --" in other words, there's not a one of you too far off from grace. The Gospel of Grace, the Good News of Jesus Christ, can reach to you; and you; and me; and you; and you. You say, "Ronnie, you don't know where I have been and what I've done. I'm watching from prison." The Good News of Jesus is for you in the darkest moments, whatever the stain may be. If the grace of Christ can reach even to the people who crucified Him, don't you think the Good News of grace can reach you? So "Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the Name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit." It's for all -- men and women; young and old; all who call upon the Name of the Lord. The gift of the Holy Spirit is just that -- a gift. It's a free gift. Forgiveness is a free gift. It's what you call a costly free gift. You know, my undergraduate degree is from a private university in Tennessee, and it did not cost me a cent. You say, "Ronnie, did you get a full ride academic scholarship?" Not completely. "Ronnie, did you get a full ride athletic scholarship?" Oh, no. (Laughter) Oh, no. My parents paid for it. Every cent. What did it cost me to attend Fried Hardeman -- it did not cost me anything. It costs my parents THOUSANDS of dollars. It's a free, costly gift. And forgiveness of sins, the gift of the Holy Spirit, it is a free gift to you and me -- costly; earned by Jesus incarnate; perfect; the sacrifice; raised from the dead; exalted at the right hand of the throne of glory; and giving us, pouring out one good gift after another. Verse 39. "The promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off -- for all whom the Lord our God will call." No one is too far off for this call. In order, Peter say, "This Good News is not just for THIS audience at THIS moment; it's for your children, your grandchildren, and beyond to ALL who call on the Name of the Lord." This sermon, Peter's sermon, is leading you and me to this question: Do you agree? Do you agree what God says about Jesus? Because if you're anti-Jesus or cavalier Jesus, you cannot be pro-God. So let me make just a few summary points. Here's the first one: Just know that the Gospel is for everyone, everywhere. For you and me, for all who call on the Name of the Lord. in Texas; Ukraine; Russia; wherever. Secondly, repent. That's what Peter says. Peter did not coddle nor pet the people on the day of Pentecost. He fed them. He spoke truth to them. He said, "You've had your back turned to Jesus, and your face turned towards your own self-will. It's time you turn your back to your own self will and turn your face towards Jesus. Repent." In other words, start doing things in God's way. I have a friend by the name of Tim Spivey who says this: "Nice dishonesty is never better than truth in love." And Peter is speaking the truth in love. He's giving them the Gospel. God is offering salvation and abundant life to all who will follow Him. You need to believe; you need to repent; and then he says be baptized. This is good news -- baptized for the forgiveness of sins. If you think you're too far from grace, too dirty or too far from being redeemed, that's not true. God has a provision to you and would say the same thing to you today. Is it time for you to be baptized in to Christ? There are often two extremes in discussing baptism. One extreme is the view of water regeneration; that there is just power in the water. There's no power in the water. It's H2O. What gives baptism first of all is the sacrifice of Christ. It's an expression of faith in the work of Christ. So we don't believe in water regeneration because, again, what gives baptism its power is FAITH. If I'm baptized with no faith, I just got wet. But there's another sort of extreme view -- "Oh, baptism, it's not really that important; it's optional." Bible scholars will describe baptism as being spiritually efficacious, which is just sort of a fancy way of saying "It's important." God meets you there and does something there. As Peter would say, the forgiveness of sins, the Holy Spirit. By the way, just sort of use common sense here for a moment. If someone wants to stiff-arm baptism, can you imagine coming to Jesus, who teaches baptism, by the way; and say, "Jesus, I want You to be my Lord; King; Master. I want to follow You. You want me to be baptized? Sorry; I'm passing on that." Baptism is where YOU declare that YOU agree with what God says about Jesus; that He is Lord and King. And last of all, you live it out. We'll continue to see this like next week here in the book of Acts. What do people do after they're baptized and come to Christ? The bottom line -- here it is -- we become part of the church. We become a part of this new community. We're not a social club. You treat the church like a social club; that becomes a problem for you. You will miss things. We're not a political cause. We are a family of God and we worship the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. What do we do? We rescue and we nurture souls in the grace of Jesus Christ. What do we do? We are the pillar and ground of truth upholding the sacred Scriptures. What do we do? We unleash compassion in the Name of Jesus Christ. What do we do and who are we? We are a Spirit-empowered community of belonging. Okay, I want to come back to baptism for a moment. Let me just say if you're here today and you're ready to take that step of baptism, we're ready for you. I mean, really; we're ready for you. All you need to do is either towards the end of the service -- maybe when we're singing the last song or right when this service is over -- all you need to do is just walk out into the lobby and go to our "New Here? Start Here" room and say, Hey, I'm ready to be baptized today. "Ronnie, I didn't bring a change of clothes." Listen, we've got baptismal garments back here. " I didn't bring a towel. We've got towels and a baptistery. It's HEATED. It's a HEATED baptistery. I mean, we're ready. All you have to do is get to the "New Here? Start Here" room. "I'd like somebody to come back here with me." Hey, bring the whole family back there. "I was sprinkled as a child." That wasn't your faith. It needs to be -- 27 times in the book of acts you read about baptism and every time, faith comes first. Believer's baptism. Faith is the parent; repentance; confession; baptism are children of faith. We're ready for you. We'll record it if you want with it recorded. You say, "Well, my family and friends aren't here." We'll report it for you. When I'm going to ask you to do is not procrastinate. Now, I didn't say -- sometimes it's important to wait because it's a time to learn and discern, okay? That's important to do. But if today is your day to cross the line and be baptized into Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins and receive the gift of the Holy Spirit, we're ready for you. We can make this happen today. Now, you say, "I would like a little time to learn and discern. Can I have somebody help me?" Yeah, just go to "New Here? Start Here" room and say, "I would like a church leader to sit down and let's do a Bible study together." We can help. We are ready. We would LOVE to do that. If you would like something on your own, I've got -- we've got a book here called "First Conversations." It's a do-it-yourself Bible study. Walk into the lobby, hang a right at our Info Center. They're free. Pick one up. It's for you. David, why don't you be making your way up with here, please? David Avera will lead us in prayer in just a minute. We're just a few weeks away from Easter, and traditionally over the years so many people who are apprentice believers, they're learning; they're growing -- so many believers over the years have used the Easter season as sort of a time to prepare for their own conversion, for their own baptism. Maybe that's where you are. I hope you will utilize the next few weeks to learn and discern, okay? And again, we're eager to help. Just go to "New Here? Start Here" and if today is your day, we're ready to help, too. The Lord bless you, everybody. So thankful you're with us, so thankful you're with us online. Just know that I love you and care for you. I won't try to pet you nor coddle you, but I will do my best to speak the truth to you in love. All right, David, lead us in prayer, please. >> David: Pray with me, please. Dear Heavenly Father, as we close our time together today, I pray that we, as one body, can intercede for our brothers and our sisters growing through desperate times at this very moment in Ukraine. God, we pray that You will be a fortress and a shield to those under attack and that You will protect Your church and use to accomplish Your purposes during this horrible time. Father, we pray for all those in authority, not only for world leaders but also for local authorities and church leaders as they all face difficulty decisions during this crisis. We also pray for many countries in Europe and around the world that will be receiving Ukranian ref Eugenes -- refugees in the near future. God, we ask for Your help for the leaders to respond with wisdom, Godliness, and holiness. God, we also ask for You to bring peace. We know that You see the hearts of man and we pray for evil to be vanquished. We pray that You use this time to show Your majesty, to soften hardened hearts, and turn them towards Christ so that He can rule. God, we know You have a plan and trust You and praise You in all times and in every situation. Lord, show us how to love better; to lead others to You better; and to reflect Christ in all our words and our deeds. May everything we do bring You glory. fill each of us to the full with Your Holy Spirit. In Christ's Most Holy Name we pray, amen. >> Grant: Amen. Thank you so much. All right, church, there are lot of great things happening here at the church so let me make sure you're aware of those. Of course, every Sunday here 9:45 is a great time to come and connect. We've got classes for all ages, and one that just started today is a great one. We'd love to have y'all jump in next week, our young adult class taught by Kyler Cole. The series is called "Total Life Stewardship." For all of us as followers of Christ, we long for the day to stand before God and hear those words "Well done, good and faithful servant." As we go through this class, that is what we're talking about. How do we be good steward of our lives? We're going to talk about our design, maximizing our talents; managing our money well. How do we teach our kids? How do we finish well? So F1 00 is across the hall. If you're online was, you can stay online and Kyle Strickland's got a class that will start at 12:30 so it's a great place to jump in. In church, everybody is invited to come be a part of our Wednesday nights. This is a great place to be. Our student ministry is rockin'; children's ministry is rockin'; there's is stuff for adults whether that's Uplift, small groups. Right now we have a special parenting series going on so parents, come up here. Let your kids come and connect. Come join me in class and this week specifically we're talking about equipping your kids to think critically. It's going to be a fun one. We have two more weeks left in that series so come jump in. For our ladies, we've got the IF: Gathering next weekend. You can go online to register for that and do it by this Wednesday because you're gonna get to take advantage of the discounts and have access to tons of great speakers. For the retreat, you can do that either online, remotely, or come join us in person. You've got some great options there. Lady, sign up for that. All right, church, it's been a blessing being with you this morning. Let's stand as we close with one song. ("Sing Wherever I Go" playing) >> Richard: Thank you, church, for worshiping with us today! You're dismissds!