DISCLAIMER: This text is not a verbatim transcript. Communication Access Real Time Translation (CART) is provided in order to facilitate communication credibility and may not be a totally verbatim record of the proceedings. >> Thank you for joining us today. We want to let you know about a few items of interest. First, go to our website, firstcolonychurch.org, and go there often. You'll find links to our worship services, Bible study options, online giving, and our podcast "Anchor Point." You can also download our church app. Just search for First Colony Church of Christ in the App Store or on Google Play. The app is a great resource where you can stay connected to First Colony Church. Thank you for joining us today. we are glad you're here. >> Richard: Good morning, First Colony. How are you doing today? I want to wish you all a happy Father's Day, all you dads. I want to read some scripture for just a reminder how amazing your God and father is. Just as God loves his children, so are those who fear and worship him. Are you ready to worship the Lord this morning? Let's all stand together and worship the Lord. \M "Your Love Awakens Me" \M >> Richard: Yes. The love of God never fails, amen. The steadfast love of the Lord never ends. What a faithful God. \M "My Jesus" \M >> Richard: Amen. Thank you for worshiping with us this morning. As we prepare to take communion together, you may be seated. >> Happy Father's Day, everyone. I'm Sam Walker. These are my sons Elijah Walker and Levi. I appreciate you all being with us here today. We're just going to pray for the bread and for the cup. Dear Lord, we thank you so much for the opportunity that you give us to realize just how much of a sacrifice that you made for us, how much you cared for us to send your son and it's so much more meaningful to me specifically, having my own sons, being able to have that association in love and not even being able to fathom that sacrifice that you made willingly on our behalf. Lord, as we take this bread and we take this cup to symbolize that sacrifice, I pray that you just allow us to let it marinate and resonate on us, knowing how big a deal it is for us and how much you care for us. In your name we pray. >> I will be reading from Proverbs 3:3-8 Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. Then you will win favor and a good name in the sight of God and man. >> Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. >> Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and shun evil. This will bring health to your body and nourishment to your bones. >> Please partake together. \M "Fires" \M >> Kevin: We're going to pray for the offering right now. We give every week. There's ways you can give at the back, drop the check in or give online and texting. I'm reminded on Father's Day where my father gave me and my brother $20 to go see a movie in Tinseltown. I thought I could leave my brother, but the reality is my dad gave me his money to take care of someone else on his behalf. That's why we give. No matter why or what you're giving, this all goes back to a God who gave to us. Let's ask for God's blessing. Father, thank you for being our father. Lord, as we give back to you, that is our worship to you, knowing that you are good and you take care of us and we will have all that we need and we can confidently give. We pray for blessing on this offering and know that you will use that for your blessing. >> Good morning. My name is Missy Edgmon and I work as the women's minister here. We're going to start big ideas for young minds. They're story times and I'm going to use really simple picture books to talk about big ideas. So I want to see who here in the audience is 10 years and younger. Raise your hand if you're 10 years old or younger. There are a few. You're going to help me find the big idea of faith when I read this book. What the Bible says faith is the confidence we hope for and the assurance of what we do not see. Every time you see an example of the little boy in here is going to be really, really sure he's right about something he can't even see. When you see that happening, I want you to actually say pause, say it loud enough that I can hear you, and we're going to look at it as an example of faith. This is "The Carrot Seed" by Ruth Kraus. This is the same artist that did "Harold and the Purple Crown." A little boy planted a carrot seed. His mother said, I'm afraid it won't come up. His father said, I'm afraid it won't come up. And his big brother said, it won't come up. Every day the little boy pulled up the weeds around the seed and sprinkled the ground with water. I heard a "pause." It sounded like an older pause. The little boy can't see the seed, right, but he knows how seeds work. They need space to grow and he's going to give it water to grow strong, but he can't see it. That's faith. But nothing came up. And nothing came up. Now, this one I'm going to pause because he doesn't look like he's doing anything here, but if you could see the picture closer, he's looking at the ground and any second something is going to pop out of that ground. He's not forgetting that there is something under there that is typographical, even though he cannot see it. This is faith too and everyone kept saying, it would not come up, but he still pulled up the seeds every day and sprinkled the ground with water. You've got it. And this is called being persistent. He's not just pulling up weeds one time and watering it one time and watching and saying, I guess I was wrong about that. He's actually continuing to have faith. This is something that is very persistent to God when we're persistent with our faith. Then one day a carrot came up, just as the little boy had known it would. This is an awesome ending. When the Bible is talking about us having faith, is it foggy us having faith in a carrot? No. It's talking about us having faith in God. We can't see God, but the spirit of God is all around us working all the time and for those of us who believe in Jesus, the spirit of faith is in us. If we have faith, we're going to make space and weed out the things crowding the spirit of God and we're going to water and put in the things that strengthen our faith in God, like come together with other believers and the thing is when we see him, he's going to go, look at what you let me grow in you. Well done, my faithful servant. Thank you. [ Applause ] [\M\M\M] >> Today is a special day and it's bigger than we think, because there are many different kinds of fathers and they all need to be recognized and honored today. Today we honor those fathers who consistently strive to balance loving their wives and children with being good, godly workers at their jobs. May you feel the pleasure of God. Today we honor those dads who have poor fathers themselves, but who have committed to never become the father they grew up under. May your children continue to be guarded from any of the hurt you carry. Today we honor the fathers who are older and who no longer have day-to-day obligations to their children. May the family gatherings this weekend feel like you could do it all over again. Today, we honor the adult children of fathers who are absent. May the God of the fatherless become your Father in ways you only dream of and may you believe with your whole heart that his leaving wasn't your fault. Today we honor men who have no children of their own, but who father younger men as mentors and guides. May you see your important roles as impacting and life-changing. And finally today, we honor fathers who have passed away. May their good deeds live on through you and their careless deeds be corrected in your lifetime. Today is a special day. So for all the fathers we mentioned and even those we didn't, be honored, be blessed, and be joyful. We believe that you have what it takes to change the world, and you're doing it one relationship at a time. Happy Father's Day. [\M\M\M] >> Kevin: Yeah, Happy Father's Day. [ Applause ] >> Kevin: We have a couple of announcements before the fellowship greeting. One, if you're new here and visiting, we're so glad you're here. We want to say hi and give you a gift. There is new here start here. You can make your way and get any information you want. In front of you there is a connection card and a Q.R. code. Those will get you to a place you can get information or ask for prayer requests, any of that stuff. After our sermon today we're going to be having something we've done in the past, prayer time. Our elder couples will come to the front. If you want to have prayer and walk down with the others, know that is coming. That will be at the end of our service. So at this point let's have all of our kids first through fifth grade make your way to the back. Noah is at the back and will make you to Main Street Live. Today I had my hot water heater go out and my air conditioner go out. I was reminded of all the things I wish my father had taught me to do that I wish I know he knows how to do. Let's stand up and greet the fathers all around you. [Indistinct chatter]. \M "Almighty God" \M >> Richard: Thank you for your worship, church. You may be seated. >> Ronnie: Fantastic. Thank you so much, Richard and team. Glad to see you. Really good to see you. To those of you in the room, to those of you worshiping with us via the online experience, glad to have you with us today at our second service at the First Colony Church of Christ. Happy Father's Day. We honor you today. The message today is dad is no joke. I want to start out here in honor of Father's Day, I thought it would be a good time to explore the pinnacle of humor which is a dad joke which is a synonym for a really corny joke, something that's groan-inducing, but you have to chuckle at it. Sometimes it's a play on words or a pun, but not always. It's a bad joke, a dad joke. I want to show you a video. But one thing is there is something you don't know about me. I was obsessed with doing the hokey pokey. Let's watch this. >> Why don't cannibals eat clowns? Because they taste funny. >> I call my horse and sometimes mayonnaise. >> Ever since we started quarantining, I've only been telling inside jokes. >> Do you know what the problem is with twin witches? You don't know which witch is which. >> Why didn't the boat dock? Too much peer pressure. >> I told my wife that her husband is like fine wine. We just get better with age. The next day she locked me in the cellar. >> Which days are the strongest? Saturday and Sunday. The others are all weekdays. >> What is the first thing a taxi says to a wolf? >> Joel: I have no idea. >> Where wolf? >> I ordered a chicken and an egg from Amazon. I'll let you know. >> My dad was born a conjoined twin, but separated at birth. I have an uncle once removed. >> What is a pirate's favorite letter? >> Arggh. >> You would think, but his first love be the sea. >> Every morning I get hit by a bicycle. It's a vicious cycle. >> Joel: How many telemarketers does it take to change a light bulb? Only one but it has to do it during dinner. >> How does a hamburger introduce his wife? Meet Patty. >> Why did the invisible man turn down a job offer? He couldn't see himself doing it. >> Do you know what a vampire's favorite fruit is? That is the nectarine. >> If an athlete gets athlete's foot, what does an astronaut get? Mistletoe. >> I was wondering why that frisbee kept getting bigger and bigger and then it hit me. >> Ronnie: Some kids gave a card that said, you're a better dad than your jokes. We love you and appreciate you. The title of today's message is no joke. We may live in a society where it will be front and center. Fatherhood is demeaning, masculinity demeaned, fatherhood, demeaned. Often in the entertainment industry, dads are either portrayed as a buffoon or an ogre. I believe that there are plenty men in this world who are neither a buffoon nor an ogre, but they are actually a force in their family. Cherished, leading, providing, protecting. Dads, I have great respect for you and fathers are incredibly important as we partner with mom in building a family together. Obviously today I can't touch on every nuance of a family situation, but dad is no joke. I want to encourage you. I want to challenge you. As a father, for me, I appreciate being encouraged, but I want to be prided and challenged as well. If I had to summarize today's message, three words is don't be passive. Don't be passive. Don't lean into a mindset where you just sort of give in and go along and abdicate your assignment in your home. I have four points today. They all come from scripture. No joke dads. Number one is they love in order to build relationship. Any kind of relationship, even with our children, even with our spouse, over the long haul there will be 1,001 opportunities to say, I'm going to call it quits, but it's love that builds a relationship over the long haul. Reading from Psalm 103. This is going to describe our great God and picture him as a compassionate father. Over 250 times in the Bible, God is pictured as our heavenly Father. The best-known prayer in the Bible, start it with me, our Father, Lord in heaven. Psalm 103:8-14 The Lord is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love. Notice this: He will not always accuse, nor will he harbor his anger forever; he does not treat us as our sins deserve or repay us according to our iniquities. Isn't that even better than wonderful? For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is his love for those who fear him; as far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us. Why is he doing all this? So we can have a relationship. That's why. So we can have a relationship. Without love, there is no relationship. We can have mercy and grace and abundance of compassion. There can be 1,001 reasons to say, I wash my hands of this. As a father has compassion on his children, so the Lord has compassion on those who fear him; for he knows how we are formed, he remembers that we are dust. In other words, he knows not a one of us will bat 1,000. Not a one of us. As a dad, as a parent, let me just encourage you to do everything in your power not to burn a relational bridge with your children no matter how disappointing certain decisions may be. Listen, let me be very specific. I know there will be times you have to exercise tough love. There will be times you have to draw boundaries. There will be times you have to have conversations and say, I love you and care for you, but I can't affirm this. I can't endorse it. I love you, but hopefully you would never say to them, I don't want you in my life again. There was a young lady one time who did something really foolish and her parents sat her down and they had a gift for her and she opened it up. It was a rock. She said, hey, very funny. They said, no, it's not meant as a joke. This rock will evaporate before our love for you will evaporate. This rock will wither away before our love for you will wither away. We serve a great God, a compassionate God who has compassion on his children. No joke dads do the same thing, same thing. They love in order to build/maintain relationships with their children. Secondly, no joke dads, they learn Godly wisdom, not just to be a receptacle, they learn Godly wisdom in order to pass it on, to leave a legacy, if you will. Here is the classic scripture from Deuteronomy 6:4-6 Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. So in other words, it starts with dad, it starts with mom, there is a personal conviction. I really believe this, in other words, these commandments are on my heart, personal conviction. And he says: Impress them on your children. Don't just hide your plan, impress these upon your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. In other words, we talk about this consistently, conversationally. We're going to steer certain conversations to outcomes. We'll talk about current events, but what does the Bible weigh in on this? What is a biblical point of view of what is going on. We live in a day of search engines. Let's sit down and see -- check with Kevin, Ryan, Shane, somebody else I know, check with Missy and some really good websites. We can sit down with one another with our children and say let's see what the Bible has to say about some of these hot button topics. Junior, little one, that's a great question, I'm so glad you asked that. Let's see what a biblical world view is. Then he says, verse 8, and this is a section in this scripture that is often overlooked, but it is powerful. He says: Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the door frames of your houses and on your gates. In other words, we're going to be conspicuous. We're not going to headache our light and hide it under a bushel. We belong to the Lord. We belong to the word of God. We're passing along his -- no joke dads, learning Godly wisdom for the purpose of passing it on. Psalm 78:5-7 Says: He decreed statutes for Jacob and established the law in Israel, which he commanded our ancestors to teach their children, so the next generation would know them, even the children yet to be born, and they in turn would tell their children. In other words, we're building a legacy, a legacy of blessing. Dads, let me tell you where it starts, okay. Here is the first message you want to drill into your children. Are you ready? Here it is. God is good. He loves you. And his word is true. If you don't drill that into your children, they will be susceptible to the very first lie uttered in the garden of Eden, which is God is not good. He does not have your best in mind. He's keeping the really good things from you. Therefore, you should be your own god and write your own Bible. Christian Smith, a sociologist with Notre Dame University, he says the single-most powerful influence in the lives of a child or young adult is a religious life with their parents. He says, I'm not saying parents can control what a child does. We all know that can't happen, but it is to the advantage of that child, of that teenager, that young adult, ideally where both parents together say, we really believe this, we belong to the Lord, we pass this along. He says, speed of the parents, usually speed of the child. You don't want a glass ceiling there. We've all heard the phrase, you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make that horse drink and that's true. When it comes to children, you cannot force -- make my children to love the Lord and embrace the Lord. No. But I can lead them to water. I can show them how cool and refreshing it is. When they're dehydrated, I can tell them how water would actually help. I can tell them, we would really enjoy drinking water together. You show them what that water's done for you. Do you realize you can't make them drink. I've got to take that responsibility from my shoulders and put it squarely on their shoulders, but starting young, we teach, we model. Martha and I years ago, we met a couple when we were in our early 20s, so a long time ago. They were seasons ahead of us. To show you how long ago this has been, they lived in another state, but we would type out questions for them because we wanted them to sort of mentor us and teach us. We were just really impressed with how they did things. Then we would put a blank cassette tape -- remember those?  -- and mail it and ask, would you speak your answers on to this cassette tape and send it back to us. It was interesting. Honey, you remember this. They would answer the question, but before they would give us a specific answer to our question, they would say, as you model whatever it was, and every question. As you're modeling, as you're modeling. What about a temper tantrum? Well, as you're modeling self control -- okay. I get what you're saying here. Before I move on, very quickly, let me encourage you as a body of believers to tap into mutual discipleship. You sometimes want to be in groups and be friends. Friendship is good. That's great. But I want to encourage you, especially as a younger parent, to pursue some discipling mentoring relationships where you take the initiative and you contact somebody or you talk to Shane or Grant or Missy or somebody or myself and say, would you help me -- here we are at this stage of parenting and we'd like to get together with a couple who've maybe already been there and just talk through some things. I'm not talking about getting together every Tuesday night until 2025. I'm talking about getting together a few times and allowing the wisdom of another believer -- I'm not saying that believer walks on water, I'm not saying they're Jesus, but they've been there, and you share life and you share some questions together. How do we navigate social media? How do we -- all sorts of things. Again, it's not just getting together for friendships, getting together for purposeful friendship, mentoring. Discipling one another as parents, who are tutoring our children. Does that make sense? You've got a little bit of a dazed look on your face. Number three, no joke dads, they lead in order to protect from foolishness. You know, the Bible does say that foolishness is bound up in the heart of a child. Oh, but my child, they're 9 going on 30. No, they're not. No, they're not. They're 9. All right? And you need to lead in order to protect them from foolishness. The book of Hebrews verse 12 says this: Endure hardship as discipline; God is treating you as his children. Now, this is a passage that is going to talk about earthly fathers and our heavenly Father, God our Father. For what children are not disciplined by their father? Moreover, we have all had human fathers who disciplined us and we respected them for it. How much more should we submit to the Father of spirits and live! They disciplined us for a little while as they thought best; but God disciplines us for our good, in order that we may share in his holiness. In other words, God's not the genie in the Aladdin story. Sometimes I'll meet a believer who says, I ask God for something and I never got it. I thought he was the genie. Am I Aladdin. Sometimes God will allow you to stay in a mistake that you made so you'll learn something from it and not make a bigger mistake next month. But God will discipline us for our good in order that we may share in his holiness. And no discipline seems pleasant at the time, amen. But painful later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it. No joke dads are willing to engage in the work of training and discipline. And discipline here means you're going to meet bad behavior head on. I'm specifically talking about behavior where there is a lack of honor and respect for authority. And you bring something unpleasant, something that younger person doesn't want to experience again. I don't want to go without this, whatever it might be. Something that in their juvenile, developing brain says, I don't really think I should act that way again because I don't want this experience of discipline again. Sometimes discipline includes punishment, but often discipline is guiding and training. Again, I'm not talking about childish irresponsibility, like I loved in the video today when that child knocked over the glass and that wise dad did too. You know, you don't need to discipline for that. But willful disobedience. If you're passive and you go along, get along, you're passive, the Bible says a refusal to correct is a refusal to love. Love your children by disciplining them. Let me talk about social media here for a moment. You say, Ronnie, you got Bible and verse on that. No. But I've got Bible and verse on parents raising children. And I believe that as a dad, as a parent, we have to protect our children not just from the world but sometimes from themselves. That kind of protection means as a parent we have to be informed, involved and in charge. Do you know how many texts your children are sending, to whom, from whom? Do you know the music they're downloading? Are you familiar with the lyrics of that music? Do you know the games they're playing online? Ronnie, are you suggesting that I should see what's on my child's phone and be aware of the websites that they're visiting? Yes, yes, yes. Are you suggesting I should know who they're texting and who's texting them? Yes. You say, what about a right to privacy? We're talking parent-child. They're children and you trust, but you verify. You extend trust to your children, but there's going to be accountability certainly when they're very young and young teens. And if we don't bring that sense of accountability, I'm not protecting them from themselves. I'm sure not protecting them from this world. Again, you go back to some of the basics. The parent-child dynamic works like this. This whole idea of parenting is that you have someone who is mature training someone who is less mature. You have someone who ease supposed to be in charge and then you have someone who needs you to be in charge. You have someone who provides oversight and then you have people who need that oversight. Be engaged and involved there. Your children, they may not like that involvement, may not like those rules. They may credit you came to church this morning and heard this message. Here's what you do. You look them in the eye, put your arm around them, tell them you love them and you say, you know, kiddo, it's just really, really tough to be you. I'm sorry. But here's what you want to do and have happen. You want your 25-year-old version of that 13-year-old, you want that 30-year-old version of that 15-year-old coming back to you saying, mom, dad, thank you for the blessings, but also thank you for the boundaries that I didn't like at the time. Thank you for the love, but also thank you for the limits as well. One more thing, joke dads, very quickly. We lean into Father God's grace for help because we all need it as a dad. We all need it in every arena of our life. Let me give a definition of grace and put it on the screen because sometimes we make grace and mercy synonymous and they're not synonymous. Grace is God doing for us that which we cannot do for ourselves. For example, forgiveness. I cannot forgive myself. I mean, I can forgive myself therapeutically, but I cannot forgive myself judiciously. God does that. When it comes to parenting, when you find yourself in situations where you're like, okay, I'm in deep water here or I'm in a confusing time or a scary time or a painful time, it's helpful to remember the Lord is already there. He's Emmanuel, he is God with us. And as a parent, you have the Holy Spirit helping. As a parent, one of God's great promises to you, James 1:5. If anyone lacks wisdom -- let me tweak that verse. If a dad lacks wisdom, if a mom lacks wisdom, let them ask of God and he will give it to you in abundance. Then you have the blessing of the church. Again, let me say it again. Lean into one another for parenting discipling where you seek out advice and counsel and tutoring and mentoring and help and just bouncing helpful ideas and praying over one another. It is a fantastic, fantastic thing to do. What a day, everybody. God is inviting you maybe to be the good father you never had. He's certainly inviting you to take your fathering to the next level and he's inviting you to make sure that Father God yourself is your heavenly Father. You say, wait a minute, Ronnie, isn't God everyone's heavenly Father? No, he's not. He's everyone's Creator. He's not everyone's Father, but he can be Lord Father as you welcome him. John 1:12-13 Says this: Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God, children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband’s will, but born of God. What does it mean then to be a Christian? It means that through Christ you're adopted into the family of God and you have full access to all the rights and privileges of his sons and daughters. Do you know who can wake up a king in the middle of the night and ask for a cup of water? The answer: A child of a king, that's who. And I'm thankful that we have a good, good Father, full of compassion and mercy. The Bible says he will be the Father to the fatherless, if you didn't have a good father experience. He comes in and he wants to reshape and nurture our hearts and our souls and he will be that good, good Shepherd. Everybody, just know, I love you and respect you. Dads, a lot of you, you're anything but passive dads. You're engaged, you're involved. If there is a dad here watching online, you need to hit that reset button. You'll be glad you did. Your family will be glad you did. Just say no to passivity. All right. Well, we're going to spend a little time in prayer this morning. Richard, let me turn it over to you, please. >> Richard: Thank you, Ronnie. Like Ronnie said, we are going to spend a little bit of time in prayer this morning, so as our elder couples come forward, if you need prayer, we want to partner with you and go over anything. We can pray with you, partner with you, and see God do amazing and mighty things in your life. If you're online, you can request private prayer. Let's all be standing in prayer. \M "Good Good Father" \M >> Richard: Let's pray together as we close out our prayer time this morning. Father, we thank you that you are good, that your mercy endures forever, that we can call on you and trust you and come boldly to your throne because of the blood of Jesus that he shed for us. We can call you Father. Like Ronnie said, we can come to you in the middle of the night and ask you for a cup of water because we're children of the King. We thank you for your presence in this place today. Thank you for working miracles for the folks who asked for prayer. Giving you all the praise and honor and glory in Jesus' name. >> Kevin: If you're still praying, go ahead and keep doing that. Everyone else have a seat. We have some announcements. The first thing I want to mention is we have classes for everybody. If you're new here and don't know, we have adults, teens, children classes. We have the online Bible class and Kyle will jump online with you. We have some events coming up. July 4 coming up is just a couple of weeks away and that Sunday, July 3, we're going to have a big barbecue. Like a church potluck, but a barbecue. A food truck and ice cream truck. Bring some money and stay after church and we'll celebrate Independence Day. What Missy was doing was an example of some training she will be doing. She will be doing big ideas for young minds. Training parents on how to read these stories and how to have conversations with little kids. It's going to be exciteful and fun because children's books are great. If you're interested in home schooling, there is not something you can go to or some orientation. Families who have been doing that will be having a class on June 26. If you want to know more about home schooling and how they succeeded, there will be a class on June 26. For Father's Day we love you all, and we have a gift for you on the way out. And let's stand and sing one more song on our way out. \M "Your Love Awakens Me" \M >> Richard: Thank you for your worship today, church, you are dismissed. [ Applause ] [\M\M\M] >> Thank you for joining us today. We want to let you know about a few items of interest. First, go to our website, firstcolonychurch.org, and go there often. You'll find links to our worship services, Bible study options, online giving, and our podcast "Anchor Point." You can also download our church app. Just search for First Colony Church of Christ in the App Store or on Google Play. The app is a great resource where you can stay connected to First Colony Church. Thank you for joining us today. we are glad you're here.